MDZS Miss Universe - Question and Answer Portion

"Okay. Let's not dilly-dally any longer and immediately start – " (A/N: is this you (readers) all's message to me? XD) " – since the Wen Sect were all annihilated – aside from two important cannon fodders (WN and WQ), we're starting from the LanlingJin Sect." the host said.

Wen Ning and Wen Qing waved at the four sects and sat on the two judges' seat – together with the author that's stealthily writing, now proceeding to begin the LanlingJin Sect's set of questions.

"If you are given the chance to choose between your uncle and your man (boyfriend), who will you choose?" the host asked Jin Ling.

Jin Ling's face flushed red, only to darken when he saw Jiang Cheng's glaring at him.

"Just dare you - !" Jiang Cheng yelled, taking out his Zidian.

He can't glare at Lan Sizhui since his (LSZ) father (LWJ) is just right beside him – other than Wei Wuxian.

Jin Ling's face went blank.

"Ah Ling." Lan Sizhui called.

Jin Ling looked at him.

"Please choose your uncle. Family is important – " he told him and kindle smiled, then turned to Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian who are by his side.

Jin Ling's face softened, then smiled. "You now have my answer." He told the host, then confidently left.

"Ah Ling..." Jiang Cheng called, his eyes misty. He covered his face and turned away.

Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan proudly smiled.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." we could clearly see who's the best choice. They thought and looked at Lan Sizhui, their face full of admiration for the kind junior of the GusuLan Sect.

Lan Sizhui smiled, but inside he grimaced. Err... I only said that since I know Ah Ling will definitely choose me. No... he already chosen me. I just don't want for Sect Leader Jiang to lose face – he thought.

(Let's now stop here or we'll be disillusioned for this angel - )

"Next, Jin Zixuan." The host called and turned to Jin Zixuan. "Why can't you be honest and just directly tell Maiden Jiang your real feelings?" he asked, then took a deep breath. "Now, we dare you. Tell her what you honestly feel towards her!" he said and pushed Jin Zixuan, whose face is as red as tomato, to the front.



"Tell her how you feel - !" the crowd (other sects) cheered, but also teasing.

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng frowned, still disliking Jin Zixuan.

Jin Zixuan, red-faced, looked at Jiang Yanli. Jiang Yanli smiled. He took a deep breath, then his face went serious.

Everybody fell silent, waiting.

"M-Maiden Jiang..." Jin Zixuan called, his hand holding the mic is trembling. "I – I ..." he said, red-faced. "I want you to accompany me to a night-hunt - !" he said, then shoved the mic to the host and hurriedly left.

He's red from the roots of his hair to his chest.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." is this how everyone in this novel confess to the one they love? They thought, referring to accompanying in the night hunts. (Pls. refer to the novel's Confession chapter XDXDXD)

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng smirked, already knew this is how Jin Zixuan's confession will turn out. jiang Yanli just giggled.

(*to the host. Don't you know you're breaking the tsundere-s' character here?! H: ... but you're the one who's writing this - )

"Next contestant. Jin Guang... where is he - ?" the host asked when he suddenly bumped to a table – err, it's actually Jin Guangyao.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." he's so short. They thought and decreased the contestant's points – which is already in negative because the author already hated him, and the Wen siblings partially blames him for Wen Ning's death.

"Ehem." The host cleared his throat and 'faced' (looked down) at the contestant. "If you were given the chance to be tall, what is the thing that you wanted to do most?" he asked.

Jin Guangyao smirked. "The same as what you're doing to me right now – " he answered, referring to being 'faced' (looked down).

Everyone, including the judges. "..." he's aware of this? they thought and added a point, but immediately decreased twice the point they added because of the way he answered, and what he answered.

Jin Guangyao left, head held high though they all couldn't see where his head is.

"Next set of contestants – from the QingheNie sect – " the host said when he was cut off by a thud.

They all turned and saw Jin Guangyao, who's still on the stage and is about to left because not only his height is short, but also his limbs and feet, was blocked by Nie Huaisang – who's entering the stage.

