MDZS Disney Fanfiction - Cinderella

Ying – erella 

Ying-erella sniffed as he wiped the floor, his back is aching. He's so tired and wanted to sleep now to rest, but he can't, since –

"After you clean the floor, wash the clothes – " Stepmother Yu Ziyuan said, frowning, as she disgustingly looks at Ying-erella.

"Ying-erella..." Stepsister Jiang Yanli called as she looked at him, full of worry.

She was about to walk towards Ying-erella when the stepbrother Jiang Cheng stopped her.

"Dajie." He called. "You can't help him. That goes against the script – " he told her.

"Then, what should I do?" Jiang Yanli asked, worriedly looked at Ying-erella who's still wiping the floor.

"Watch me." Jiang Cheng answered as he walked towards Ying-erella.

"Jiang Cheng..." Ying-erella called as he looked at him (JC) when he stopped in front of him.

Jiang Cheng smugly looked at Ying-erella, then spilled the juice on the floor. (Where the heck did he get that?!)

"Go clean it again. Hmph." He told him and walked back to Jiang Yanli. "There, dajie." He told her.

Jiang Yanli forced a smile, wanting to grimace. "Mn." She just said. Even in this fanfic you still held remorse to A-Xian. She thought, obviously can't voice out her thoughts since their mother is looking at Jiang Cheng proudly.

The poor Ying-erella wanted to wept because of his misfortune. His mother died after giving birth to him, while his father remarried. But, he died in the end, leaving his (WWX) welfare to his stepmother – Yu Ziyuan.

At this moment, the door opened and a royal messenger went in. (he didn't even knock and opened the door for himself?)

"What is it?" Yu Ziyuan asked as she and her children walked towards the newcomer.

"Greetings." The royal messenger bowed. "The King Lan Qiren announced there's be a royal ball for all the maidens of the kingdom. He will pick two maidens to marry his nephews – " he said.

Yu Ziyuan smiled as she took the invitation. She then dismissed the messenger.

"Marriage?" Jiang Yanli said, puzzled.

"Hmph. Nonsense – " Jiang Cheng humph-ed.

Dark lines covered Yu Ziyuan's face. How can they (JY and JC) have so low enthusiasm for this? she thought.

"A ball!" Ying-erella said and stood up, energetic. "I want to go too - !" he said, wanting to jump in joy.

It's a party! There's no way he wouldn't be in it – he thought, grinning.

But, there's a way. And it's Yu Ziyuan.

"You can't go to the ball." She said, frowning. "You'll just spread your filth to the nobles, especially the royalties – the king and his nephews." She told him and left.

"Ying-erella..." Jiang Yanli called.

Jiang Cheng looked conflicted. He pities him (WWX) but he can't go against his mother's wishes. "Let's go, dajie – " he said and pulled Jiang Yanli away to follow their mother.

The popping hair on his temple fell. Ying-erella lowered his head and continued to work. That night of the ball, when the Jiang family already left, he snuck out and wept on the well.

"Why?" he asked, sobbing. "I just want to drink Emperor's Smile there, which I know there will!" he said. "I don't have any interests on whoever people there will, much less those nephews of the king – " he said, frowning.

What's in his mind is that, as long as he could drink Emperor's Smile, he's satisfied.

"You should, though." A voice said. "You should have an interest to one of the nephews – "

Ying-erella turned. The voice is coming from the well! Not long after and he saw an arm, followed by a head come out of the well.

"... you're not planning to be Sadako, are you?" Ying-erella asked when the mysterious person from the well finally emerged. "You're only a dismembered corpse – " he said.

"Shut up." Nie Mingjue snapped.

"Brother, calm down. Calm down." Nie Huaisang told his elder brother, rubbing Nie Mingjue's head in his arms.

It's the fairy godbrothers – Nie brothers!

"Ying-erella." Nie Huaisang called. "You wish to go to the ball?" he asked and smiled.

Ying-erella looked at him full of suspicion. "You're planning something again, aren't you?" he asked.

"I only plan to send you to the ball." Nie Huaisang answered, smiling brightly. And ruin the plan of that Jin Guangyao to marry himself towards Lan Xichen! He added, but on his mind.

Even though Ying-erella is still full of suspicions, but his desire to go to the ball – and drink Emperor's Smile, is stronger than his suspicion on Nie Huaisang.

"Alright, alright!" Ying-erella finally agreed.

Nie Huaisang carefully put Nie Mingjue's head on the well, but it slipped and fell. Dark lines covered their face.

"I'll make sure to do this right – " Nie Huaisang said, determined, as he turned to Ying-erella, his eyes burning with determination.

