Two Sides

"Hey. Don't you think Sect Leader Jiang is scary - ?"

"Yes. He's always frowning and glaring at everyone – "

"Idiots. You only realized that just now – hii!"

They all immediately looked away and stood straight as Jiang Cheng passed by them.

You're the one who're all idiots. He thought as he sat on his high chair. Why don't you all go and try to raise two kids – one a teenager while the other one is a full grown-up man but has the IQ lower than that of the teenager's? He thought, referring to Jin Ling and Wei Wuxian respectively.

He blew out air and raised his head to look at his disciples. "Begin the morning training." He told them as he sat up and walked away, leaving them to train for themselves today.

When he was already far, he gave a long sigh as a vein popped in his forehead. Speaking of those two… he thought, referring to his nephew and brother. They didn't give him even an hour of sleep yesterday because the two of them simultaneously appeared in Lotus Pier to come and talk to him.

But, that's not the worse part. It's when they came to talk to him about their lovers!

Dark lines covered Jiang Cheng's face as he balled his fists and gritted his teeth. Don't those two have any consideration for him?! He thought, mad. They already know I am single, yet they happily talked to me about their lovers – those perfect lovers that're from the GusuLan Sect!

Refined, courteous, polite, considerate, loyal, and most of all – good-looking! He thought as he shook his head in disappointment, clearly giving up to his fate.

He's only average-looking, sarcastic, rude, and inconsiderate as he always glares at everybody. He grimaced. All that, except –

"Wanyin." A soft and melodious voice called.

He raised his head and turned. Dark lines covered his face when he saw (but already expected) who it was.

It was none other than Lan Xichen – the sect leader of those refined, courteous, polite, considerate, loyal and good-looking people of the GusuLan Sect.

Yes. He's the most good-looking. And –

He forced to change his grimace into a smile. "W-what are you doing here?" he asked and looked away when he saw Lan Xichen's burning gaze on him.

"Wanyin." Lan Xichen called as he walked towards him, his snow-white robe fluttering every time he moved.

"Hm - ?" he said and turned.

What greeted him is a deep kiss. Yes. He thought as his face flushed and he immediately returned the kiss back. He wrapped his arms around Lan Xichen's neck while Lan Xichen pulled him closer by his waist.

They are lovers. (A/N: excuse me but I really, really need to fangirl - *took a very deep breath… KIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok. Enough *fixes face and continued to write XD)

"Mnm…" he groaned as he turned on his bed. His hand searching the other side of the bed froze.

Lan Xichen already left. He felt the other side of the bed is cold. He slowly opened his eyes as he was greeted by the sunlight.

"Sect Leader." A disciple called from outside and knocked. "Are you awake?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng didn't answer and just waited for the disciple to leave. He lazily sat up and saw he's naked under the sheets that still smelled like that man (LXC). His eyes fell on the note on the bedside table. He took it and read.

"Good morning. I didn't have the heart to wake you up since you looked tired. It's Young Master Wei and Young Master Jin again, right? I hope we could talk longer the next time. How about a trip to ****? I'd arrange for it the moment I arrive in Gusu. Have a nice day. – Lan Xichen."

Jiang Cheng sighed and put the paper back in the bedside table. He went up and took a quick bath before he wore his clothes.

Even if they are lovers, but they are only in the physical aspect and not the emotional aspect.

Well, I can say the emotional part is possible, since the attraction between us is so strong the moment our eyes would meet we'd begin kissing and then – he thought, then dark lines covered his face as he remembered what happened yesterday. From afternoon until the dawn they did it…

He grimaced as he blew out air. He looked at the mirror as he fixed his hair. That may be so, but I still don't know what could make a perfect man like him (LXC) like me? He thought as he stared at his face. I look exceptionally ordinary while he (LXC) is exceptionally handsome. My skills are only above average while he is already a master of all arts (martial and other parts.