'For some reason', Jin Guangyao 'suddenly' – as sudden as when Nie Huaisang appeared, 'collapsed', his side is bleeding and his blood is now spreading on the stage.

"Huh?" Nie Huaisang said and covered his face with his fan. "Where am I? why am I here – huh...?!" he said, surprised, when he saw Jin Guangyao is lying on the stage now filled with blood. "He died again – err, I mean... what happened to him - ?!" he asked, panicky.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." speechless of Nie Huaisang. He's better than Jin Guangyao in acting! They thought, giving Nie Huaisang full marks in arts.

Nobody spoke a word, nor reacted when they saw Nie Huaisang dragged Jin Guangyao's corpse, a saber that's supposed to be in the waist of the one dragging the other is still stuck on that other's (dragged) back, half of it (saber) can only be seen.

"Brother!" Nie Huaisang called.

Their face was covered in black lines when they saw Nie Miingjue appeared.

"My Christmas gift for you – " Nie Huaisang added as he threw Jin Guangyao's corpse in the box wrapped in blood red ribbon where Nie Mingjue's corpse is.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." shocked speechless again.

"E-ehem." The host cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "Since the other contestant of this sect is incapable of answering..." he said and looked away after Nie Huaisang told the helper (responsible for the box wrapped in blood-red ribbon) to display the box in the altar of the QingheNie Sect. "If you were to choose between a fan and a saber, what will you choose?" he asked.

Nie Huaisang smiled. "Of course my fan." He answered.

"Why is that so?" the host asked. "Didn't you want revenge...?" he asked and carefully looked at the back. He sighed, relieved, when the 'gift box' already was gone.

"... I already installed a knife in my fan. Want me to show you?" Nie Huaisang asked and brightly smiled.

He was about to open his fan when the host jumped back, a meter away from him.

Nie Huaisang laughed and opened his fan. "I'm joking, I'm joking." He said and left, fanning himself.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." dark lines covered their face when they saw something glittered at the tip of the fan of Nie Huaisang.

He's seriously not joking. They thought.

The host, pale, shakily held the card containing the next set of questions. "N-n-next... YunmengJiang Sect – " he said. " – Sect Leader Jiang Wanyin."

"Here." Jiang Cheng answered.

"What's the biggest regret you have in your life?" the host asked.

"... Wei Wuxian." Jiang Cheng answered.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." is he going to confess?! They thought, shocked but anticipating.

He (JC) really is. He took a deep breath, then held the mic tightly. "I regret for not sewing his mouth!" he said, his eeys narrowed as he glared at Wei Wuxian who's standing by waiting for his turn as he listens to his mp3 playing his Chenqing's tune.

"Hm?" Wei Wuxian turned when he saw everyone's staring at him. "Jiang Cheng!" he called, grinning.

Jiang Cheng's eyes darkened, feeling something bad about this.

"Hehe... you bombed your answer again - ?" he asked and goofily grinned.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." Jiang Cheng really should sew that mouth (of WWX's". They thought, pitying Jiang Cheng when they saw him struggling after Lan Xichen pulled him off the stage when he (JC) took out Zidian and was about to attack Wei Wuxian.

"E-err..." the host said, don't know what to do about the violent contestants. "N-Next... the Yiling Patriarch – Wei Wuxian." He said.

Wei Wuxian smiled brightly and waved. Lan Wangji, on the side, clapped as his ears went red. So hot... he thought as he stared at his wife wearing his clothes as Yiling Patriarch. I'd do him for a whole month while he wears that clothes. He thought and nodded.

"Hm?" Lan Qiren turned when he saw his nephew nodded. He looked at him suspiciously. What thoughts are my nephew is having again...? he thought and glared at Wei Wuxian who's now is asked.

"If you've given the chance to change your past... will you do it?" the host asked.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." they all looked at the author (MXTX) who's watching silently on the side.

(A/N: she really appeared here?! O.O!!!)

