
One day, everyone was shocked when they saw the two sect leaders – one of GusuLan and one of Yunmeng, are quarrelling.

Ah. No. Not really. They all thought, their face blank, as they watched another drama of the two.

Yes. Another drama since this (quarreling) is happened lately, and frequently.

"Why the hell are you asking me that?!" Jiang Cheng asked, his voice raised, as he turned and glared to Lan Xichen who, for some reason, is following him – again.

Lan Xichen stopped and frowned, very unusual for the usually gentle ZeWu-Jun to lose his cool. "Don't mistake me." he said. "I just – "

But, Jiang Cheng cut him off, his voice higher than before. "What 'don't mistake'?" he asked.

When Lan Xichen didn't answer and the two became in a stalemate, they all sat and watched on the side while eating popcorn. (you could take his seriously or not XD).

"Why is ZeWu-Jun is absent-minded lately?" Wei Wuxian asked, puzzled.

"Yes, yes. ZeWu-Jun rarely gets mad." Lan Jingyi said, as puzzled as Wei Wuxian.

"Is it because of Sect Leader Jiang?" Lan Sizhui asked and forced a smile as he looked at Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen.

"Even if he's my uncle, I'm not that stupid to cover for him even though I everyday see his faults – " Jin Ling said, obviously holding remorse towards his strict uncle.

"I heard that!" Jiang Cheng said and glared at Jin Ling.

Jin Ling immediately hid behind Lan Sizhui. Their face all went blank as they looked at Jiang Cheng.

Is he a mom? They all thought and continued eating popcorn when they saw the two (LXC and JC) are about to enter the next round. (A.N: ei. My mind really is – R: just shut up! *chokes the author)

Jiang Cheng turned to Lan Xichen, his eyes narrower than before, glaring at Lan Xichen. "Why in the hell do you want to know my private matters?" he asked, frowning.

"'private matters'?" the three juniors (LSZ, LJY and JL) asked, bewildered.

Wei Wuxian knowingly smiled. "Ah. That's – " he said and was about to speak when something flew towards him.

But, Lan Wangji is faster and caught the brick that Jiang Cheng threw towards Wei Wuxian.

Yes. It's Jiang Cheng who threw. Yes. It's a brick he threw. Yes. He's trying to kill him –

Not it! Jiang Cheng thought, his face so red as he murderously glared at Wei Wuxian. "Don't ever speak a word that'd lead to misunderstanding - !" he warned him as he turned to Lan Xichen. "Why do you want to ask me about... about – " he said, his face went redder than before.

Lan Xichen's face went serious. "I want to." He answered.

"Why?" Jiang Cheng asked and looked straight in Lan Xichen's eyes.

"Because I – " Lan Xichen said and took a step closer to Jiang Cheng. " – I am affected by it." He told him.

The knot on the forehead of the three juniors deepened, while a loud gasp came from Wei Wuxian.

The three juniors looked at him. "You know what they're talking about?" they asked him.

Wei Wuxian knowingly smiled. "But of course!" he answered, smiling smugly. "Jiang Cheng's pregna-ugh!" he cried when something hit his head.

Lan Wangji didn't save him (WWX) this time since he knew how airheaded his wife is, having experienced it (WWX's airheaded-ness) first-hand.

"I knew nothing comes out good from that mouth of yours - !" Jiang Cheng said through his gritted teeth, his face furiously flushing became of double embarrassment – all because of Wei Wuxian.

"There is!" Wei Wuxian answered. "Words of love towards Lan Zhan - !" he answered and grinned as he turned to Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji seemed to froze like a statue for five seconds, his head stiffly turned to his wife. "Wei Ying..." he softly called, his light-colored eyes turned lighter and his usually blank face is unreadable.

Unreadable because of thousands of emotions on it (LWJ's face). (A/N: I really don't know whether to be touched, fangirl or be hurt and sad because of this line. T.T)

Jiang Cheng frowned then turned to Lan Xichen. "So? Why would you want to know it – " he said and stopped when he saw him (LXC) staring at Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.

Is he...? He thought, then his eyes went wide as he gasped.

"Are you in love with your younger brother?!" he suddenly blurted out before he could stop himself, startling everybody.

"Ah." They said, their face blank.

Jiang Cheng wants to dig a ten feet hole under the ground when Lan Xichen's eyes fell on him.

I know, I know. It's incest, and Lan Wangji already has Wei Wuxian and so it's really impossible – he thought. But – he thought, his face went serious. He only thought of it because Lan Xichen is asking hi about Wei Wuxian from him.

Doesn't that make him (LXC) suspicious of him? He thought.

But, his thoughts are completely opposite of what's Lan Xichen is thinking. "I don't." he told him.

Jiang Cheng was about to sigh, relieved, when the air was stuck on his throat after he heard what Lan Xichen added.

"It is you that I like." He told him.

Dark lines covered Jiang Cheng's face. He choked.