Never mess with my woman

Shriya sat on the sofa beside them and when she heard her little sister's words she couldn't help but feel proud. That littel girl was so sensitive that she decided to buy a gift for Gouthami despite knowing that the latter despises her and her sister.

Abhi also kissed her forehead once more and he patted her head gently and he also felt pride for his little princess. He asked "Why did to do that. I mean who asked you to buy a gift for her ?"

Preeti giggled innocently and said "Well, Rahul is such a good man, sometimes acts stupid but he really cares about me. Obviously I have to be good to him. Moreover I am happy for the baby and want to welcome it with a gift".

Just then a housekeeper came and offered them some drinks and snacks. While Abhi was busy chatting with the little girl and enquiring about how she enjoyed at the amusement park and how she is doing at the school, they heard the car coming to a halt outside and the housekeeper rushed towards the door to welcome Gothami who is carrying the heir of Malhotras'".

Rahul entered the hall with a young woman beside him. She was wearing a white t shirt and a pair of palazzo pants. She carried a black colored Chanel bag on her shoulders.

Both Abhi and Shriya stood up with Preeti standing on the couch in between them. She smiled at Abhi, walked to him and hugged him. He returned the hug and greeted her friendly afterall they were friends back then.

Shriya just smiled at Gouthami as a greeting which the latter ignored. Shriya didn't mind her aftearll she shouldn't show her attitude to a guest. Preeti observed this but she also smiled at Gouthami and greeted with respect "Hello sister."

Preeti expected Gouthami to ignore her too but to her surprise Gouthami said "Hii" nonchalantly.

Shriya on the other hand looked at Rahul

who was standing with an awkward expression in his face and one could say from his expression and pale face that he already had his share of scolding from his woman on their way home.

He said to Shriya scratching his scalp with his hands "Hey Sisla, how are you ?. It's been so long since we met each other." He was both embarrassed and frightened.

He didn't want his brother to know that he called Shriya and asked to help him out. So he didn't dare to make an eye contact with his brother who was looking at him a grave expression.

Shriya could sense the uneasiness and she said "We met at the party. Okay, go take her inside first and help her adjust"

He nodded his head and Gouthami saw how obedient her man was to Shriya and it enraged her so much.

She looked at him and said "No I will be okay, just show me to the room".

Seeing Rahul frightened Shriya turned to her and said "Uncle Ram will show you to your room and I will get someone to help you settle in. First you go and get some rest. Afterall you had a long flight and must be tired".

Gouthami just nodded and Abhi said to Rahul "I need to talk to you. Come to the study room" to which Rahul had no other choice but to follow his brother's orders.

Abhi said to Preeti "Princess, take your sister to your room. We will talk after dinner" and the little girl nodded her head obediently and took her sister upstairs.

Rahul follower his brother to the study. Both settled in and Abhi directly came to the point "We will stay her for a few days. Then we will move out. After Shri completes her exams we will be aback again if she agrees and based on the circumstances".

Rahul was so happy that he wanted to jump in happiness. He thanked Shriya in his heart for helping him. But he sensed something was being with Abhi and Shriya earlier and couldn't help but ask with worry "Did you guys fight brother ?".

Abhi gave him a grave look and Rahul shut his mouth immediately. Rahul changed the topic "I heard Geeetika was banned from the industry. Is that your doing brother?".

Abhi leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes leisurely. He was in a bad mood. Abhi replied nonchalantly "I only banned her from my future projects and our production".

Rahul said "I believe Kunal bhai and your other friends must have also banned her from their movies ?".

Abhi remained silent but it was obvious and Rahul thought to himself 'Then no one will sign her. It's almost everyone will do the same. Some because of morals and some others who don't want to get on your bad side, afterall most of them can't afford to go against your decision'. He sighed and mumbled "Poor girl. Her profession withered even before it started at a bud stage".

Abhi replied lazily and his tone which is so cold and at the same time frightening yo others "How brave she is to trying to harm my woman ?".

Just then Shriya came there and Rahul said in excitement facing her "Sisla, bhai said you guys will stay here from now on".

Shriya looked at her man in surprise. But she was angry thinking 'If he already decided to stay here then why did he make a scene earlier?'.

Abhi mumbled with a cold tone "I already said it's only for a few days".

Rahul nodded and as if he remembered something important he asked "Haa, I forgot. I heard a few girls from your university got arrested by the police last night. Is that true?"