Wei Wuxian's face went serious, then he smiled. "May I ask you back... if your mother hated you because you were born deformed... will you curse her?" he asked, then chuckled. "We can' change what's already given – our fate. All we can do is, if we can't change it, is to change our self... our way of thinking." He said, then bowed.

His ink-black silky hair fluttered when he turned, together with his blood-red ribbon that tied on his hair. Everybody momentarily forgot that this is the man who turned heaven and earth.

Lan Wangji's usually blank face is indescribable. If he was the one who was asked that... even he isn't sure, what to answer, and if he could even answer that question. "Wei Ying..." he called when he saw him (WWX) walked towards him.

Wei Wuxian's dark face lit up. "Lan Zhan!" he called and jumped on him (LWJ), hugging him tightly. "Lan Zhan..." he called and buried his face on the hollow space between Lan Wangji's slender neck and smooth shoulder hidden under his snow-white and uncreased robe.

"Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji called and hugged him back.

"Did I answer well?" Wei Wuxian asked, his body shaking. "I was soooo holding back not to laugh – pft – " he said and a giggle escaped from his mouth. "What a stupid question... haha... can we even change the past - ?" he asked and laughed.

"... Wei Ying – " he called.

"I mean – " Wei Wuxian said and raised his head, his eyes filled with tears – but because of laughter. " – are they Doctor Strange or whatnot genius professor – pft!" he said and covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing loudly. "We may be cultivators, but none have proven they could be immortals. You know what I am saying?" he asked and grinned.

"... mn." Lan Wangji just nodded. He doesn't. He just agreed to make his wife stop from saying nonsensical things again.

"From the last (to be extinct) clan – " the host said (because they're gays – *rumors).

"I heard that!" Lan Qiren protested.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." ignore him. Ignore him. They thought and acted focused when Lan Jingyi appeared on the stage.

"Since your pair is still yet to be decided by the fans (seriously? XD), would you rather choose a man to follow the trend of your clan (gays)?" the host asked.

"I clearly hear that - !" Lan Qiren yelled, mad.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." as if we care. They thought and obviously, deliberately and intentionally showed him they're ignoring him.

Lan Qiren's yet to cough out blood.

"... hasn't my pair has already been decided?" Lan Jingyi asked back.

"Hm? Who?" the host asked, surprised.

Lan Jingyi's eyes fell to a certain person fanning himself. "Him." he answered, his eyes pointing the certain man donned in green robes – a golden crown on top of his head.

"... who decided this...?" the host asked under his breath because of shock.

"Me." Lan Jingyi answered, then faced everybody. "He is chosen by my heart." He answered, then grinned. He gave back the mic to the host and jumped off the stage.

He ran towards Nie Huaisang – who's waiting for him (LJY), all smiles. But, his eyes are misty as he looked at Lan Jingyi full of fondness.

He's obviously touched by the youth's answer.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." that's really touching and all, but that answer answers it (rumors) all.

The Lan Clan are gays.

"Not - !" Lan Qiren said, but was cut off when the host called the next contestant.

Err, no... he intentionally cut Lan Qiren's complaint.

"Good evening." Lan Sizhui greeted and bowed.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." we seriously have forgotten courtesy. They thought, referring to greetings and such.

A long silence can be heard when the sound of tapping the keyboard stopped. They all looked at the author.

Everyone, excluding one of the judges (author) "..." she's having a hard time what to ask the kind child. They thought and looked at Lan Sizhui smiling.

A few seconds and they heard the host spoke. "If you are given one day to do the thing that you wanted the most to do, what would that be?" the host asked.

Silence fell once again when they saw the fingers of the author hovering above the keyboard stopped.

Everyone, excluding one of the judges (author) "..." what is she thinking right now? they thought and suspiciously, but also anxiously looked at the author.

The author raised her head, the lenses of her eyeglasses flashed as her gaze met Lan Sizhui's gaze. ... can I still take back that question? she regrettably thought when, for a moment, she saw Lan Sizhui's eyes.

Lan Sizhui smiled when the author continued back to write to arrange his answer. "... I want to spend my whole day with my family." He answered, then forced a smile.

