Engagement 3

When Abhi entered his room he didn't go to sleep. Instead he sat on the bed with his head resting against the headboard of it.

He was in a deep thought but a smile appeared on his face occassionally. Shriya looked at him for some time and asked him "Why are smiling all bright today ?".

He replied with the same smile "I remembered a funny joke all of a sudden".

She asked "What is that ? Did it have something to do with Kunal and grandpa".

He smiled and said "Hmm" and she asked him "What happened ? Actually I am curious too".

Abhi sighed with helplessness and said "Grandpa is the man whom one should be very careful about tobe around. He us insanely dangerous"

"One small mistake infront of him might make you pay a heavy price for a life time".

Shriya looked at him with bewilderment and said "Don't exaggerate. You sound so dramatic and it's giving me chills."

Abhi shook his head and said "No. Every word I am saying now is true. Do you even know why Kunal and I go to drink with that old man everytime he visits us despite our bad alcohol tolerance".

"With him around we can't even express our opinions. We have to follow his every decision or else he will show his true evil intentions and make us regret for going against him."

Shriya said "It sounds scary. But grandpa talks nicely and he seems tobe a gentleman."

Abhi nodded and said "Ofcourse he is a gentleman but to the outer world. But in real he is a very naughty person who likes to pull pranks on others and he enjoys if someone is afraid of him. He has got a tons of tricks up his sleeve".

Then he told her everything which Kunal said to Sony when they were at the farm house. He said "That day Kunal and I made a funny mistake under the influence, actually he planned it beforehand and we walked straight into his trap."

He sighed and continued "unfortunately that old man caught our act and captured it. And from then on when ever he need something from us, he uses that card to blackmail us".

Shriya became curious and asked him "What was that card ?" and he replied "A card which we can't afford to let out to the public. If it gets out it might cost our entire reputation and we will be completely doomed forever". Though he was saying something serious he was still smiling as if he remembered something good.

His words and actions are in complete contrast to each other and Shriya tried to understand the logic.

Shriya asked him with her eyes full of curiosity "what is it ? I am curious too."

He shook his head and said "Kunal will say it tomorrow at the breakfast table."

She asked him again acting all coquettish and with puppy dog eyes "Please?".

He shook his head and said in a firm tone "No, I can't. It involves us both and I alone cannot say it".

She pouted and it was clear that she was dissatisfied with his response and he said patting her head gently "If you promise tobe a good girl, I will show you somrhing related to that".

He tried to change the topic and then he said looking into her eyes "Tomorrow will be a great day for us. I want to make it even more special for you. So think about it first".

He tucked her with the blanket and said "Go to sleep now. I don't want you to look all haggard on your special day". He kissed her on the forehead and hugged her to sleep after saying "Good night".

* * * * * *

Kunal and Sony were laying on the bed but none of them were able to sleep. She has seen a new side of Kunal just then and she needed some time to wrap her mind around it.

Her face was all flushed and she hid herself in his arms. She placed her head on his chest and they were covered with a quilt. He hugged her with one hand and he stared up at the ceiling with an unexplainable expression.

She asked him in a low whisper "What happened to you today all of a sudden ?" and he asked in replay nor understanding what she meant "What ?"

She said "I mean you and me just now ?" and he asked while looking down into her eyes "Why ? Don't you like it?"

Sony shook her head vigorously afraid that he might misunderstand her question. She said "I liked it but all of a sudden".

He didn't say anything but smiled and let her speak. She said "It was all sudden and I was a bit nervous".

He said stroking her cheeks with his fingers "It's not sudden. I have had this on my mind for a long time now."

She nodded and asked hesitantly "But all you did is just some foreplay ?".

He teased her with a mischievous smile "Why ?" Do you want me to continue?". She gave him a hard slap on his shoulder and he said "It's because you are nervous and I promised your father that I will be in my limits with you."

She snorted like an angry bear "I think you just crossed a few limits though." He raised his eyebrows and she said "I have never been completely naked infront of others. Not even infront of my mom when she helped me dress up".

He said with a smile "That's my honour then. But I have to admit that you are damn beautiful than I expected you would be".

She understood his words and said with a blushed face "Pervert." He ignored her words and said "I wanted to give you sometime and don't want to hurry you. Moreover I want our first time to be special and memorable".

She gave him a grave look and said "Then why ? I almost got carried away just now you fool."