Ying-erella's eyes went wide as he raised his hands. "I knew you have hidden plan - !" he said.

But, too late. He was changed by Nie Huaisang.

At the palace.

A young man wearing golden clothes turned when he saw a carriage stopped outside. He held his breath when he saw a maiden slowly went out of the carriage.

She's like an angel descending on the earth. Jin Zixuan thought. He's the richest in the kingdom.

Jiang Yanli raised her head when she felt somebody's looking at her. She saw a young man wearing golden clothes standing at the door, a wine glass on his hand.

Her heart skipped a beat. He's handsome. She thought, then smiled. "Mother." She called to her mother who's helped by Jiang Cheng to go down the carriage. "I'd go in first." She said.

Without waiting for Yu Ziyuan to answer, Jiang Yanli ascended the stairs.

"Ah Cheng." Yu Ziyuan called to her son when they entered the palace. "You go and enjoy yourself. I'll be fine here." She told him as she sat on the chair, watching the dancers in the middle.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng answered and roamed around the palace.

Not long after, the trumpets were blown.

"All hail to the king!" everybody said and bowed when Lan Qiren appeared on top of the stairs.

As usual, he gave his speech. As usual, his speech is very long to the point the guests all went ahead to eat.

Lan Qiren sighed and turned to his nephew who's standing on the side near him. "Shall I still introduce you?" he asked him, sighing.

"No need." The young man said and descended on the stairs by himself.

Everyone was busy dancing and eating, they didn't notice the gentleman descending the stairs. Of course, they won't notice the beautiful maiden who entered the palace, too.

The two that was ignored stopped when their eyes met.

Eek! Ying-erella thought when he saw the cold-faced man in the middle of the stairs, looking straight at him. I was so careful to enter but I was still caught! So scary! He thought and a sweat fell down his cheek. He forced a smile and half-walked half-ran to the direction of the table to take a sip of the Emperor's Smile.

He grimaced when he passed by Yu Ziyuan who's silently sitting on the chair, drinking. Her face is filled with melancholy Ying-erella almost stopped to comfort and hug her.

She misses Jiang Fengmian.

Ying-erella dashed towards the table. But, only a foot away when a voice rang in the ballroom.

"Wait." It was neither too low nor too loud, just enough for everybody to hear.

Everyone turned and gasped when they saw the beautiful young man descending the stairs.

"The prince - !" some of them said in awe.

Prince?! Ying-erella thought and sharply turned. His eyes went wide when he saw the prince standing in the middle of the crowd.

But, his eyes are fixed on him.

Wait, wait. He won't kick me out of here just because I don't have an invitation, right? (No invitation isn't a 'just', Ying-erella XD)

But, it clearly isn't it since the beautiful prince slowly walked towards the beautiful young 'maiden'. He reached his hand out to 'her' and took 'her' hand.

Eh? Ying-erella thought when the silent prince took her to the middle of the ballroom. Wait. They won't dance, will they - ? he thought.

But, they will. The crowd cleared out and left the two of them in the middle. Clearly, the prince made his choice.

He chose 'her'. They could only watch them dance in the middle.

And the two of them danced to their own song (tune).

"Maiden." Jin Zixuan called as he approached Jiang Yanli. "May I have this dance?" he asked, nervous.

Jiang Yanli turned and sweetly smiled to him. "I've been waiting for you to ask me that." She told him and took his hand.

Jin Zixuan's eyes went wide and he blushed. He carefully guided her towards the dancefloor.

She'll be his wife.

"Ah... if only you were still alive..." Yu Ziyuan muttered as she watches the couples dance. "Even if you won't ask me, then I'll be the one to ask you." She said as a tear fell from her eye. "As long as you are here..." she said and continued to drink.

Ying-erella almost forgot what Nie Huaisang told him if he didn't hear the clock chimed indicating it's midnight.

"I'd only give you until midnight."

"That's more than enough for me - !" he told him. To drink Emperor's Smile! Haha!

The Emperor's Smile! He thought and turned to the table where the Emperor's Smile is. I still haven't drink - ! he thought, then turned to the prince who's silently staring at his face.

But... he thought. Why did he forget those two important things? It's because of this prince. He stared back at those light-colored eyes continue staring at him.

He smiled. The light-colored eyes shrunk as they stared on his smile. What happened next is truly unexpected.

The prince's head lowered and his lips met 'her' lips. Ying-erella's eyes went wide.

WHAT?! He thought, horrified, as he looked at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words come out of it because of shock. His face is so red, too.

It's my first kiss! He thought.

