
"You can take the bed. I'll just sleep on the floor." Jiang Cheng said as he lay down the futon on the floor.

"But – " Lan Xichen said.

"You're a guest." Jiang Cheng simply said and lie down the futon. "If you want to take a shower, the disciples already prepared the bath for you – " he added as he opened his book.

Lan Xichen stared at him for a long time, then nodded.

Lan Xichen silently walked out of the room.

Jiang Cheng let out his breath the moment the door closed. "That damn Wei Wuxian." He muttered, frowning. "He and that Lan Wangji must've set this up. He must've told his lover about my problem." he muttered, pissed. "I can think of how to apologize in my own way..." he said, then sighed.

He sat up. He has been feeling unsettled ever since he told Lan Xichen to sleep in his room. His disciples must find this inappropriate, someone aside from his future wife would be sleeping in his room...

Dark lines covered Jiang Cheng's face. I've decided. He thought.

Even if Lan Xichen would sleep in his room, at the very least Jiang Cheng shouldn't sleep in the same room with him. He'll be sleeping in Jiang Fengmian's room, which had been vacated. He walked towards the baths.

The disciples are eating dinner right now, so no one would be here. And, even if the disciples would want to bath, but they wouldn't dare bath the same time with a guest since it's disrespectful.

This is a teaching of Yu Ziyuan to the YunmengJiang Sect disciples.

He didn't hear a splash of water. He was about to knock when the door burst open.

Jiang Cheng's hand in mid – air froze when he saw Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen's long, dark and silky hair is wet, still sticking on his smooth, soft and white skin. His undershirt that's slightly damp since he's from the bath looked like his second skin, making his skin underneath vividly visible.

"Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Xichen called.

Jiang Cheng felt his throat went dry and so he gulped. His eyes that's still stuck on Lan Xichen's slender neck moved away, looking at the dark training grounds not far away.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng said and cleared his throat when his voice went shaky. "I came here to tell you." He said.

"... you could've just waited for me in your room." Lan Xichen said.

Jiang Cheng's eyes went wide, then his face was covered in dark lines. He cleared his throat. "I can't." he just said.

Lan Xichen stared at him.

Jiang Cheng didn't look back. "You can have my room. I'll sleep in my father's room." he told him and walked away, not waiting for Lan Xichen to answer. His heart beat so fast he thought he's gonna die.

I wouldn't dare say that straight to his face.

The two jades of Lan... their eyes are unnerving. Jiang Cheng thought, thinking of not only Lan Wangji, but of Lan Xichen, too.

Those eyes that tells thousands but can never speak them... he thought as he remembered Lan Xichen's eyes when he spoke of Jin Guangyao.

For some reason... Jiang Cheng felt a part of his heart itchy.

"Why haven't I thought of asking you why didn't you remind your brother to bring his sword?" Jiang Cheng asked as he watches Lan Wangji gave Lan Xichen his sword. "And you never even asked him where his sword is. Instead, you even let him ride on your sword." he added as Lan Xichen received his sword.

"Bichen can carry two people." Lan Wangji just said, no intention of answering Jiang Cheng's question, nor explaining to him.

Jiang Cheng pressed his lips tight, but didn't dare answer. Wei Wuxian just laughed.

Lan Wangji just nodded at Jiang Cheng, then pulled Wei Wuxian away after Wei Wuxian bid goodbye to Jiang Cheng, telling him he'll be staying at Gusu again – which is already a given.

Jiang Cheng turned to Lan Xichen who was unusually silent ever since this morning.

"What?" he asked when he saw Lan Xichen's deep in thoughts. "You're planning to stay here again?" he asked, then laughed at his own joke.

"Can I?" Lan Xichen asked.

Jiang Cheng's eyes went wide, then he laughed. "What? You left something agai – " he said, then paused when Lan Xichen's words sunk in his mind. "What?" he asked and looked at Lan Xichen whose face is serious, staring at him.

"I left something." Lan Xichen answered, staring at Jiang Cheng's surprised face. "My heart." He said. As if not enough, he added. "I like Sect Leader Jiang." He told him, his face serious.

A deafening silence fell.

"Hm~" Wei Wuxian hummed as he poured his cup with Emperor's Smile.

Jiang Cheng lifted his face from the book he's reading. "You seem to be in a good mood." He told him.

"I am always in a good mood." Wei Wuxian said. "Though today, I'm especially in a good mood." He said and smiled. "Unlike someone." He added and sipped his cup. Jiang Cheng just frowned. "So? What happened?" he asked.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Cheng asked back. "I thought you'd be staying in Gusu." He added, remembered Wei Wuxian told him he'd be staying with his lover.

"Though I'd love to, but..." Wei Wuxian said and sipped his cup. Jiang Cheng looked at him. He smiled. "My brother has a problem. How can I just enjoy myself?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng didn't answer, admitting he really has a problem.

"What happened between you and ZeWu-Jun?" Wei Wuxian asked. "I thought your problems already were solved. Seems like... we just made it worse?" he said, referring to him and Lan Wangji setting up Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen to reconcile.

