Dominate or be dominated

Passage: Genesis 1 verse 26 and Genesis 4 verse 7

It's a certain thing, either you dominate your world or your world dominates you ... It all depends on you ... Man is the only creature of God to whom He gave the * power to dominate * on all other creatures (Gen 1v26) as well as the world and even on sin (Gen 4v7).

That is to say that man can not be dominated by the world, sin 🤔 ???

I would say * yes * with confidence because _Do you not know that in surrendering yourself to someone as slaves to obey him, you are slaves of the one to whom you obey, either of the sin that leads to death, or of obedience that leads to righteousness? (Rom 6v16).

-Dominate is not to be the smartest ;

-Dominate is not to be fit or tall;

-Dominate is not to be the oldest of your entourage ... (I do not say that these things are useless to dominate)

* Dominate is to be spiritual * and the spirituality we need to dominate is Christ in us by the Holy Spirit ...

It will really be a mess if you end up on earth without having exercised your God-written dominion over your destiny (Gen 1v26).