The young 'maiden' ran away and dashed towards the table, grabbed two jars of Emperor's Smile and ran down the stairs.

"Wait!" the prince called and ran after the maiden.

"Bad, bad, bad - !" Ying-erella muttered as he crazily ran down the stairs. "Too heavy, too heavy - !" he thought, bearing the weight of two large jars of Emperor's Smile. "Ah – " he said when he tripped on the stairs because of the heels Nie Huaisang made him wore.

His face went dark as he grievously let go of one jar to save another one. Bye-bye, one jar of Emperor's Smile. He thought as he steadied himself and ran away.

But... the other jar was caught by the prince who's running after him.

"..." the prince was speechless as he stared at the Emperor's Smile. They (he/she) could've told me they want this. I could but them thousands of these. He thought as he brought back the Emperor's Smile to his room, unaware of the other 'commotion' that happened on the other side of the palace. (this will be told later ;) XD)

Few days after.

"... he looks energetic." Jiang Cheng said, surprised to see Ying-erella happily cleaned the floor.

"A-Xian." Jiang Yanli called. "Did something good happen?" she asked, smiling brightly.

Ying-erella turned to her, smiling brightly, too. "No way... it's dajie the one who must've something good happened – " he told her.

Jiang Yanli just laughed. Jiang Cheng sighed and shook his head, feeling a headache. But, not because of the two (JY and WWX), but because of last night.

He shivered when he remembered what happened. "Dajie." He called. "I'll be going out." he told her. "And don't call him that – " he said, referring to 'A-Xian'. " – you're not following the script." He told her.

"Did we ever follow any script?" Jiang Yanli asked, then laughed when Jiang Cheng frowned.

Jiang Cheng sighed and left, didn't know a new headache will find him – which is related to last night.

A few days later and the news about the maiden who likes to drink Emperor's Smile spread out the entire kingdom.

"What kind of maiden would drink a liquor?" every one of them asked after Jin Guangyao – the royal messenger, asked them.

Jin Guangyao grimaced. Even I wouldn't believe of this, too. He thought and politely excused himself to leave. But, the second prince insisted of this to his uncle, the king – Lan Qiren.

Lan Qiren spat out mouthful of blood after the second prince told him about this.

Jin Guangyao sighed and looked at the silent second prince. They proceeded to the last house – the Jiang House.

"HA?" Yu Ziyuan said and frowned after hearing Jin Guangyao asked. "My daughter would never drink a liquor, nor my son!" she told him.

Jin Guangyao forced a smile. Right. He thought and apologetically bowed. "Pardon, Mrs. Jiang." He told her and faced the silent second prince.

But, before he could speak, the prince said. "Don't you have another child here?" he asked.

Yu Ziyuan's forehead knotted. "My son isn't here right now, and only our servant is here – aside from my daughter and I." she answered.

The prince didn't speak. It must be 'her'. He thought. He walked towards the stairs.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Yu Ziyuan asked.

But, the prince didn't answer and continued searching the house.

"Mother." Jiang Yanli called. "A-Xian isn't here." She told her.

Yu Ziyuan just held her aching head. "Leave him be. I'm tired." She told her. "You accommodate them and make them leave after they find what they want – " she told her.

"Yes." Jiang Yanli answered and looked upstairs. She then served tea the guards and Jin Guangyao.

Every step he takes is full of confidence as he followed the smell of the liquor the one that night tried to take away. But, he's been walking all around yet he couldn't find that person.

He blew out air. I've been searching for them, yet they... he thought. He looked at the thing he's carrying.

He was about to leave when he heard a tune. He felt his heart stopped and he sharply turned. It's outside the house! He thought and made a dash.

"Huh?" Jiang Yanli said when she heard the sound. "It's beautiful." She smiled as she listened.

When the prince didn't come back after a few hours, Jin Guangyao and the others left.

The tune finally stopped, and so the prince, a few feet away from the one who played the tune by his flute.

"Ah! What is it I smell?" the person, his back on him, said and sniffed. He's wearing clothes made out of rags and his hair is disheveled. "Emperor's Smile?" he asked and turned.

He held his breath when he saw him. It's a different face.

"Woah! It really is Emperor's Smile!" Ying-erella said and smiled.

The prince's pupils contracted when he saw it. That smile... he thought as he took a deep breath and slowly walked towards him.

"Hm?" Ying-erella said and looked at the person holding the large jar of Emperor's Smile. Ah. He thought when he finally saw him. It's the prince - ! he thought, horrified, as he took a step back when he saw him walking towards him.

