XiCheng ‘accidents’

A fanfic full of fluff <3

Kiss and Run

Yunmeng, midnight.

"Sect Leader Jiang!" Lan Xichen's voice echoed in the silence of the night.

Jiang Cheng, startled awake, immediately opened his door. "What – " he said, surprised, when he saw Lan Xichen standing outside his room. "ZeWu-Jun. What the hell're you – wah!" he exclaimed when Lan Xichen suddenly pushed him inside his room and locked the door.

Before Jiang Cheng could breathe a word, he felt his back hit the wall, though just softly. A kabedon right from the start?! He thought. And how the hell does this man (Lan Xichen) get in the Lotus Pier?! (How the hell did Jiang Cheng knew the word – 'kabedon'?)

He looked up and saw Lan Xichen's solemn face.

"Sect Leader Jiang…" Lan Xichen called, his voice soft.

"ZeWu-Jun. Why are you – " Jiang Cheng said.

Lan Xichen cut him off. "I came to see Sect Leader Jiang." He said.

"You could've just – " Jiang Cheng said.

" – I can't wait to see you." Lan Xichen cut him off again.

Dark lines covered Jiang Cheng's face. Could it be… not only his little brother, but he could read everybody's mind, too? Jiang Cheng thought, his face dark.

This is bad… he thought, his face went red. "Why do you want to see me?" he asked after a while, not daring to look at Lan Xichen's face.

"… I want to." Lan Xichen answered.

Jiang Cheng's face went redder. "Why?" he asked.

Lan Xichen didn't answer. His heart sank.

But, his heart is destined to fly up to the ninth heaven when he looked up and saw Lan Xichen is staring at him, his eyes full of tenderness.

"Wanyin…" Lan Xichen called, his voice as tender as his eyes.

"Lan… Xichen…" Jiang Cheng muttered. He held his breath when Lan Xichen's face lowered to his.

His eyes went wide when he saw Lan Xichen closed his eyes. His lips met his. Jiang Cheng could feel his heart flutter and he felt butterflies inside his stomach when he felt Lan Xichen's soft lips softly pressing against his.

But, just as he's about to close his eyes he felt Lan Xichen suddenly became heavy. Before he knew it, they fell on the floor.

Jiang Cheng's head and back hit the floor, bearing Lan Xichen's weight above him.

"Oww…" Jiang Cheng cried as he grimaced in pain. He looked at the man on top of him. His face went dark when he saw Lan Xichen is fast asleep.

Could it be…? Jiang Cheng thought as the ring (Zidian) on his finger sparked.

Before he could move, the door of his room burst open and two people came rushing in.

"Brother!" Lan Wangji called.

"ZeWu-Jun!" Wei Wuxian called.

The two newcomers were frozen on the doorway when they saw Lan Xichen lying on top of Jiang Cheng whose face is dark.

"What… the hell happened?" Wei Wuxian asked and looked at the Jiang Cheng's dark expression. "Jiang Cheng. What happened - ?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng's face became darker. Lan Wangji, sensing danger, immediately grabbed his elder brother as the Zidian barely missed Lan Xichen's foot.

"Don't you have eyes?" Jiang Cheng asked Wei Wuxian as he stood up, Zidian sparking on his hand. "He just came to my doorstep and suddenly attacked me!" he said and glared at the sleeping Lan Xichen who's dangling on Lan Wangji's arm, slightly kneeling on the floor.

"Uh… you looked fine." Wei Wuxian said as he looked at Jiang Cheng up and down. "ZeWu-Jun accidentally sipped a cup of Emperor's Smile." He explained. "So, uh… how did he attack you?" he asked and looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth but didn't answer. "The Lan Clan can't drink alcohol. Don't you dare make them drink even just a drop - !" he roared at Wei Wuxian as he pushed him outside.

Lan Wangji, his lover outside, automatically followed. Jiang Cheng shut the door on their face.

"… won't he even ask why brother went from Gusu to here?" Lan Wangji asked as he and his lover stared at the closed door before them.

They looked at each other, then looked at the sleeping Lan Xichen, before they left going back to the Gusu.

"… he (Jiang Cheng) didn't even ask why ZeWu-Jun doesn't smell like alcohol." Wei Wuxian added as another sword flew not far from Bichen.

A white figure mounted on the sword, his face smiling brighter and wider this time.

Lan Xichen is in a good mood, better than ever.


"Uhm… doesn't Sect Leader Jiang looked scarier than usual?" they asked as they glanced at Jiang Cheng's dark expression.

