Compensation 1

After dropping his woman in the college and wishing her good luck for exam, Abhi drove to a tall building in the city square which is in the busiest business part of the city.

He reached the lobby on the seventieth floor and walked into an office. The receptionist bowed to him with respect and said "Good Morning Mr. Malhotra, Mr. Chakrabarti is waiting for you. This way please". She showed him into a room just beside the reception desk.

The room was not so big but it was decorated in a neat way. It has a work table at a corner with a leather chair behind it. Parallel to it had a L shaped five seater comfy sofa.

Three men were already seated there and they seemed tobe in a serious discussion. They all looked at Abhi but only one person among them stood up and greeted him "Hello Abhi, We have been waiting for you".

Abhi walked to them and sat in the single seat parellel to them. The man named Sunil Chakrabarti said "We have been discussing about this issue and we aren't sure how this is going to work out".

A man who is in his early forties who is called Rakesh Bhaitya said in an unfriendly tone "Mr. Malhotra, do you have any idea what we have to go through because of your reckless behavior ?"

Another man Bhishak Suksena who was silent all the while tried to calm his friend down and said to Abhi "Sorry Malhotra, he didn't mean it. He is just worried about the impact of Geetika's case on the movie".

Rakesh said in an condemning tone "Why should I be sorry ? It is him who shoud be sorry for us. We are the victims here. Aren't we ? If anything goes wrong I am going to sue you ?"

The atmosphere in the room lowered to a few degrees and the other two men observed this sudden change and they felt chills on their body but the Bhatia who is still unaware what was happening around him snorted like a wild boar.

He felt even more confident when he saw Abhi wasn't saying anything. Mr. Bhatia and Mr. Chakrabarti are the producers of the movie while Suksena is the director of the film.

Mr. Suksena is a famous, talented and experienced director who served in the industry for years to decades.

Mr. Chakrabarti owns a well known production house and has given a few good movies to the industry in the last two decades.

Mr. Bhatia is the nephew of Mr. Chakrabarti and the latter took him under his wing and made him the co producer of the movie "Mere Ashiqui" which starred Abhi and Geetika as leads.

Mr. Chakrabarti was well aware of his newphew his nature, habits, arrogant attitude and notorious behavior but he couldn't give up on his kin.

Abhi gave out a sigh and he leaned back against the sofa's headrest leisurely. He glared at Mr. Bhatia and said in a mocking tone "You dare to sue me. For what ?"

Sunil Chakrabarti hurriedly tried to convince Abhi "I apologize on his behalf Abhi. Please forgive him and he is new to the industry and doesn't know much about it. We never dare to offend you".

Abhi sneered and interrupted showing his hand "Stop it Sunil. Let me talk. I can't take this shit anymore".

He continued looking at Rakesh "You are Rakesh Bhatia right, forty two years old, only son of Puja Bhatia and Pankaj Bhatia.

You lost all your shares of the company in gambling and your own father disowned you after seeing you involve in drugs.

But your mother couldn't do so as you are their only son and she asked her brother for help and that's how you ended up here."

There was not even a speck of anger in Abhi's eyes or any kind of expression. He is calm but his voice sounded extremely cold and vicious.

Each and every word he said he said it with utter confidence.

Rakesh Bhatia felt chills and he was shocked to hear these things from Abhi. Only a few people know about this and he didn't understand from where Abhi got all this information.

He continued "You also got arrested when there was a raid in a *** hotel in K Square right." He said these words while looking at Mr. Suksena who looked at his nephew with bewilderment.

Abhi continued "Though you got out with the help of Mr. Shinde, it's still not over. You owe those gangsters a good amount of money right and if I am not wrong they are threatening you."

Rakesh Bhatia couldn't take it anymore as he was fully aggrieved and yelled "Stop it. You are talking all non sense".

Abhi smiled and asked "Am l ?" and said "Okay then tell me, why you are so angry with me ? Is that really because of this project or is there any other reason ?"

Rakesh shivered when he heard this while Mr.Chakrabarti and Mr. Suksena looked confused.