Teaming up together

Chris looked at Gouthami passively with carelessness in her eyes which irritated the latter even more. She asked with a firm tone "What's with that attitude. Who are you trying to seduce wearing such a luscious lipstick and exposing clothes?".

Gouthani didn't feel good at Chris at the very first time she looked at her. Call it 'Women intuition' but she felt a strong sense of animosity.

Chris smiled at Gouthami with mockery in her eyes and said with disdain "Who are you to stop me ? Aren't you the one who climbed into the bed of him and became pregnant even before marriage. And now you are using the child to get married into Malshotrs' ?" There was an evil smrink on her face and and she mumbled to herself "What a shrew"

Gouthami was completely shocked seeing her attitude and hearing the words, she couldn't say anything more. Chris felt a sense of accomplishment seeing Gouthami's pale face and just when she was about to say something more a hard slap fell on her cheek which she made her stumble backwards.

Gouthami looked at the person and before Chris could regain her balance and what happend she felt another hard slap which made her head dizzy.

Shriya was there standing straight and she exuded a very and dark aura around her which made her look frightening.

Shriya said in a cold and an aloof tone "She is the youngest daughter-in-law of Malhotras' and the fiancee of Rahul Malhotra which means she is your lady boss. You dare to badmouth her ?. You must have had a death wish". There was a vicious smrink on her face and Chris felt chills down her spine.

Chris held her face with her hands and she felt a burning pain on her cheek and soon it started swelling up where she was slapped.

A wide and a bright smile appeared on Gouthami's face and she felt very satisfied. She felt fully contented when she saw the expression of Chris.

Chris looked at Shriya and asked with blood shot eyes and anger "How dare you slap me ?"

Shriya smirked and asked "How dare Am I ? let me show you." With that she moved towards Chris and the latter unconsciously stepped backwards with fright. She was slapped once again and fell down on the floor with the strong force.

Chris was so furious with the pain in her lower body and she yelled "Who are you to slap me ? Mind your own status. I heard everything earlier. Moreover I am the personal secretary of Abhishek Malhotra. I will see your end. Shrew ?".

Gouthami stood up from the couch and walked forward and said with a smile "So sad. Then you dug your grave."

Shriya looked at Gouthami with surprise and so did Chris. She thought "Aren't these two fighting and mocking each other just before she entered. Now they are teaming up against her".

All the servants in the Mansion gathered there when they heard the commotion. No one dared to breathe or do something afraid that they might offend their Mistresses.

Abhi and Rahul stood there at the same spot and was enjoying the show. Rahul was anxious when he heard Chris mocking Gouthami, but before he could get down from the stairs and rush to them, they saw Shriya walking towards Chris and he stopped in his tracks.

A wide smile appeard on their faces and a pleasant surprise when they saw the scene. They want to play the role of the onlookers and see what will happen further.

Gouthami said "She is the your boss's woman and also the Madam of this House. And you just offended her. If she want she can fire you right away."

Chris looked at them and said to Shriya "Even if you are the young madam. You can't fire me without any particular reason. I have a contract with the company and if you fire me without any particular reason then you have to give me a huge compensation"

Abhi looked at Rahul and the latter shook his head. They looked at Shriya. They knew she will not do anything that will cause damage to Abhi or the company. They wanted to see what Shriay will do, will she back down just because of money or she will to go to full lengths against Chris.

Just then Naveen also came there and he stood at the entrance. He saw Abhi and Rahul standing at the staircase and nodded to them as a greeting.

Shriya was calm and said "Actually I don't intend to fire you but I will make you transfer to the lowest position in the company."

There was a bright smile on Gouthami's face when she heard it and Shriya looked at her as if asking "Is it even possible?" to which Gouthami nodded as if she is assuring her.

Shriya felt a bit relaxed and her sight fell on Naveen and he gave her a thumbs up with an encouraging smile. But Chris thought that this girl was only blabbering and couldn't do so.

The servants all started murmuring among themselves.

"She sure is so stupid. How dare she offend our mistresses."

"She sure is courting her own death".

"I suddenly feel port for that woman".

"She is getting what she asked for"

"Our kind young mistress is so amazing and can be so intimidating. Wow."

Chris heard all these murmurs and utterly humiliated. She then understood the severity of the situation.

Shriya looked at the girl's pitiful face but she didn't back down. She said with a cold and a mocking tone "Your dress is really over the top. So sad you can't wear that anymore. I will make sure that you can't go anywhere near your boss in future."

She then called Naveen in an authoritative voice "You come here" and Naveen soon came running and stood before her with his head held down with respect and waited for her order.