"Yes. He's literally on fire – " the disciples whispered as they looked at purple sparks around Jiang Cheng, zapping the leaves falling on him.

"Why is he like this?"

"You mean always like this - ?"

"No! He looked edgier than usual – "

"Ah. Must be last night."

"Last night?"

"What happened?"

"… a voice yelled in Sect Leader Jiang's quarters last night. After the door opened, there was silence."

"Who could be that voice?"


"I saw a white figure flying towards the sect leader's quarters – "

"You saw their face?"


"But, I saw two more figures."


"Yes. One was wearing similar clothes to the first figure."

"The other one?"

"Black clothes."

"Ah! Could it be the Yiling Patriarch?!"

"Then… the one that's with him – "


"So… the first white figure…"

"… ZeWu-Jun?!"

The said personas finally arrived. It was a night hunt.

"What could they be doing in the sect leader's room?"

"Yes, yes. And in the middle of the night - !"

"Sssh! Lower your voice! They might hear you - !"

"Maybe they're just talking…?"

"What else do you think could they do aside from talking?!"

"It was only a moment the Yiling Patriarch and HanGuang-Jun stayed…"

"But, ZeWu-Jun…" they all looked at each other.

"… the YunmengJiang Sect and GusuLan Sect sure became so close the past years…" the disciples commented.

The two sects are doing a night hunt together.

"Jiang Cheng!" it was Wei Wuxian who broke the murmurs inside the forest.

A vein popped in Jiang Cheng's forehead. First, because of his disciples. "You all are noisier than the ghosts in this forest!" he finally snapped.

Obviously, he heard what his disciples are talking about. It's a miracle he held himself back until they finished their whispering to each other.

Second, which is needless to say, it because of the annoying guy who reincarnated, and is calling him again.

"Jiang Cheng!" Wei Wuxian, the annoying guy, called, grinning widely. Lan Wangji is following behind him.

Jiang Cheng sighed, ignoring Wei Wuxian. Third that's giving him headache, surprisingly, it's…

"Sect Leader Jiang." A voice Jiang Cheng could never forget called. "It's been a while." It was none other than Lan Xichen. He appeared from the shadows, his smiling face brighter than the moon that's illuminating the forest, tonight.

The GusuLan Sect disciples are behind him.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng answered. "I haven't seen ZeWu-Jun's shadow since the last conference, which was a month ago." He said.

The murmurs finally died and they all looked at Jiang Cheng's blank face.

"… it wasn't ZeWu-Jun who went to sect leader's quarters last night?!" the YunmengJiang Sect disciples hissed at each other, shocked.

"Then… who?"

Lan Xichen smiled. "Yes." He answered. "I feel like going to Yunmeng one of these days…" he said. "… since I've never gone even once." He smiled.

The GusuLan Sect's disciples that's behind Lan Xichen looked at each other. "… I thought it was in YunmengZeWu-Jun gone to last night…?" they whispered, which is obviously can be heard.

If those are so… who was it that yelled in the YungmengJiang sect leader's room last night? And… where did the GusuLan sect leader went?


Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji just silently looked at the two (LXC and JC) who are staring at each other for so long.

Even if they are the witnesses, but they chose to be silent since they don't want to tarnish the dignity of both sect leaders… if they still have left (dignity), as they looked at the disciples of the both sects who are whispering to each other.

What they said really is true. It was Lan Xichen who yelled at Jiang Cheng's room last night, and obviously, he went to Yunmeng. Jiang Cheng wants to deny this fact, and for some reason, Lan Xichenis going along with Jiang Cheng.

Why…? Wei Wuxian thought, puzzled. His forehead knotted as he put his finger on his lips.

Lan Wangji who's been watching his wife's every move, pulled Wei Wuxian's finger and replaced it with his lips.

The whole forest became as silent as the night when they saw the loving couple. Some were shocked, some were blank. But, there were also some whose face is red as they stared in awe while Lan Wangji brought his wife (WWX) to his embrace.

Wangji… Lan Xichen thought and forced a smile. Thank you… he thought and glanced at Jiang Cheng who's frowning at the loving husband and wife.

If Lan Wangji didn't make a move to divert the disciples' attention from them (LXC and JC), the atmosphere would just get more awkward.

Though… he thought. Maybe his younger brother just did it out of his (LWJ) love for the love of his life. He grimaced.

"You can now start the night hunt." Jiang Cheng said coldly to his disciples and walked out.

"Yes!" the YunmengJiang Sect disciples answered and bowed, even if their sect leader already left.

