Shooting in the campus 1

Shriya was still crying in his arms. He pulled and turned her towards him and when she faced his handsome face, he smiled and wiped the tears rolling down on her left cheek. Her face is stained with tears but she looked adorable with the moist eyes and bare face with stains.

He smiled at her while pulling a few hair strands back to her ear and said "Now I am going to tell you something, so listen carefully. Okay ?"

She looked at him and the latter said "Shriya, you are weak and gets tired easily. I spoke to the doctor about it and he opined that it might be because you malnourished yourself during the past years and also because of the mental stress you had. That's the reason you feels so tired and falls asleep as soon as you get into the car or in bed."

She looked at him with a crying face when she heard him and he assured her "But you are almost better now. You just have to take care of yourself".

She looked at him with a pitiful face and also scared face asked "Am I sick ?"

Abhi looked at her with a gentle smile. She looked adorable when she was crying like a kid and Abhi had a tough time suppressing himself from kissing her.

He said while caressing her cheeks "No love, you are not sick. You are stressed and get's tired easily that's it. It's a normal thing to get tired. As I already told you, you are fine and better now and that's the reason you are not as tired as before . But I don't want to test your limits. Only after few days of good rest and healthy habits you will be fine."

Hearing to his concerned and caring words she couldn't help but shed more tears but these are happy tears. She felt extremely happy and blessed to get this perfect man into her life.

He smiled again and said "See sometimes you just have to let out your tears and it will make you feel better."

He wiped the tears which are continuously falling down and said "Though I hate to see you cry like this, if it can make you feel better, I can take it. Don't keep anything in your heart."

"You can talk to me, Naveen, Rahul, Gouthami anyone. If you want to talk to someone else outside the family you can talk to your friends. So don't keep everything in your heart and share with others. We are all there for you".

She nodded and he looked at her expectantly and she said after a deep breathe "I feel very happy because I met you. Because of you I met a beautiful family, caring brothers and also lovely friends who understands me all the time."

He smiled and she continued in between her chokes "Why am I having so many illness, I feel bad for you. You have to put up with me my aphephobia now this ..."

Abhi hugged her tightly and said "It's okay to not tobe okay. You are perfect as is and I will always be proud of you baby. You are so strong and I have never seen someone who are as strong as you. You crossed so many hurdles alone and it's not a joke. I love you baby."

A bright smile painted on her lips when he pecked on her forehead. He said "Okay, now go to sleep, you are tired today and you have to rest."

He also said afraid of making he angry again "Tomorrow I have a shoot early in the morning and need rest so my face won't look haggard".

She nodded and said coquettishly "Even if you are haggard and all, you will still be as handsome as ever."

She hugged him tightly and fell asleep in his warm embrace. Abhi couldn't help but smile seeing his woman sleeping so soundly and his heart is in peace.

Early next morning, Shriya woke up and saw the place beside her in the bed is empty. There's a note on the pillow and it said "Got to rush to work, don't skip breakfast love. See you later. Love you".

Shriya smiled and her mood brightened in an instance. She got ready in her usual blue torn jeans and choose a bright milk white blouse on it and her hair tied into a high ponytail.

When Shriya entered the college premises, the atmosphere there was entirely different. She and Naveen walked inside after parking the car and they saw many vehicles, large and heavy cranes, lights and other stuff.

She turned towards the man who was observing the surroundings and asked "What's happening here ?".