A long silence fell, even the author who's writing this fanfic.

Right. They all thought, a tear forming in the corner of their eyes. He's... they thought and sniffed, can't hold back not to cry because of the tragic childhood of this kind child.

Lan Sizhui respectfully bowed and left after glancing one more time to the silent author – who's wallowing in her grief.

... I just created a trouble for Jin Ling. she thought, her head that hung low is covered in shock. That one moment... she thought she was enlightened by what she saw in Lan Sizhui's eyes.

He (LSZ) was doing Jin Ling who's in tears, both in pain and pleasure.

I just created a dangerous gong (LSZ)... Ah Ling, sorry...! she thought and covered his face to cry.

Everyone, excluding one of the judges (author) "..." what is she now thinking? They thought, then sighed as they decided to ignore the weird (as always) author.

"Next contestant, Lan Wangji." The host said and stepped back when he saw Lan Wangji's face that's covered in frost (as always). "E-err..." the host asked.

"Speak." Lan Wangji told him.

The host nodded and read the question card. "If you were to choose which Wei Wuxian you like/love, which would you choose?" he asked and cautiously looked at Lan Wangji. "The past Wei Wuxian, or he present?"

"Oh~?" Wei Wuxian said and grinned as he rubbed his chin, waiting for Lan Wangji's answer.

"The past." Lan Wangj answered.

Wei Wuxian smirked. "Lan Zhan, great choice - !" he said, teasingly winked at Lan Wangji.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." that's right. After all, Wei Wuxian's in Mo Xuanyu's body now – they thought.

But, before they could continue, Lan Wangji continued.

"... because his past makes up of what he's now (present)." He said and looked at Wei Wuxian.

They could see an arrow pierced Wei Wuxian's chest when he froze, his face went red as he stupidly stared at Lan Wangji, shocked speechless – like everyone else.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." damn WWX so lucky to have that smexy perfect HanGuang-Jun! they thought, bitter.

Lan Wangji nodded and silently walked towards his wife. Now it's his turn to shock him speechless (pls. refer to the Confession chapter of the novel xD).

He pulled Wei Wuxian, who's still dumb in shock, away and left the venue.

"N-Next... Lan Xichen." The host said, regaining his composure.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." covers eyes because of the literally blinding light behind Lan Xichen. (someone's seriously arranging lights behind him. XD)

"If you were to choose – " the host said, then gulped and his face paled when he saw the question he's about to ask. – who would you choose – " he said and took a deep breath. " – between Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng - ?" he asked so fast because of nervousness.

But, everyone is fast enough to hear it.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." a landmine. They thought and looked at the silent author.

The smile on Lan Xichen's face froze before it disappeared. Everybody held their breath as they wait for his answer.

"Wanyin." He called and directly looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked back at him, his face void of emotion.

Lan Xichen smiled. "He's my answer." He said and lowered his head as he gave the mic back to the host.

It took a minute before they understood what happened. A loud roar echoed and it took an hour to calm everybody down.

One, Lan Xichen didn't hesitate to answer. Two, Lan Xichen called Jiang Cheng by his courtesy name – which nobody ever called him (aside Lan Wangji – who's ever so courteous, except Wei Wuxian). Three –

Wait. Was there a three?

As everybody celebrates, Jiang Cheng's just silently looking at Lan Xichen's figure leaving. Sorry. He thought. (just hang on to your seats! I won't let this happen either! XD)

"For the last contestant – Lan Qiren." The host said and turned to Lan Qiren who's glaring at him because of his (host) remarks (ref. to 'gay') earlier.

But, his face is just blank.

"You – " Lan Qiren said, gritting his teeth. " – if you say another word about 'that' – " he said, glaring murderously at the host.

Why me...? I'm just following the author's orders... the host thought and looked at the author whose head is buried on the screen of the laptop, her hands moving fast as she typed.

The host sighed and dark lines covered his face when he saw the question card. "Given that your nephews and two promising juniors (LSZ and LJY) are now... ehem." He said and looked away when Lan Qiren, face red with anger, glaring daggers at him.