Just what could he see in me? He blew out air. He's not really depressed, since he knows that it's an honor to be Lan Xichen's lover. Though not many knew their relationship, and they didn't make it public (hid it) due to some reasons – like Jiang Cheng's embarrassment, for one.

All in all, he's just going with the flow. After fixing himself, he then went out to train his disciples –

Despite his lower back is aching right now.

He waited the whole day for Lan Xichen to come, but the man didn't appear. He waited for another day, but still the same.

Should I go to Gusu to see him? He thought. This is the 3rd day already. But… he thought and grimaced when he thought of Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling – who are obviously would be in the Cloud Recesses.

I know those two would pair me with anybody if they'll see me, yet I can't tell them about my relationship with that man (LXC). He thought then sighed. He stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes.

"I give up." he muttered and sighed then stretched his limbs.

He's been waiting for Lan Xichen the whole day today. But, not even the shadow of that guy could be seen in Yunmeng.

"Should I break up with him - ?" he muttered, then grimaced. "Wait. We're not even official, so a breakup isn't needed, right - ?" he said and smiled.

But, a bitter smile. He didn't know why but he suddenly felt like his heart is being squeezed.

"Wanyin?" a soft and melodious voice called behind him.

He jumped up and immediately turned. He felt he held his breath and his eyes went wide when he saw him silently standing behind him, as usual in his snow-white robes.

"Lan Xichen…!" he muttered under his breath. "Why did you arrive just now?" he asked and slowly walked towards him.

Lan Xichen didn't answer and just looked at him. He stopped in front of him as he looked back in those deep but warm eyes.

What? He heard he earlier? He thought as they continued to stare in each other's eyes, waiting for the other to first speak while thinking of the other's thoughts.

But – he thought as he stared at Lan Xichen's face. His usually gentle and smiling handsome face is serious right now. – it's not as if he's hurt, right? he thought and hid his smile that's surprisingly a bitter one when he felt his heart was pricked by thousand needles. Since we're… just…

He took a deep breath and blew out air. "Ah~ the night is cold. Let's go inside for tea – " he said and walked towards his room.

But, Lan Xichen caught his hand and stopped him. "Did you wait long?" he asked as he looked at his hand.

It already got cold because he (JC) stayed outside the whole night.

"I'm sorry. I made you wait." Lan Xichen said as he lowered his head.

Jiang Cheng smiled, didn't notice it was a smile that came from his heart. Feeling the warmth in Lan Xichen's hand, he pressed his hand and pulled him inside.

"It's nothing." He told him as he went to the table, smiling brightly while humming. He poured him tea. "You're the one who travelled from Gusu to here." He said as he looked at Lan Xichen's tired face.

This is the first time he saw him look tired. He's the one who always notice I'm tired, not the other way around. He thought as he raised his hand to touch his face.

Lan Xichen looked at him, surprised. He smiled at him as he lowered his head and kissed him.

Ah… he thought when he felt his soft and sweet lips. Did it taste this sweet before? He thought as he put his hands on his shoulders.

Lan Xichen pulled him towards the bed and they fell on it, still hugging each other. "Wanyin…" he called when their lips broke for a moment, a silver thread connecting their wet and red lips as they breathe the same air because of the thin distance between them.

"Lan… Xichen…" he called, catching his breath, as he stared at the other's eyes.

He looked at the forehead ribbon. He raised his hand to the back of his head and untied it, all the while looking straight in the other's eyes.

"You don't mind?" he asked after he untied the forehead ribbon, but his arms are still around his neck.

"… you always untie it, right?" he asked back, staring at his eyes.

Before Jiang Cheng could further speak, Lan Xichen already kissed him as he took off their clothes, ripping them all because of his uncontrolled strength.

That night… everything was magical – like it was their first time (for everything).

"Mnm…" Jiang Cheng groaned as his hand subconsciously searched on the other side of the bed.

"So you really look for me every morning – " a soft and melodious voice said, happiness in his tone.

Jiang Cheng's hand that froze was held by a warm and soft hand. He opened his eyes and was greeted by a bright smile, brighter than the now rising sun.