They just sighed and scratched their head as they dispersed.

Lan Xichen turned to his disciples and instructed them. Then, they hurriedly left to ran after the YunmengJiang disciples.

Obviously, to gossip with their sect leaders.

Lan Xichen sighed at this thought. He turned to his brother and Wei Wuxian. "Thank you very much." He told them and bowed.

Wei Wuxian waved his hand. "No worries, no worries." He said. "But, ZeWu-Jun… won't you ran after Jiang Cheng?" he asked and pointed the direction where Jiang Cheng left.

Lan Xichen's face went serious. "That's…" he said, don't know what to answer.

"… brother." Lan Wangji called.

He looked at him.

Lan Wangji stared at him, his contrasting light-colored eyes boring into his deep-colored eyes. "… you'll regret." He told him.

It's just a simple sentence, but the impact is ground-breaking for him (LXC). He hasn't answered for a while.

Lan Wangji excused himself and took his wife (WWX) away.

Lan Xichen blew out air in the air as he looked at the moon in the night sky. It's about to be covered by the drifting clouds floating beneath it.

Am I going to just let this go…? He thought and lowered his head.

"Lan Xichen." Jiang Cheng called, his face serious as he stared at the river beneath them, the petals drifting along with the water.

They're on the bridge of the Cloud Recesses. Yes. Just where they first met. Why are they here? He thought and looked at Jiang Cheng's face.

He felt his heart was squeezed tight by an invisible hand when he saw his (JC) expression.

Jiang Cheng's hands that's on the beam gripped it tight. "… please don't follow me." he said.

Before he could speak, Jiang Cheng ran to the other side of the bridge. He's too fast, in just a second and he was gone.

What…? He thought, shocked, as he stared at the direction where he (JC) left, wide-eyed. Wanyin…he thought as he raised his hand in the air, looking as if he's (JC) still in front of him, and smiling brightly at him.

He couldn't forget that smile of his (JC) when he met him here.

"Wanyin…" he muttered under his breath as he lowered his hand after Jiang Cheng's image vanished. … he must have noticed I'm in love with him. He thought as he closed his eyes tight, preventing his tears to fall down his cheeks.

But, a tear still escaped from the corner of his eyes, followed by countless of them to stream down his cheeks. I'm so in love with him, I - he thought as he drew a sharp breath when he felt his chest tightened.

I scared him because of what I feel towards him.

Because of the pain he felt, he forgotten the somber expression Jiang Cheng had when they're still on the bridge.

It's filled with melancholy and longing.

Lan Xichen raised his head when the surrounding went dark. The moon was finally covered by the clouds. But, he didn't expect… the clouds are rain clouds.

The rain started to fall, just like what happened to him (fell in love with JC *0*)

He walked around to find a shed or a cave to settle in. What he didn't expect, again, is to see the man that's been on his mind.

Jiang Cheng is silently sitting inside the cave, his back leaning on the cold wall of the cave.


Lan Xichen slowly walked inside. "Sect Leader Jiang – " he called when he stopped. He felt his heart melted when he saw him.

Jiang Cheng is sleeping, his arms crossed while hugging his sword.

"… seriously…" he muttered and smiled as he took off his robe and covered him (JC) with it.

He was about to leave and find another shelter when he saw a pool of water outside of the cave. It's flooding.

But, though it's flooding but the ground level of the cave is higher than of the water, an so they'll be safe for now.

He sighed and sat across Jiang Cheng. Seems like we're trapped. He thought and stared at Jiang Cheng sleeping across him. Yet this guy isn't even aware of it. He thought and sighed, then smiled. He felt his lips trembled as the temperature dropped.

They didn't have time to find twigs and branches to make a fire in the cave since they didn't expect for this to happen, and so there's nothing to warm them up.

He looked at Jiang Cheng when he heard him murmured. "Wanyin…" he called and immediately stood up. "Wanyin- ?" he called and tapped his cheeks.

His eyes went wide when he felt his skin. He's burning up! He thought. He's having a fever - ! he wildly looked around, panicking.

"Wanyin- !" he called, continuously tapping Jiang Cheng's cheek to wake him up. "Wanyin… Wanyin- !" he called and clicked his tongue when Jiang Cheng just groaned, his face flushed as his breath became fast. "Wanyin!" he called and hugged him tight. What do I do - ? he thought and closed his eyes tight. If something happens to him, I - ! he thought as he put his hand on Jiang Cheng's back.

