Apocalypse XIII- Betrayal

I am not the most fit person socially, mentally and emotionally and not at all one physically. I am not a great human either. But there is one thin line I shan't let anyone cross nor shall I cross that line myself- the line of betrayal. This jerk thinks that he can betray me and try to backstab me and then claim that I was the one doing the backstabbing? Oh, I don't care what happens to him right now, he is getting hell! "Hey, you arsehole! Those who live in glass buildings shouldn't throw stones at others! You were the one doing the betrayal, not us! I think you should get that into your thick head!"

This all must seem unusual to you guys. I get you. Let me tell you a story. This game began two and a half years ago. Back when we started, me Dharmendra and Adi were all part of the same troop. We hunted together, we rode together, we killed together, we drank together. We did almost everything together. One day, two years ago, we were patrolling the border between India and Afghanisthan. In this world, the ancient world is taken into account so present day Pakistan is part of this world's India. Though the place has as many Muslims as Hindus it belongs to India so when I say the Indo-Afghan border, it refers to the border British India had with Afghanisthan. Though in this world, it is known as the Greater Indian Union. So whenever I refer to India here, I am in fact refering to the Greater Indian Union which in turn has the same borders as British India. Regardless, we were patrolling the Indo-Afghan border that day. I had a good, honourable and trustworthy source that told me that there were some Persian dark mages who were aligned with demons coming to the villages in this region to get innocents for sacrifices for their rituals. This source of mine is named Rahaas. His named is derived from the Hindi word for mystery Rahasya. Rahaas is niether his true name nor his in game name, but under his circumstances, even I would stay anomalous. Rahaas has provided me with trustworthy and true info before and continued doing so for the next two years. I had trusted him before and he had given me what I had wanted and so I wasn't about to not trust him then. And yet again, he proved to be right. There were Persian dark mages who were in fact sacrificing innocents for their bloodied rituals. There were about twenty five of them and three of us. Me and Adi told Dharmendra to go on the lookout to make sure that there weren't any others around here. We told him that we would leave him some mages. He left us. We went up against all twenty five of them. It was a long battle but finally we defeated each and everyone of them. Dharmendra was not to be seen anywhere. I waited patiently for a while. I sat down on a rock waiting for him. All of a sudden, I felt a stab in my back. I heard Dharmendra's voice, "You are nothing but an indiscriminate killer. It took me a while to get to this, but day by day, I have been observing you. You claim to be doing stuff for the Greater Good, yet you indiscriminately kill others. Everytime we go on hunting, you practically just kill all other players you find whom you just deem to be 'evil'. You don't try to settle things with them peacefully! You always escalate the situation! You shall be an example of what happens when people kill indiscriminately!" I was lucky that he wasn't a swordsman or else that blow would have been quite fatal to me. He removed his dagger from my back and was about to attack me again but this time around turned towards him and caught his dagger hand. Adi was about to fire arrows at him. I told him, "This is my fight. I shall take care of this myself. I shall make an example of him to show what happens to those that defy me and chose to stab me in the back. If you want to fight me and take me down, do it from the front." Dharmendra snorted in disbelief and using the hand I had caught as leverage, he jumped up and locked my neck with his feet bring the both of us down. He told me, I summoned my swords and stabbed them into Dharmendra's calf muscles releasing me from him. I drew my swords from his legs and then went upon to slash his torso. I brutally dismembered him and then left him to rot. I also left the rotting body in the town square of the place we were in. Ever since then, we never associated with each other.

And this jerk wants to bring it up again. I tell him, "You want me do that to you again? Bloody bastard? I'll make you pay for that!!"

Dharmendra laughs like a mad man, "You know, I did my research as well. Firstly, you were the ones jumping to conclusions. Those NPCs that those mages were hunting that day were apparently fugitives from the Persian empire. Basically, they were criminals. Those mages- they were in fact Persian mages on a quest to retrieve those NPCs. Fortunately though, they weren't aligned with the empire itself or the fact that the empire doesn't have jurisdiction there or we could have started another war. You know, you were in fact protecting criminals from innocents. That was not the first time you had done that. I had tried convincing you multiple times to settle things with diplomacy. You didn't listen and always concluded that the worst that could happen was the reality when in fact the other side would have been more than happy to settle diplomatically. You didn't stop there either. You kept on killing. You used MKS in the Kurukshetra war without even asking if the other side wanted peace. You decided by yourself that they were ruthless bastards who deserved to be killed. How do I know? I have practically saw the entire thing through the live stream in my jail cell. You are nothing but indiscriminate killers! I shall not change my stance on that! If you want to dismember me again, be my guest! It just proves me right and proves you wrong!"

