She remembered

She washed her hands but she couldn't help but see the girl from the corner of her eyes. She followed her every moment. Seeing the girl crying all alone and her state, something about her said something bad is going to happen.

She tried to ignore that feeling and want to do her business. As she was about to go out, she saw the girl take out something from her bag and to her horror it is a blade.

Shriya stood there in fright when she saw the girl trying to cut herself with the blade. Her braim is telling her to stop the girl from committing suicide and she has no freaking how to do that.

She wanted to stop her but she didn't know if she should call for help or stop her herself. All this while the girl didn't even look at her once. She completely ignored her presence there but Shriya couldn't just stand there or leave like nothing's happening there.

She held the girl's hand that held the blade the girl looked at her with surprise stricken face with her blood shot eyes and then at her hand and tried to wriggle out of Shriya's grip.

Shriya took a deep breathe and asked "Don't do this, I am going to call the security" and was about to drag the girl out of the washroom but the girl tried to pull away from her in fright of getting caught.

She then pulled Shriya with a strong force and both tried to do want they wanted, the girl tried to pull away from Shriya and the latter tried to take away the sharp object from the girl.

In their fight with each other, Shriya got a cut on her left hand wrists and blood oozed out from the place where she was hurt.

Shriya instantly removed her hand and held her hand with the other hand and the girl was shocked and sat on her knees and started apologising continuously in low muffled sounds and panicking with fear.

Shriya tried to forget about her pain and tried to calm the girl who was trembling in fear. She sat down on her knees opposite to the girl and said in a soothing tone "Shh, it's okay, i won't say anything to anyone but don't do this to yourself"

She didn't try to ask about her reasons as she know to the girl she is just a stranger and no one shared their personal emotions with strangers.

She just tried to hug the girl and the girl burst into tears as soon as felt her warm embrace. Shriya sat for two minutes or so and she felt a stunning pain on her neck but it was as if she was bitten by a mosquito.

The girl continued crying and for some reason Shriya felt that surroundings are all shaky and her vision blurring. She was still hugging the girl and as she was loosing her conscious, she tried to wiggle out of the girl but the girl held her strong. Her instincts told her that she was trapped or something bad is going to happen and she needs to get out of there, she tried to do that but her body isn't supporting her in doing so.

Then everything went blank and by the time she regained her conscious is that she in a very different place. She felt thirsty and have a headache and her limbs and back are aching as if she has done some work out.