Naveen's confession 2

Abhi waited patiently and Naveen continued "Even though I don't know what exactly happened, I have a little idea and it'ssctyally my guess".

Abhi looked at him asking him to continue and he did the same "Varun somehow found about a group who were being suspicious in Dehradun when he visited Rishi and he asked me to collect the details and information about them as I was in charge of that area."

"I somehow managed to get information about a guy from that group which I found in the previous criminal records."

"Varun said he saw that person was trying to kidnap a girl in a market. It was not entirely a kidnap scene because Varun meddled in between and the kidnap wasn't a success and the girl was saved by hin".

" He told us everything but we didn't give it much thought. We even thought that it was only his imagination. I thought it was some pick pocketing or something minor case like that but Varun had a strong gut feeling about what he saw and believed there's something more to it than how it looked on the surface."

Abhi asked in a calm and indifferent tone "Why didn't you believe what he said then ?".

Naveen said "It was not suspicious at all in the market. Atmost it seemed like a eve teasing. Moreover we didn't get any complaint of a missing girl? Even my seniors opined that it must be some random chain snatching case or something like that".

Abhi looked at him "Why is he interested in these matters ? As far as I know he is not any police man or something like that?".

Naveen said with a sigh "Though Varun worked for a software company it's not completely it. As I told you before he had something more than that".

"He started getting deep into it on his own. He started working with Rishi gathering some information and tracking the data and stuff like that from that man's phone."

Abhi again asked "Then why didn't you help him in that?"

"My sister was getting married back then at the time and I was busy and didn't pay much attention to them. But whenever they needed help with something, I was there for them and used my connections and power to help them".

Abhi listened carefully trying to figure out the situation and asked "So what happened later ?"

Naveen thought for a while and said in a low sound "I didn't know what exactly happened either. Neither Rishi nor Varun called me for over two months and I was worried as I didn't hear anything from them".

When Abhi was hearing all this, he wanted to call Barun there, right at that moment but he felt that Naveen won't say everything if others were there. It already felt like he was editing a few bits but he looked sincere in his eyes.

Naveen continued "Later when I called them they informed me that they found out something important and can't say that on phone. We decided to meet up but all this happened before that".

Abhi waited for Naveen to continue but the latter didn't say anything. Abhi understood that Naveen only knew this much about the incident but he asked to make sure once again "So you think that was not an accident?"

Naveen nodded and said "I have a gut feeling that everything was planned by someone. And moreover I got hurt by someone on the road just two days before the accident."

Abhi raised his eyebrows because from what he heard from Barun there was a time gap between the two incidents.

Naveen said "Well, the time of my surgery was changed in records. I was in vegetative state for a while and it was then I resigned to my job when I woke up and understood my condition."

Abhi nodded and asked "So are you the one who tried to warn us. The ring on Kunal's birthday and that anonymous letters."

Naveen shook his head and said "Well it's partly true. I am the one who tried to warn you not to give any publicity to these girls because even I have no idea what was waiting for them out there. But someone used the same trick the very next morning"

He looked down at the ground feeking ashmed and said in a low tone that Abhi didn't understand whether he was talking to him or to himself "I don't know whether what I am thinking right now is true or if it's just in my mind ? But I don't want to take any risk. I don't want to feel guilty anymore. I already regret not protecting my friends and I can't let anything happen to my sisters and I definitely can't take a risk".

Abhi looked at Naveen who looked exhausted and in pain and said "You are worthy tobe her brother and you proved worthy of her love and care "

Naveen looked at him but Abhi asked in the same indifferent tone "So you know about her from the very beginning even before I asked you to find her".

Naveen looked frightened and Abhi asked "Did you plan everything beforehand ? Did you join my office for her sake ?