"Good morning." Lan Xichen greeted, still naked under the sheets like him, as he caressed Jiang Cheng's now flushed cheeks.

"Lan Xi..chen…" he muttered under his breath, shocked.

He was about to fall and scream when he felt Lan Xichen's hands under the sheets moved and grabbed him by the waist while he closed his mouth through his lips.

"Mmnm~" Jiang Cheng moaned as he kissed him back, his legs that has still come left wrapped around Lan Xichen's waist.

He gulped when he felt that large thing poking him under the sheets.

"You are hard again… haa…" he breathed as he felt his body shivered because of the pleasure when Lan Xichen bit the space between his shoulder and neck. "Ngh… aaah~" he cried as he bit him back.

Lan Xichen chuckled as he poked Jiang Cheng's butt. Jiang Cheng's toe curled, feeling the sensation of that large thing poking him between his legs. He's getting wet again and feeling weak, he grabbed Lan Xichen by the shoulder to ask support.

Lan Xichen fixed him on his lap. Jiang Cheng bit his lip, his face flushed as he catches his breath because of the pleasure. He felt he's going to come, and so he hurried slipped Lan Xichen's thing inside him.

"Ngh - ! Aaaaah~!" he cried as he arched his body on top of Lan Xichen, his toes curling as his nails dug deep on Lan Xichen's shoulders.

Lan Xichen couldn't take it anymore, too, and so he grabbed Jiang Cheng's waist and started to move him on top of him.

This is their very first morning 'exercise'.

"I'll come pick you up tonight." Lan Xichen told him after he fixed Jiang Cheng's hair.

They just finished bathing together (and they did it there, too XD).

"Tonight?" Jiang Cheng asked as he looked at Lan Xichen through the mirror.

"Yes." Lan Xichen answered.

Jiang Cheng stared at him. "… can I ask something?" he asked.

"What is it?" Lan Xichen asked, smiling, as he combed Jiang Cheng's hair.

"Do you… feel…" he said, then lowered his eyes when he saw Lan Xichen looked at him through the mirror.

"Wanyin…?" Lan Xichen called.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and forced a smile. He doesn't want to ruin this day for both of them, now that – he paused, then smiled.

Something changed between them, and it's better.

Lan Xichen who saw his smile felt his heart leapt and he smiled, reverently combing Jiang Cheng's long, jet-black hair.

"Wanyin." He called after a while.

"Yes?" Jiang Cheng silently asked, feeling the bright atmosphere between them.

"… I – " he said and looked at Jiang Cheng in the mirror.

Jiang Cheng raised his head. Their eyes met.

Lan Xichen smiled as he kissed Jiang Cheng's temple – which made the other surprised, after he tied his hair with the purple ribbon. "See you later." He whispered and planted a kiss on Jiang Cheng's forehead before he silently left.

Jiang Cheng's face flushed. He pressed his lips tight to prevent himself from screaming. He saw his blushing face, as red as tomato, in the mirror and so he covered it with his both hands.

"Sect Leader?" a disciple called from the outside.

Jiang Cheng almost jumped had he not stopped himself. He looked in the mirror, then smiled, as he slowly stood up.

"I'll be there in 3 minutes – " he told his disciple.


Jiang Cheng smiled and felt his forehead where Lan Xichen kissed him earlier. With a bright smile – that will surprise his disciples later, he walked out of his room.

"Where are we going?" Jiang Cheng asked after they walked for 2 hours.

"You'll know when we get there." Lan Xichen just said and smiled at him.

Jiang Cheng's forehead knotted, but he didn't ask anymore. Or he should've, when they finally reached the top of the hill and saw a grave in the middle.

Jiang Cheng felt his whole being froze and all the warmth in his body left him when Lan Xichen silently knelt in front of the grave and prayed.