Wait, wait! He thought, then stopped. My face is different that time. Surely, he didn't recognize me - ? he thought and grinned as he looked at the prince when the prince stopped in front of him.

He smiled brightly. "Your Highness the Prince!" he said, then bowed. "What brings you here?" he asked. "Surely, not to bring this lowly household servant a gift?" he asked and glanced at the Emperor's Smile, his hands itching to grab it and drink it.

His mouth went dry at the thought and he licked his lips.

The prince, who's been silently watching the person's every action, saw him lick his lips. The thinnest patience he held back finally snapped.

He put the Emperor's Smile down the ground, grabbed the person's hand and pulled him towards him.

"W-what?" Ying-erella asked, puzzled. "W-Why are you – " he said.

The silent mice, Ning and Qing, who the author forgot to include here, watched their friend – Ying-erella, and the prince.

Before Ying-erella could ask, the prince lowered his head and kissed him. His eyes went wide, shocked. Oh, no! He thought when he saw he dropped his flute and it fell on the well.

But, long hairs appeared and brought his flute back. (NMJ is really the MDZS's Sadako version XDXDXD)

"Haa..." the prince breathed after their long kiss. "I knew it's you – " he said, catching his breath as his light-colored eyes that seemed to turned lighter stared at his face.

Ying-erella's face is flushed as he licked his lips. "H-how did you know it was me - ?" he asked and looked away.

But, the prince didn't answer. Ying-erella frowned and grabbed the Emperor's Smile that's on the ground.

"You went and took my first kiss... now even my second kiss – " he said, blushing furiously.

"I'll be the one to take your third, fourth, fifth... I'll be the one to take all of your kisses." The prince seriously answered.

Ying-erella smiled as he sat on the well. He patted the side beside him and looked at the prince. "Come sit here – " he said and smiled brightly. " – Lan Zhan!" he said.

Lan Wangji's eyes went wide and he smiled. Ying-erella's eyes went wide when he saw the smile, he almost fell on the well had not Nie Mingjue pushed his back. But, his push is harder and so Ying-eralla fell on front.

But... Lan Wangji would never let him fall for someone else, and so he opened his arms to catch him. Ying-erella laughed and instead hugged him.

"Wei Ying..." he called under his breath, hugging him tightly.

Now that he finally saw him... he'd never let him go. Ever again. (Damn. This leaves a bittersweet taste on me T.T)

"Hey, Lan Zhan." Ying-erella called and turned to Lan Wangji who's sleeping beside him.

They're both naked under the sheets. (Yes they did it after Ying-erella made LWJ drunk xDXDXD the playful Ying-erella as always XD)

"Hmm?" Lan Wangji said and turned to his wife.

"Won't your uncle be mad if you'll marry a man (me)?" Ying-erella asked.

Lan Wangji stared at him. "I already informed him." he answered.

Ying-erella's brows raised. "Hm? When?" he asked, surprised.

But, Lan Wangji didn't answer and kissed him as they rolled under the sheets again.

"Wangji." Lan Qiren called when he entered his nephew's room. "What is this I heard a maiden ran away from you?" he asked. "Did you scare her?" he added.

Lan Wangji turned. "I didn't." he answered. "He was the one who scared himself." He told him.

"... 'he'?" he asked, thought he must've misheard his nephew.

Lan Wangji nodded. "Yes." He said. "He was scared after I kissed him – uncle?" he called when he saw Lan Qiren's face paled.

"... you knew he was a guy?!" he asked, horrified.

Lan Wangji nodded. "Yes." He answered.

Lan Qiren felt he's going to faint. "Then why did you still kiss him?!" he asked, mad.

"... shouldn't I?" Lan Wangji asked. He's cute. He thought, his ears went red when he remembered the person's smile.

Lan Qiren coughed out mouthful of blood. Our lineage is going to end at this rate... he thought, remembered very similar to this that happened when he asked his other nephew – Lan Xichen, about the commotion on his side.

Lan Xichen fell to a guy, too. With this, Lan Qiren's soul flew out of the window.


JFM: I didn't even appear here. I'm still dead. Haha *awkward

YZY: hmph. Serves you right *looks away to cry. I wish you could've lived more... *sniff.

Author: ... tsundere till the end... *sigh

This story is still connected to the first fanfic – Ying-erella XD

Time for a ff for my another ship – LJY x NHS!!!!!!

Jin Guangyao was leaving the Jiang household and go to the first prince – Lan Xichen, when he turned and saw an old well at the side of the household.

For he doesn't know what reason, he seemed drawn to it. Just as he's a step away, long hairs suddenly went out of the well and wrapped his feet.

