Teasing Co sister 1

Abhi stopped what he was doing and looked up to see Barun. Barun was satisfied with this response from Abhi but kept his emotion plain. He said without much emotion "Well your hunch was right about him".

"When Naveen was young he used to study in a school in a neighboring city. When he is in his ninth grade he got hurt on a sports day events very bad and he had to stay at home for two months. Naveen's father asked the Principle for a leave and he accepted to it readily."

"His father took him to his grandparents place that is where Rishikesh was studying and his school is near Naveen's grandparents place."

"Naveen was bored and his grandfather spoke with the principle of that school who is also his old friend for help".

"The principal accepted to his request and allowed Naveen to hear classes. Rishikesh was in the same class as Naveen and I think it's how they came to know each other. There's actually no change of school. That's why we couldn't find anything about it earlier".

Abhi looked at him "Then how did you find it now?" and Barun replied "When you asked me to check his background once again, I went through his documents."

"When I went to his school and spoke to the principle he said Naveen was good at studies and he always scored the maximum marks"

"He complimented him saying 'He was one determined kid back then. Though he got hurt and was on leave for nearly two and half months he still topped that year's exam'." He told the same exact words of the principle.

"This is what caught my attention and when I asked him more details about it, he said about Naveen studying in another school for a while."

"We already know everything about Rishikesh and it wasn't anything new. But we have to know if there were friends or not, If he knew Rishikesh then he must have known about Sony and we have to know how much he is involved in this or is it just a coincidence. "

Abhi thought for a moment and said "There's no such things as coincidences here. He definently knew something."

Barun nodded "I always thought he got something to do with Varun or Shriya, but I didn't expect it would be Sony and her brother".

Abhi said "Hmm" and Barun asked "Should we investigate more about him. Do you think he is a danger to them?"

Abhi shook his head "No he truly cares for Shriya and I have seen it with my eyes. I don't think he pose a threat to these girls".

"It's more like he is protecting them on his own than for his job and for that we are paying him" his lips turned into a deep and a sarcastic smile.

Abhi then sighed and said "Okay, don't go deep into this. We couldn't let him know that we know about him. I think he know more about this and was hesitating to discuss with us. He might need sometime to tell us."

Barun nodded his head and said "Bhai went to Kaurs' today and he told Sony about Varun and Rishikesh and the girl confirmed it was a mass murder attack".

Abhi nodded and Barun said "I think you should also tell Shriya. We can't keep her in dark forever and who knows she might know something related to this and we can be a bit more careful if there really is any danger ".

Abhi nodded and said "Soon" and then the latter got up and went out after telling him bye and good night.

Abhi worked in his study for a while. Since morning Shriya was no where tobe found and when he asked Naveen he informed that Gouthami and Shriya went to shopping and he was there with them.

* * * * * *

Shriya, Gouthami and Naveen came to a mall and Gouthami took her to a store. Both Shriya and Naveen stopped in their tracks when they saw what that store was and then looked at each other and then at Gouthami with confusion.

Gouthami ignored their confused expressions and walked inside. When she saw that they are not following her she looked back and called them "Come in."

Shriya looked at Naveen and said "Can you wait outside for a while please?" and Naveen shook his head "No, I can't. I have to follow you".

She looked at him with a grim expression and he said "Okay, I will not mind anything and promise to forget about this afterwards". She was still not satisfied and he said "Boss might fire me if he knew I left you alone in such a big store. You can't play with my job".

Gouthami looked at them and said in an annoyed tone "If you are done with your arguement will you come inside ?".

They followed her in and a salesgirl with a pretty face and a hot figure greeted them with a smile.

It was a panties and a lingerie store. Naveen looked around and saw all the lingerie displayed on the mannequins. He observed most of them are see- through and are very thin layered. Naveen made an awkward expression and looked down with no particular expression.

The girl asked Gouthami who was observing around "How may I help you ?" and the latter said pointing her finger towards Shriya "Well we want some lingerie for her".

Shriya was so stunned. She was just tagging along with Gouthami thinking the latter might be bored. But she never expected Gouthami to do shopping for her.

She looked at Gouthami and whispered "I don't need any of these. I am fine". She then unconsciously looked at Naveen who immersed his head in his phone.

Gouthami followed her gaze and said with a smile "Come on, don't feel awkward. We can ask for his opinion too".