But, something even worse is awaiting him (LQR).

The host took a deep breath before he dropped the bomb (shocking question). "... are you willing to be paired to a man, too - ?" he asked.

Before he could continue, Lan Qiren finally snapped and punched him. But, before Lan Qiren's fist could land on the host's face, his blood pressure rose for holding back his anger and thus, he was carried by the ambulance and sent to the hospital.

The host immediately left the venue before the competition could end.

The author sighed and stood up. Seeing she made a move, everybody fell silent. "... the competition hasn't ended yet." She said. "There's still a contestant who needs to be asked again."

Before they all could ask, her eyes already fell to Jiang Cheng.

"Why am I being asked again?" Jiang Cheng complained as he went up the stage since he has no choice.

"... your answer is invalid."

"What?!" Jiang Cheng asked and glared as he turned to the one who spoke.

His face paled when he saw it was the first judge – yes, the author XD

The author fixed her eyeglasses which the lenses flashed again, as she raised her head to look at Jiang Cheng.

"Your answer is invalid." She slowly said, pressing each word to express her intent – to make Jiang Cheng answer again.

Jiang Cheng frowned. "What do you want to ask?" he asked.

The author fixed her eyeglasses, again, which the lenses flashed again, as she raised her head to look at Jiang Cheng, again.

She'll be the one to ask Jiang Cheng. "For the win – " she said and directly looked at Jiang Cheng through her square eyeglasses. " – if you were given the chance to freely choose your partner... who would you choose?" she asked, her face serious (as always).

A long silence fell. Her question is crystal clear – she's making him (JC) choose between Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian.

Jiang Cheng's face went serious. Earlier, he already answered this. He glanced at Lan Xichen who's staring at him.

I'm sorry. He thought as he lowered his head. "Wei Wuxian." He answered.

A deafening silence can be heard. They all looked around. They don't know whether to be relieved, or anguished, when they saw the person in question – Wei Wuxian, isn't around.

Their heart hurt when they saw Lan Xichen smiled and silently left. They all glared at the author.

But, she's just silently looking at Jiang Cheng. She's not even facing the laptop anymore. She didn't ask him and just wait.

Their forehead knotted. Before they could think of the author's actions, Jiang Cheng spoke.

"But – " he said, his voice low. " – I know, even if we've been together since we were young, he won't choose me." he said and raised his head. "Even when he chose the different path and didn't inform me..." he said and bitterly smiled. "That's when... he arrived." He said, obviously referring to Lan Xichen. "He was always by my side..." he smiled, a real smile. "I know I'm just taking him for granted. And I'm guilty for that. I don't want him to continue loving me, even if he knew I'm just using him." he said and lowered his head. "Tell me..." he said, his hoarse voice filling the silent stadium. "... who wouldn't fall for a guy like that?" he asked, then raised his face.

They felt their heart was crushed when they saw his eyes and smile filled in pain.

"... who wouldn't completely fall for a guy like that?" he asked, then lowered his head as he bitterly smiled. "For now... we're still in mutual understanding. And so – " he said and looked at them, a bitter smile on his face. " – this (event) may be for the best. Author – " he called and looked at her. " – thank you for making me deliver this message to him. Though – " he said, his eyes dimmed when he saw the empty chair of Lan Xichen. " – I just don't know if it (message) was delivered to him." he said and thankfully smiled at the author.

He left and directly went to the dressing room.

"Why are you doing this?" they asked.

The author's face is blank (as always) as she sat back on her seat. The creaking sound of the swivel chair rang in the silent stadium.

"Why shouldn't I?" she asked back. "... we've been reading Lan Xichen's side and how he fell to him (JC). It's time for him (JC) to explain his side." She answered.

"... this still hurts like hell." They said and sniffed.

The author paused, then slowly turned to them. "... you don't know what hell is." She answered, then looked at the place where the two (WangXian) were earlier. "And I don't want to know what it is." She added, then silently left after she took the laptop.

"... hey! That's our laptop - !" they told her.