He sent his spiritual energy to him. He doesn't know how long did he last until he felt his eyes closed and he lost consciousness.

"… mnm…" he groaned as he turned his head. "Wanyin…" he murmured under his breath as he moved his hand, searching to the other side of the bed.

"… you almost died out cold – literally, yet you still are being selfish – again, and find…!" Lan Qiren's voice roared because of anger, didn't continue feeling he'd explode if he'd say another word.

Lan Xichen's eyes immediately opened and he sat up. "… uncle?" he called when he saw Lan Qiren, fuming mad as he glared at him, while Lan Wangji – as usual blank-faced, just staring at him as he (LWJ) stopped their uncle. "… what happe- ?" he asked.

Lan Wangji cut him off, afraid he (LXC) might say a word Lan Qiren didn't want to hear.

"Brother." He called. "Due to heavy rain, there was a landslide in the forest." He started. "Fortunately, everybody's safe. Except you." He said, then paused. "And Jiang Wanyin." He added and glanced at Lan Qiren whose face went red because of anger. "You two went missing…" he continued and turned to him. "… for two days." He added.

Lan Xichen's eyes went wide, shocked. "Two days?!" he asked.

Lan Wangji nodded. "Yes." He answered.

Lan Xichen stared at him in disbelief. "But… how - ?" he asked. I remember, I sent him spiritual energy. He should be alright that time and leave –

"Brother." Lan Wangji called, must've sensed what he's thinking by seeing his reactions. "We found you two in that cave. And – " he said and paused, looked at his face. " – both of you were unconscious." He said.

Lan Xichen's mouth fell open. "What?!" he asked and stood up. "Ugh - !" he cried when he felt his side hurt. He held it and looked at it.

His eyes went wide when he saw there's a wound, and now it's bleeding. I remember now - ! he thought, wide-eyed, as he thought what happened in that cave.

It's when the ground shook and the stalactite, which we haven't noticed, fell on me and –

Two days ago.

Lan Xichen's forehead knotted when he felt something cold dropped on his forehead.

"You're awake." A voice said.

Lan Xichen's eyelids abruptly opened upon hearing that stern voice. Wanyin – he thought and sat up. He turned and saw on the side Jiang Cheng is silently sitting, leaning on the cold cave wall.

"… Wanyin – " he called.

Jiang Cheng raised his head. "Don't you dare call me by that name." he told him, his voice as cold as the cave's walls.

Lan Xichen didn't answer.

"… why the hell did you gave me your spiritual power?" Jiang Cheng asked and seriously looked at Lan Xichen. "If something happens and we can't get out, what will you - ?" he asked, mad, as he glared at him.

Just like an answer to Jiang Cheng, the ground shook.

"W-what – " Jiang Cheng said as he held on to the walls.

Lan Xichen immediately did the same. They waited until the shaking stopped.

"What do we do now?" he quietly asked Jiang Cheng.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng asked back.

Lan Xichen looked at him. "We are trapped." He slowly said each word, leaving a trace of happiness.

Is he laughing because of our situation…? Jiang Cheng thought and frowned. "This is what I've been telling you – " he said through his gritted teeth, obviously pissed. "What are you gonna do now, after you spent your spiritual energy to useless – "

Lan Xichen cut him off, his eyebrows knit. "It wasn't useless!" he hissed, frowning.

Jiang Cheng stared at him. …he's mad. He thought. "Oh." He just said. "Then, you meant for me to use this at times like this one?" he asked and pointed the soil blocking their way.

Lan Xichen's eyes narrowed, obviously got more pissed. "That's not – " he said.

Jiang Cheng cut him off, ignoring him. "Alright!" he said as he stood up. "Then, I'll – " he said and raised his sword.

But, before he could strike it to the wall of soil, he heard a thud behind him. He turned.

He felt his face went pale and his heart dropped to the bottom of the ground when he saw Lan Xichen lying on the ground, a smudge of red on the side of his snow-white robe.

Blood! Jiang Cheng thought, wide-eyed, as he ran towards the unconscious Lan Xichen after he threw his sword.

"Lan Xichen!" he called and knelt beside him. "Lan Xichen- !" he called and raised his head. He pulled him towards him. By doing so, he saw something rolled beneath the man.

His eyes went wide when he saw a pointed rock. A stalactite! He thought, wide-eyed, and saw the smear of red at the tip of the pointed rock.

"… ngh…" Lan Xichen groaned.

Jiang Cheng blinked, felt he woke up. He immediately turned to the injured man. "Lan Xichen!" he called as he ripped his sleeve.

