
Uhm... Jiang Cheng thought as he stared at Lan Xichen's sleeping face. How long should I wait for him to wake up - ? he thought, dark lines covered his face. Should he shake him? He thought as he raised his hands, then stopped.

Or punch him? He thought and frowned as he balled his fists.

"Haa..." he sighed, his shoulders slumped, as he rested his arm on the side of the bed while his chin on his arm. He stared at the sleeping man.

He doesn't know how long has he been staring at him when a light bulb lit up in his mind (seriously, there're light bulbs on his (JC) head? XDXDXD ouch - *kicked).

Could it be...? He thought as he remembered he heard some Western story about a girl who woke up after a guy (prince) kissed her. It was from one of his and Wei Wuxian's classmate back when they studied in Gusu (shouldn't LWJ know of him, too, and use this Western story – Sleeping Beauty after he knock out WWX and deliberately kiss him – ow *kicked again. How do they even know of Western story - ? ow – *coughed up blood when kicked again XD)

He grimaced. There are many things to point out because they're wrong. One, (how could they know of Western story – ack! *choked) there's no such thing as fantasy (MXTX: (she really appeared here? XD) hey. Should we sit down and have a long chat? Your story is first and foremost a fantasy - ) of a girl who could sleep for a long time (coz she's under a spell) without rotting and still be beautiful so that a guy could kiss her (so this is your problem? XDXDXD).

Two – he thought and dark lines covered his face. – this guy is a guy (we could clearly see that, no need to repeat it – ugh! *stabbed)

But... he thought as he gulped, suddenly felt his throat went dry and the room became hot. He licked his lips as he stared at those pinkish lips slightly open. (he's really going to kiss him - ? R (reader): then what's the point you're writing this, and for this fanfic? -_-)

He took a deep breath as he slowly lowered his head. He slowly closed his eyes... when the door suddenly creaked (opened).

"Ah." Lan Wangji said, his face usually blank remained blank despite seeing the situation inside the room of his brother.

Lan Xichen's, for some reason (I know you all do ;) XD), the robe on his chest is open, revealing his lean and sturdy chest. Jiang Cheng is leaning on the upper body of Lan Xichen, their lips are only millimeters away from each other.

Jiang Cheng could feel his face smoking hot as he froze.

"You can continue – " Lan Wangji said and closed the door as silently as he opened it. He left like nothing has happened –

Coz nothing really happened! Jiang Cheng thought, wanting to shout but couldn't since he literally feels his body couldn't move.

Like an answer, Lan Xichen slowly opened his eyes, revealing those deep, dark but very warm eyes.

He smiled. "Wanyin." He called, his voice so soft as he stared at his eyes.

A vein popped in his forehead and his eyes narrowed, murderously glaring at Lan Xichen beneath him. "When the hell did you did – ?" he asked, referring to pinning his nerves so that he'd stop moving.

Lan Xichen smiled. "When Wangji arrived – " he answered.

Jiang Cheng felt like his head exploded. These brothers are not Jades! They're conniving brothers - ! he thought, wanted to cough blood because of the rebellion in his heart.

"Wanyin – " Lan Xichen called.

"Wha - ?!" he asked, frowning, when he stopped after he saw Lan Xichen's expression. "What?" he asked, his voice low.

"I love you." He told him, staring in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng badly wanted to turn his gaze, but he couldn't. Too late. He thought.

Just as his heart, his eyes are captivated, too.

Few days later...

After the incident of a certain sect leader screaming inside another certain sect leader's bedroom, the news as fast as Wei Wuxian running after hearing a dog's bark travelled all across the country.

It is a news about those two certain sect leaders' wedding.

(A/N: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 FINALLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)