"The problem doesn't lie on you two." Jiang Cheng just said as he flipped the page of his book. "Well, thanks, anyway, for help – " he said, then stopped. His face went dark as he turned to Wei Wuxian who's happily drinking Emperor's Smile. "Why, you - ! You two really set us up - !" he said, mad. He took out Zidian just in time Wei Wuxian jumped away and ran, bringing the jars of Emperor's Smile.

His hearty laugh echoed on the halls of the Lotus Pier, making the training disciples looked their way.

Jiang Cheng stared at Wei Wuxian, then he smiled.

Not a second later and he laughed.

Many things have changed, and so his feelings towards him. But, their closeness with each other will never change.


"Wangji." Lan Xichen called. "You're going to the cold springs now?" he asked and smiled when he saw his little brother in the hallway.

"... yes." Lan Wangji just answered even though he's going to jingshi.

Brother... it's still in the middle of the day. What will I do in the cold springs? He thought, though didn't voice out his thoughts.

Seems like brother's mind – reading to me isn't functioning today, again.

"... when will you go to Yunmeng?" Lan Xichen asked.

"... right now." Lan Wangji answered. Lan Xichen's smile froze. "What happened between you and Jiang Wanyin?" he asked when he saw his brother is silent.

That day when he and Wei Wuxian fetch Lan Xichen, Lan Xichen was silent, like Jiang Cheng. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian don't know what the two talked about, or what happened that whole day when Lan Xichen stayed in Yunmeng.

But, seems like another problem showed up between them just when they had reconciled.

"... I confessed to him." Lan Xichen answered.

Lan Wangji almost dropped guqin had not he held himself back gracefully. Lan Xichen already told him before he loves Jiang Cheng.

Yes. 'love'.

"What did he say?" Lan Wangji silently asked.

Lan Xichen didn't answer, but pain crossed his eyes.

"I like Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Xichen said, his face serious.

Silence fell.

"... why?" Jiang Cheng asked after a while.

"I fell in love with you – " Lan Xichen answered.

Jiang Cheng cut him off. "Really?" he said, his face dark. Lan Xichen was about to say something when Jiang Cheng spoke first. "Please leave." He told him. Lan Xichen didn't move. "Leave – " he said.

"Wanyin – " Lan Xichen called.

"Leave!" he hissed and pushed Lan Xichen.

Fortunately, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are busy outside.

"Wanyin." Lan Xichen called again.

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth. "Don't you dare say that to me." he said. "You're confusing your feelings... again." he said and looked at Lan Xichen. "Many tragedies happened to me, that's why you wanted to comfort me, a gentle and kind person as you are..." he said and smiled at Lan Xichen. "But... I'm not Jin Guangyao." He told him. Lan Xichen's eyes went wide. "I'm not alone in this world." He said and looked at Wei Wuxian who's laughing outside with Lan Wangji. "At least... there's still somebody left who understands me." he said, then lowered his head.

A deafening silence fell.

After a while, Lan Xichen spoke. "Wanyin." He called, his voice soft. Jiang Cheng didn't answer. "I've never once treated you as him (JGY). I already told you." He looked at Jiang Cheng. "My relationship with him, along with my feelings towards him, was long been buried together with him." he explained. Jiang Cheng didn't answer. "Wanyin." He called. "You also have me." he said, then bowed.

He then left, missing the chance to see the shock in Jiang Cheng's face.

Jiang Cheng looked at them three as they flew away on their sword.

"Lan Xichen..." he muttered as he lowered his head, a tear escaped from his eye.

"Brother. Brother." Lan Wangji called, waking Lan Xichen who's staring at space blankly.

"Wangji." Lan Xichen said, then forced a smile. "I am fine. No need to worry." He told his younger brother, then continued walking.

Maybe Wanyin really still has feelings towards young master Wei. He thought as they walk out of the Cloud Recesses.

The two jades stopped in their tracks when they saw the persons they held dearly in their heart.

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji called as he walked towards his lover.

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian called, happy, as he jumped on his lover's wide open arms, exclusively for him.

Silence fell between the two gentlemen left – Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng.

Lan Xichen decided to break the silence. "Sect Leader Jiang." He called and bowed.

Jiang Cheng felt a needle pricked his heart. So he's back to calling me 'sect leader Jiang'. He thought, then bowed back.

"ZeWu-Jun." he said, his face blank.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian stopped and looked at the two, back and forth.

Silence fell between the two gentlemen.

"I'll go first." Jiang Cheng said, breaking the silence. He turned to Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. "I just came here to bring that guy." He said and frowned at Wei Wuxian. "I'm leaving." He said and turned.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian looked at Jiang Cheng, then turned to Lan Xichen who's silently looking at Jiang Cheng's back.

His heart longing for that resolute back that never fell despite the many hardships.

"Brother." Lan Wangji called.

"ZeWu-Jun." Wei Wuxian called.

They're looking at Jiang Cheng who's slowly descending the stone staircase.

Lan Xichen looked at Wei Wuxian. This is the guy Wanyin is holding a torch to. He thought, then lowered his head.

This made Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian surprised.

Jiang Cheng stopped and turned, just in time to see Lan Xichen walking back inside the Cloud Recesses.

If earlier it was a needle, now he felt like a sword struck his heart.

Is... everything too late for them before it could even start?