His eyes went wide.

"Sir!" the guards called and was about to help him when he was pulled inside the well.

What happened next is truly unexpected. The well was gone. The guards looked at each other and left. They didn't see a man wearing green clothes and waving a fan emerged from the tree beside the wall.

Nie Huaisang stopped beside the place the well disappeared. "Brother..." he called and knelt. "Rest in peace..." he said and wept.

"Gege?" a child's voice called. "Why are you crying?" he asked.

Nie Huaisang thought the kid is talking to someone else. After all, he's just an imaginary being – a fairy (conniving fairy).

"Gege?" the child called again.

Nie Huaisang's about to ignore him when he felt his clothes was tugged. He sharply turned. His eyes went wide when he saw a kid is holding the hem of his sleeve.

"... you can see me?" he asked, surprised.

"... shouldn't I?" the kid asked back. "I see gege, so I see him." he added and directly looked at his eyes.

Nie Huaisang held his breath as his eyes went misty. He turned to the kid.

"Gege." The kid called. "Are you going to cry again?" he asked.

Nie Huaisang was taken aback. He looked at the child. "Can't I cry?" he asked.

The child looked at his face. "You can't." he answered. "Tears are ruining your pretty face." He told him.

He held his breath when small chubby hands wiped the tears off his cheeks. He smiled.

"What's your name?" he asked and opened his fan.

But, since he is distracted because his brother will be forever gone, he cut his finger with his fan.

"Gege!" the child called. He immediately took off the snow-white ribbon on his forehead and tied it to his (NHS) finger. "You should learn how to take care of yourself." He told him, frowning.

Nie Huaisang looked at him. "What is your name?" he asked him again.

The child looked at him. "If gege promises me he'd take care of himself, then I'll give you my name." he said, frowning at him. "Return that (ribbon) to me if you finally learn to take care of yourself!" he added and ran when the bell chimed.

Nie Huaisang watched him ran away, then sighed. He looked at the snow-white ribbon and smiled. "How can I return this to you if I don't know you?" he asked. "Kids..." he said and remembered the 10-year old kid.

Many years later...

"Jingyi, you seriously gave to him your forehead ribbon?!" his fellow juniors asked and laughed, holding their stomach.

Lan Jingyi's face is so red you could fry an egg on it. "Shut up!" he snapped.

Lan Sizhui just grimaced. No wonder he (LJY) is engrossed in Senior Mo's (WWX) and Hanguang-Jun's stories... he thought. (implying LJY is on his road to being a cut-sleeve XD)

Lan Jingyi frowned as he marched away from his fellow juniors. "Geez... those guys...!" he muttered, sighing.

Because he's distracted, he didn't see the venomous snake.

"Argh!" he cried and held his hand when it bit him.

The venomous snake ran away.

"Damn it –" he cursed as he fell on the ground, sweating profusely because of the venom starting to spread throughout his body.

He was about to took off his forehead ribbon when he stopped. He cannot take the forehead ribbon off again.

"Let me." a voice called. "Don't move, or the poison will spread more to your body." He told him.

Lan Jingyi turned. But, because it's dark, he can't see the person. "Yes." He answered.

His voice is familiar, though. He thought as he let the person take his hand. His eyes went wide and his face flushed when he felt something soft and wet touched his hand.

The person is sucking out the poison from his hand! He thought, blushing furiously, as he felt the person's tongue also touching his skin.

He didn't know for how long until the man spoke. "Done." He said and let go of his hand.

Lan Jingyi sighed, relieved. "Thank you, sir – " he said, then stopped. He held his forehead ribbon. He wanted to tie it to his hand, but he can't. Why?

Because the forehead ribbon, for them, is a symbol of one's love towards their most important person. In short, they should give it to their other half.

Lan Jingyi's face flushed, remembered he gave his forehead ribbon to that man. "S-sorry, sir. But, I can't take off my forehead ribbon to tie to my wound." He told him. "Does the kind sir have some cloth to tie to my hand?" he asked.

The man didn't answer. A second after and Lan Jingyi felt something wrapped his hand.

He sighed, relieved. "Thank you, kind sir." He said. "I promise I'll repay this kindness – "

He cut him off. "No need." The man answered.

Lan Jingyi heard a fan opened.

"You already repaid me." the man said and silently leave.

It took him a while before he realized it. He looked at his hand and, sure enough, his first forehead ribbon is tied on it. His eyes went wide and he felt his heart is beating fast.

"Wait – " he called.

But, the man is already gone.

(A/N: a continuation of this next time! ^0^)