
(Warning: angst XD)

He doesn't know what to feel when he confirmed Wei Wuxian finally came back. Anger, pain, jealousy... but most of all – pain. That's all how he felt.

"Uncle." Jin Ling called, worried.

They just found out Wei Wuxian gave his golden core to him (JC).

"Leave me alone." Jiang Cheng told his nephew. "I won't bother him anymore..." he said, his voice tired.

"... yes..." Jin Ling said and lowered his head as he walked away.

Jiang Cheng blew out air as he looked up to the sky. He raised his hand and felt his chest – where an overflowing power is feeding his body and soul.

This is... his (WWX's). He thought as he lowered his head, his face indescribable. He doesn't know how to feel anymore.

Glad, because all that he thought wasn't true (that WWX is to be blamed for everything). Sad, because even though that was it, but everything's happened. All... was lost to him.

The only thing left to him is his nephew – Jin Ling.

"Haa..." he breathed as he looked around the forest. He walked aimlessly since he wanted to be alone. "That smile could be of use right now..." he muttered, remembered that refreshing smile that man is always giving, making you feel assured and alight.

But... he thought as he turned when he saw a white figure afar, standing beside the pond, staring at the water blankly.

That smile... seems like isn't available for now. He thought. He was about to turn back when a soft voice called.


He turned. It's that man that's blankly staring at the pond earlier.

"What?" he asked.

Lan Xichen raised his head. His lips' muscles are about to move when Jiang Cheng spoke.

"Don't bother." He told him, referring to him smiling.

But, Lan Xichen still smiled. "What is Sect Leader Jiang doing here?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng leisurely leaned on the tree, his arms crossed on his chest, giving him a relaxed figure. "Same as Sect Leader Lan." He said.

Lan Xichen didn't speak for a while. Finally, he said, "Sect Leader Jiang now knows why I smile." He said.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak. Lan Xichen forced a smile, then looked at the pond. None of them spoke for a while.

"I'm leaving." Lan Xichen said as he took a deep breath. Seems like he calmed down now. "Thanks for accompanying me, Sect Leader Jiang." He told him and bowed.

Jiang Cheng just stared at him, didn't answer. Lan Xichen smiled and walked past him.

"... I once smiled during those times." He said when he passed by him.

Lan Xichen stopped.

"It was..." he said, then paused. "... when someone pulled me from the darkest abyss and brought me to light." He said, then raised his head. "When he smiled at me, I... subconsciously smiled back." He said.

"Why did you smile back?" Lan Xichen quietly asked.

"Maybe... I – " Jiang Cheng said, staring at the blue sky above the green forest. " – that time... I was happy." He answered.

"Why would you be happy?" Lan Xichen asked. "You were at the abyss all those times before I – " he said.

Obviously, Lan Xichen was the one who took him away from that abyss.

Jiang Cheng cut him off. "Well, maybe I was just too out of my mind that time I don't know what to do or feel anymore, and so I just copied what that person did – " he said and shrugged.

Lan Xichen finally looked at him. He started at his face, searching for the truth in his words.

"... can you – " he said, then took a deep breath. He looked at him in the eye. " – smile for me?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng's eyes went wide.

" – right now?" he added.

Jiang Cheng stared at Lan Xichen for a long time. This guy... he can't smile anymore. He thought. After all, his sworn brother Jin Guangyao... he struck him with his own hands.

As to what deeper feelings he had for Jin Guangyao... he thought, then looked at Lan Xichen who's waiting for his answer – to smile.

Should I - ? he thought, hesitating. In order to bring back the smile of this person – the one who saved him during those times he was down – like what this person is now.

Out of impulse, Jiang Cheng's stiff facial muscles moved.