Jin Guangyao… he thought, wide-eyed, as he felt his ears are ringing and couldn't hear the surroundings. Why…? He thought as he felt his tears are streaming down his cheek. He (LXC)… he – he thought, his chest heaving up and down because he's having a hard time to breathe caused by the welling up emotions inside him.

Fear, insecurity, confusion… but most of all – pain. Looks like he still hasn't gotten over by him (JGY)… he thought as he silently looked at Lan Xichen who's still kneeling in front of the grave.

With a bitter smile, he ran away, never looking back.

"Ah Yao…" Lan Xichen called as he opened his eyes and saw Jin Guangyao's name on the grave. "Do you think I'll succeed?" he asked as he looked back and saw Jiang Cheng's gone.

He already noticed earlier Jiang Cheng's shocked reaction.

"I – " he said and lowered his head. He smiled when he remembered his (JC) face. "I really love him…" he said. "All his smiles, all his frowns… that tired look on his face, I want to wipe that off so that he'd only frown or smile at me. I – " he said as he took a deep breath. " – I want him to show everything of him to me. Every being of him… I want it all… I – I want to possess him… I need him… I badly need him - !" he said and blew out air to calm himself because of his obsession of him.

From the moment he met him on that bridge, together with his brother, Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang, he already saw what will his future be. That strong confidence of his and decisiveness towards everything without looking back… all of it, he wants it.

In short, he's already attracted to him the first time he laid his eyes on him – (A/N: I bet he really wanted to lay his hands on him (JC), too xDXDXD ;)  I seriously typed 'hands' first instead of 'eyes' ;) XDXDXD)

And so, he was really happy when he (JC) accepted him as his lover. Though he wanted to refuse that their relationship shouldn't be made public, but he agreed in the end since first – he doesn't' want to scare him of his obsession towards him. Second – he wants him (JC) and third – this is what he (JC) wants. He could only follow his (JC) wishes if he wants to have him, which is already an obvious and big 'yes'.

When it reached to the point he couldn't hold back his feelings any longer, he went here (JGY's grave) to ask his guidance. He can't talk about this matter with his brother and uncle since their (LXC and JC) relationship is still private.

While asking for an advice, he also planned to introduce him (JC) to him (JGY). Which now Jiang Cheng greatly mistaken.

He blew out air as he stood up. He brushed the dirt off his robes. "Anyway, I'm done telling you about him (JC)." He said, a big and bright smile on his face. "Next time I'll come here, he won't be my lover. Instead, he's be my wife." He said and grinned as he mounted on his sword and flew to the direction where Jiang Cheng ran off.

You can't escape me. He thought as he breathed in the cold night air, together with the scent he put in his (JC) ribbon when he fixed his hair.

After a few minutes and he found him in the river bank, crying.

"Wanyin." Lan Xichen called as he sheathed his sword and slowly walked towards Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng sniffed, doesn't bother to hide his tears. He already knew it, anyway. He thought. My feelings… he buried his face on his knees.

He drew a sharp breath when he felt that familiar warmth seeping on his clothes on his back.

"Wanyin…" Lan Xichen called as he breathed in his (JC) scent. "You should know, right?" he asked as he laid his forehead on Jiang Cheng's head.

Yes. He thought and his face flushed. He realized it now, after calming himself and finally remembered Lan Xichen's words in front of Jin Guangyao's grave.

"I came here as what I've told you last time." Lan Xichen said. "I'm here to bring and show you my wife." He told him.

Jiang Cheng's face furiously blushed and he covered his face with both his hands. He heard Lan Xichen chuckled behind him.

"My wife." He whispered as he slipped a ring on his finger, beside where the Zidian is. "Will you marry me?" he asked and anxiously stared at Jiang Cheng's face.

Jiang Cheng frowned, but his cheeks are flushed. "Your order isn't right." he said. "You should ask me first before declaring I'm your wife-mmh!" he said and smiled when Lan Xichen's lips shut him up.

He gladly be, though (shut up).

(A/N: It's already late – 12:20am here, and so I have to sleep now. I'll make an extra of this later! ^_^ oyasumi~)