Baby showers 1

Gouthami entered the ninth month of her pregnancy and Manvi came back home from hospital with a healthy baby.

The shooting at the college is completed and Abhi has been busy with his dance practice all month. The classes resumed for the students and everyone are busy with their daily routine.

Shriya went home often for Manvi and the baby but most of the time Abhi accompanied her. Though Abhi didn't accompany her a few times she didn't ask him. She didn't insist him to tag along. She decided to face Mrs. Malhotra on her own. But most of the time she stayed with Gouthami in her room.

Gouthami had so many mood swings and Rahul did everything in his capacity to put up with the tantrums she threw at him and did everything according to her liking. He took a leave from office and stayed with her twenty four seven.

Naveen came back to Mumbai and the newly married couple settled in his apartment and Brahmini's parents helped her move her things to her new home.

Preeti decided to stay with Naveen's parents for a year and Shriya accepted to it after being convinced by Naveen. But she is not so happy with this idea and often missed her.

Abhi and Shriya stayed in their apartment and whenever Abhi had to stay late at work Brahmini accompanied her till he returned. Naveen resumed his work and stayed beside Abhi for a while till Uday bounced back to work. Naveen's marriage life is so happy and it didn't affect her or his studies, not even a bit.

Kunal set a date with Sony's parents to meet his grandmother. After that morning he decided to gather the whole family that very evening to set the date for engagement and to discuss other rituals with Kaurs'.

Kunal completed the shooting and even started with his new project. His previous project is undergoing post prodution process.

Manvi's baby boy is already twenty days old and he is one smart kid. He recognizes them and always showers cute smiles whenever he sees his handsome uncles and beautiful aunts.

He is adored by all of them and everyone bought him tonnes of toys. Gouthami likes to spend time with him.

Yash missed Preeti so much so did Rahul. She often video called and spoke to them. Yash even visited her once just after a week in Dehradun.

She saw the boy when he was born but five days after she returned to Dehradun. She got settled there and Naveen's parents took care of everything. Naveen and Brahmini stayed with her for a few days until she got accustomed to that weather and people.

Shriya is happy but felt a bit lonely at home.

One day Shriya visited Gouthami and spent some time with her. Shriya brought Gouthami a gift.

She showed the box and Gouthami asked "What's it ?" and opened the box. She found a dozen red bangles and Shriya said with an embarrased smile "I don't know of you like them or not. But I hope you do. I heard that bangles sound induces the child senses and brain activity."

Gouthami smiled but there's sadness and loneliness in her eyes. Shriya knew Gouthami missed her family especially during these past few days.

Shriya went out and saw Rahul climbing up the stairs with a plate full of fresh fruits in his hands. She blocked his way and said "I want to talk to you. In my room now" and Rahul nodded saying "Give me a minute sisla. I will put it on the table and be back".

Shriya nodded and left to her room. She got used to Mrs. Malhotra's cold glares and the latter got used to seeing Shriya as a member of the family though she didn't like it. But Mrs. Malhotra never left a chance to afflict Shriya with her words.

Rahul opened the door for his brother's room and saw Shriya sitting on the bed deeply in deep thought. Seeing her like that he is reminded of Preeti.

He sat beside her and asked "What's it Sisla?" and she asked with annoyance clear on her face "Can't you see Gouthami is lonely. She wants to see her parents?"

Rahul said "Mom is here to take care of her. Why will she miss them ?" Shriya frowned and said "It's no wonder Gouthami calls you dumb" and he pouted.

It's very rare that she scolds him. She scolds Abhi but not others. She said "She needs them and missing them dearly. Why can't you see it ? This is very crucial period for her".

Rahul nodded saying "I know Sisla. But what can I do" and Shriya said "I know. I have a plan".