He can't have been telling the truth. Maybe the Kurukshetra war part. I did jump to a conclusion but when I arrived, war was already raging. What could I have done? Scream out, "Let's settle this pecefully?" Hell no! Regardless everything else that he has spoken must be false. I have had an honest source who has tipped me off on such things more than a hundred times. While he has chosen to be anonymous, I believe him. He hasn't ever misled me or lied to me. He has my complete faith. Dharmendra must be lying. There is no way that I have murdered people indiscriminately!

I say, "LIES! ALL that your bloody mouth is spouting is filled with lies!"

All of a sudden, there is a strong blow to me on my thigh. I fall down completely as Dharmendra got up in pain. He summoned his hammer which was lying behind me and I am now basically immobilized. He took his Gadha in his hand and slammed it on my right thigh. I scream in anguish! This guy has a lot of guts doing this. He says, "You don't know for how long I have waited to do this to you! Revenge is quite sweet!"

[Mythological Titbits: Last time when we left, Bhishma had just found out about Drona and had Drona instated as the Guru or teacher of all the Kauravas and Pandavas. All the Kauravas and Pandavas went to the Gurukul of Drona to learn under him. Back in Vedic India and even lately until perhaps even in the Medieval age, there was a custom of sending children to the home their Guru to learn under them. It was a form of boarding school so as to speak. The children would learn under the Guru while living with him,most likely in the forest and serving him. There are four stages of a person's life in Hindu culture. Brahmacharya-Bachelorship-a young child until the time he or she is married; Grihastashrama- Married Life; Vanaprasthashrama- Retired Life; Sanyasatva- When a man and woman quit all their worldly pursuits after living a complete life and devote themselves to a spiritual life, everyone had to go through these stages. Similarly there were four main castes- Brahmanas- Priestly class; Kshatriya- the warrior class; Vaishyas- The merchant class; Shudra- The lowest class. Usually consisting of servants. All the priests and Gurus belonged to the Brahmana class, the kings and soldiers belonged to the Khsatriya class. Vaishyas comprised businessmen and Shudras comprised servants, lowly workers, etc. When Kunti was given Karna as a boon, she let him go as she was still unmarried. KArna was found by a shudra couple. That is the reason he recieved a lot of discrimination as a child though he had talents nobody would accept him. When he learnt that Drona was taking students he went and requested Drona personally, Karna was denied because of his Shudra status. So Karna went to Parashurama and requested Parashurama to teach him. Parashurama stated that he would only teavh a Brahmana, Karna lied that he was one and started learning under Parashurama. Meanwhile, in Drona's ashrama, the Pandavas and Kauravas started learning military arts and the scriptures. Initially the Kauravas who had lived in the palace were annoyed by the many mosquitoes and flies in the forest and the fact that they were forced to sleep on hard beds. The Pandavas who had spent most of their time in the forest didn't mind any of it. They had another companion- the son of Drona, Ashwathama whose age was close to that of the Pandavas and Kauravas. They all learnt everything from Drona. While Drona was fair to everyone, Arjuna was his clear favorite. He always favoured Arjuna over anyone else. Once, Drona was teaching everyone a lesson on archery. They had to shoot a bird from a branch on the tree. He called each and every one of them and asked them what they saw when he asked them to look at the direction of their target after being notified what their target was. Most of them answered that they saw the tree, the leaves, the bird's nest. Drona acknowledged that those who were able to see evrything had observational skills and that would be useful in the future but he did not let them fire an arrow. Finally it was Arjuna's turn. When asked the same question as everyone else, Arjuna answered that he only saw the bird's eye an nothing else. Drona told him to fire the arrow and Arjuna's arrow hit the eye of the bird getting the target. Drona was highly impressed by Arjuna's talent to make out hi target so well and hit it so accurately and precisely. He then made a promise to Arjuna that he would make Arjuna the greatest Archer ever.

The next time, we shall see Ekalavya's story and the curse which Karna received from Parashurama.]