The author paused, then silently gave them the laptop – her face is blank.

A defense mechanism? They thought as they watched her leave. She's hiding her embarrassment with her blank face.

A kuudere author.

They were surprised when she stopped by the door. Their forehead knotted when they saw her come back.

"... are you here to ask for the laptop?" they asked.

"... can I?" she asked. "For a Christmas gift for me." she told them.

Dark lines covered their face.

(A/N: calm down, guys. Stop hitting me – ow! Like I've said earlier, this isn't the end, since I don't want to end this like this, either! OW! *hits by a block in the head, faints. How can I continue the story now - ? XD)

Extra: Cut part – the only female contestant. (I seriously forgot to include her. XDXD sorry – XD)

"If you were given the chance to choose between an honest to his feelings and cheerful husband instead of a tsundere and gloomy husband..." the host paused. "Please it's really obvious... choose the first one – " he said and sighed.

Jin Zixuan frowned.

Jiang Yanli chuckled. "There'll be imbalance in my life if I'd choose a person the same as me – " she said and respectfully bowed, all-smiled, then humbly left.

Jin Zixuan's face went red, flatted and embarrassed at the same time.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." that was just a subtle insult, right? Right?! They thought. The holy maiden just made an insult! To her husband! She finally complained! They thought, and rejoiced instead of being shocked.

(A/N: I seriously fully accepted JZX on the later part of the novel XD)

Extra: The Right Answer for the Idea behind the Question

"Ah Ling." Lan Sizhui called as he held Jin Ling's hand tightly.

"Hm?" Jin Ling turned. His face went red when Lan Sizhui kissed him.

He closed his eyes tight, embarrassed. But, a second later and he kissed him back.

Lan Sizhui twisted opened the doorknob behind Jin Ling and pushed him inside the room. He then locked the door and grabbed Jin Ling by the waist, kissing him fervently, as he started to slip his hands inside his (JL) clothes.

Author... thank you for giving me the idea. Lan Sizhui thought, referring to 'a day doing what you want to do most'.

He wanted to spend all his time with Jin Ling – while them doing 'this'. He pushed him (JL) down the bed and went on top of him as he started to rain kisses, marking Jin Ling's body, proving he's (JL) his.

The room will be filled with passionate cries and moans, but fortunately every room is soundproof.

(A/N: ... where the hell is the bed from? And exactly what is the venue for the rooms to be soundproof? XDXDXD)

Extra: Not Missing a Day in Everyday

"... Lan Zhan..." Wei Wuxian called as he purred when he felt Lan Wangji's finger entered his butthole.

They're in one of the other rooms which, like every other rooms, is soundproof.

(A.N: seriously they're in a hotel, aren't they? XDXDXD sorry if this is Jin Guangyao (short) xDXDXD)

Extra: Another Touching Moment

"... Jingyi." Nie Huaisang called. He pulled his hand Lan Jingyi's holding, stopping him.

"Hm?" Lan Jingyi said and turned. "Sang-gege?" he called.

Nie Huaisang stared at him for a long time, then smiled. He opened his fan and covered his lower face. "... I don't deserve you." He told him, his face serious.

Lan Jingyi stared at him, weighing his words. Nie Huaisang looked away and fanned himself.

"... Sang-gege." Lan Jingyi called, his voice low. "Are you tired of me?" he asked, then lowered his head.

Nie Huaisang's eyes went wide and he turned to Lan Jingyi. Wrong (?) move. Their eyes met.

He can't look away.

"I'll never get tired of you." Lan Jingyi said, his eyes staring into his (NHS) eyes. "I hope Sang-gege won't get tired of me." he said.

Nie Huaisang's heart melted. "... I'm not for you." He told him, then looked at his hand Lan Jingyi's still holding. "I... I've killed people – " he said and pulled his hand.

But, Lan Jingyi held his hand tighter. "I don't care." He said, his face serious. "Even if you've killed thousands more... I'll stop you." He said and looked at him. "If I can't stop you, then I – " he said and took a deep breath. " – I'll join you." He told him.

