A beautiful dream

Shriya just went into the familiar house in which she had lived for fifteen years. She wore a simple light blue colored dress which is upto her knees and with her hair let loose onto her shoulders, she looked young.

Beside her stood the man who has a Greek God like stature, distinctive face features, handsome face and graceful attitude with a king like aura exuding from him.

He is in his usual clothes with a black shirt and blue jeans. He is holding Preeti in his arms. The little girl wore a white frock and her cubby cheeks and big bright eyes made her look adorable.

The house looked exactly the same as six years ago and she knew each and every corner of the house. She could feel the air of family in there. She craved for it and stood there not knowing what to do next.

The gate was the same and the flower pots with different beautiful flowers are also the same and all those pretty plants were her favorite and it was her who planted most 8f them. Her mother and father used to help her plant them on weekends.

Beside the plants stood a black bike which her brother bought with his pocket money and also a there is a white swift desire car parked before the car.

Shriya and Abhi walked inside hand in hand and saw her brother Varun who is in a t shirt and a pair of blue jeans and he is trying to do something to the television which is fixed to the wall. The living room has a sofa and on the coffer table has his laptop and some difficult data was written on the screen.

Abhi stood there by the door with Preeti while Shriya walked inside the kitchen when she heard the sound inside. She saw her mom cooking and busy with the regular chores.

She wore a white chudidhar with a rose pink dupatta, though she was busy and tired there's not even a bit of irritation or annoyance on her face.

She turned around and saw her father walking down the stairs in his pajamas into the living room. She looked up at him and he was arguing with his son "Why do you always mess with things. Can't you stay away and keep your hand to yourself ? why do you always open up those electronics ?"

She knew this familiar feeling as she always saw almost the same scene when she returned from school everyday back in the day. she felt peaceful. She is crying and choked and hearing the sound of her crying they all turned in her direction.

Both the father and son duo looked at her and smiled and walked towards her with joy. Varun called his mom "Mom, our rowdy is back. Come here".

With that her mother also came out and as soon as she saw her daughter she burst into tears. Shriya's eyes were moist and are glistening like stars.

They gathered around Shriya and hugged her. Shriya couldn't contain her tears anymore and also cried out loud.

Her father patted her hard lovingly and asked her "why are you crying baby girl ? We are happy for you and we truly like your man. You met a good man" With that he looked at Abhi who was standing by the door all the while with patience observing this family reunion.

Shriya's father called Abhi signaling with his hand "Beta, come here."

Abhi walked upto them and sat on the sofa and others followed to. Mr. Sheren then looked at Preeti and his eyes turned wet once again.

He took her into his arms and caressed her cheeks. "My baby daughter, I missed you so much. You became so pretty".

He then looked at Abhi and said "Thank you young man for taking care of my baby daughters. They are very precious to us and we love them the most. We will be thankful to you for taking care of them and loving them."

He then held Abhi's hands in his own and asked "Take good care of them in future too. I trust them to you now".

He then turned towards Shriya and said "I am so proud of you baby. You have gone through so much and suffered alone but soon up. But brace yourself and live a happy life."

Her mother smiled peacefully "We will always see you from up there" with that she placed a kiss on both her daughter's cheeks.

Varun smiled at her and said "Now it's time for us to leave. Be happy my rowdy sister". Abhi was silent all the while not even uttering a single word except for a few smiles occasionally.

They are all smiling at her but soon panic covered her face. She looked at them and tried to hold them but everything changed in an instant and her family disappeared into thin air.

She cried hysterically and she was searching for them everywhere but couldn't find them anymore. That beautiful house of yours was no longer there, her parent's smiles, her brother's teasing everything disappeared.

She was crying so hard but she felt a warm hand around her just then she looked the man who was looking at her with worry.and holding her securely in his arms.