Nie Huaisang's eyes went wide, shocked, and he looked at him. "Jingyi..." he muttered under his breath.

Lan Jingyi nodded and held his hand tightly. "Sang-gege..." he called. "If you don't deserve me, then I don't deserve you either." He told him, then smiled.

He let go of his hand. Nie Huaisang felt like his heart dropped ten feet to the ground. Only to fly back up when Lan Jingyi raised both his hands and cupped his face.

He dropped his fan in surprise.

"Sang-gege..." Lan Jingyi called, staring at his face. "But... you don't need to kill more people..." he told him, then smiled. "I'd kill them for you." He told him.

Nie Huaisang stared at him in shock.

"... that's how deserving you are." Lan Jingyi told him and closed his eyes.

He kissed him. A tear fell from his eyes as he closed them and kissed him back.


"But, you don't need to kill anyone for me." Nie Huaisang said as they walked hand-in-hand. "I'll just make someone do it (killing) for us." he told him and smiled brightly.

He's obviously referring to scheming.

Lan Jingyi just smiled and shook his head. "Sang-gege..." he sighed. "... there's no need for more blood to shed now, right?" he asked.

"Oh. You're right." Nie Huaisang said, referring to Jin Guangyao dead.

Lan Jingyi just laughed as he hugged him (NHS) tight. Nie Huaisang smiled and hugged him back.

Extra: Savior (A/N: I should make this a separate fanfic, oh but who cares xDXDXD)

"... I knew you'd be here." Jiang Cheng said when he saw Lan Xichen inside his dressing room.

He's waiting for him.

"Coz I know this is where you'll go to." Lan Xichen said and smiled.

Jiang Cheng's heart just hurt more. He lowered his head to hide his tears and walked past him.

But, Lan Xichen grabbed his arm. "Wanyin..." he called, his voice low. "... don't I really have no space for your heart?" he asked. "... can't I nurse back your heart and make it mine?" he added, his voice hoarse.

Jiang Cheng's lips trembled and his tears fell. (A/N: aaaaaaaah!!!! Onions, stop! Leave me! T.T) "Lan Xichen..." he called, then sobbed.

Lan Xichen closed his eyes tight and let go of his arm. Jiang Cheng felt his heart was crushed. He felt his knees turned weak.

But, just as he's about to fall Lan Xichen caught him and pulled him in his arms.

Like he always does... Jiang Cheng thought and closed his eyes tight. Every time I fall, he'll always catch me before I could (fall).

He buried his face on his chest.

"... I'll wait." Lan Xichen said above his head. "I'll wait until you forget him. Just..." he drew a sharp breath. "Just let me stay by your side... I promise I'll make you completely forget him." he told him and hugged him tightly as he kissed his temple.

Jiang Cheng closed his eyes tight as a smile cross his lips. "Mn." He nodded and smelled his scent.

Idiot. He thought. You already fulfilled that promise. He felt his (LXC) heart beating against his chest. It was so fast and loud.

Like his (JC's heart).

(A/N: like I thought before I could write this, I'll make an entirely separate fanfic of this XDXDXD)

P.S.: if you're asking what happened why LXC's and JC's relationship (married) from the Costume portion got entirely different here (M.U.-mutual understanding)... the author forgot – ow! *hits head. kidding. Just think of this as a different realms – ow! Fine! there's no rhyme or reason, really -! OW! Fine! because it's the Q&A now so we need to REFRESH AND RESTART (only applies to XiCheng – ow!) since the Q&A is so serious – OWWWWWW!!!!!!! Fine! just forget this part, then - ! *walks out)

P.S. of P.S.: for those who just noticed this after I pointed this out... congratulations, now you're confused! XDXDXD *ow.

Note: for the Christmas edition... I'll notify you if I finished writing it XDXDXD

I hope you enjoyed this Miss U version! v*^0^*v advance merry Christmas! ^_^



(Finished writing: 12:37 AM 12/22/18 Updated: same day XDXDXD ok. I'm crazy XD)