He put it on Lan Xichen's side to stop the bleeding. But, he already lost too much blood. Plus –

He froze. That's it! he thought, enlightened, and turned to Lan Xichen. I'm going to send spiritual energy to him! he thought as he closed his eyes and put his hand on his (LXC) chest.

Just like what he did to me.

"You exchanged spiritual energies." Lan Wangji finished.

Lan Qiren's face is so red, but because of anger. "You endangered yourself - !" he thought and puffed out air, pissed.

Lan Wangji seemd to ignore Lan Qiren's comment and he continued. "Since you gave your spiritual energy to Jiang Wanyin, some traces of your power is on him. Vice versa – " he said and looked at him. " – like you did, he also exhausted himself and gave all of his spiritual energy to you – " he explained.

"… can't you leave that details?" Lan Qiren asked his nephew, his face as blank as the sheet of paper lying on the table.

Like earlier, Lan Wangji just ignored Lan Qiren.

Lan Xichen's face is as red as the apple on Lan Wangji's sleeve – which he prepared for his wife (WWX) and Little Apple the donkey.

"Where is he now?" he quietly asked, his heart beating fast.

Seeing his bashful expression, Lan Qiren wanted to slit his throat. But, seeing Lan Wangji's expression, Lan Xichen's heart felt like stopped.

Lan Wangji took a deep breath, then slowly spoke. "He's dead – " he said.

Lan Xichen's eyes went wide and felt like his mind floated. He's… dead - ? he thought, his eyes went red and his lips trembled. He saw his younger brother is still speaking, but he can't hear what it is.

A second later and he fainted.


Lan Xichen don't know how long did he locked himself up in his own room. All he knows is that he doesn't want to see anyone right now – even his uncle, Lan Qiren, who spat out mouthful of blood again after he heard this, and his brother – Lan Wangji – who just silently nodded, respecting his decision.

"Wanyin…" he muttered under his breath as he stared at the waterfall afar.

"You called?" a voice said.

Lan Xichen felt he stopped breathing and he sharply turned to the voice he'd never forgot. He drew a sharp breath, his heart started to beat fast when he saw him standing not far from him, wearing his usual purple uniform. His purple ribbon is fluttering in the wind.

He raised his head and looked at him. "Hey." he called, looking at his (LXC) stupefied expression. "What's with that look?" he asked, puzzled. "You feel like you've seen a gh – "

Before he could continue, Lan Xichen ran towards him and hugged him tight, crying.

"Wanyin!" he cried out as he buried his face on his shoulder. Yes. It's him – Jiang Cheng. He hugged him tighter, never letting him go. "Wanyin…" he called and sobbed.

"Lan… Xichen…?" Jiang Cheng called, puzzled. But, his face is so red. He's hugging me! He thought and lowered his head, smelling the man's (LXC) scent he missed for days.

Yes. It's been days since he last saw him –that cave where they were trapped.

"Lan Xichen…" he called. "What's wr – "

Before he could continue, Lan Xichen cupped his face and kissed him.

His eyes went wide. … WHAT?! He thought, shocked, as he gasped when Lan Xichen slipped his tongue inside his mouth, probing. He moaned. Oh my god… he thought, his face flushed as their breathing mixed.

We're… kissing – he thought, his mind started to get hazy as Lan Xichen wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him, together with him, down the bed – him (LXC) on top of him.

"Wanyin…" Lan Xichen called in between their kisses. "I missed you…" he told him. His salty tears are mixing with the sweetness of their kisses, but they don't mind.

They have each other in their arms, expressing their pent up love towards each other.

(A/N: sorry to cut it here XDXDXD)

Extra: Wrong cave entered (A/N: oi… this feels like it has a different meaning xD)

The rain started to fall, just like what happened to him.

He walked around to find a shed or a cave to settle in. What he didn't expect, again… is his younger brother on 'top' of Wei Wuxian, and they're both naked.

"… brother." Lan Wangji called, his face blank as he looked at him. He's holding Wei Wuxian's waist, him inside Wei Wuxian's behind. (A/N: OMG XDXDXDXD)

Lan Xichen's gentle face went blank. "… I went to a wrong cave." He said. "The author wrote wrongly… sorry – " he said and turned his back on them. " – please continue." He added and immediately ran away.

The two inside their new love next really continued, filling the empty cave with moans and cries.

Lan Xichen's snow-white robes opened as he ran, revealing a snow-white t-shirt with two (?) words on the chest – WangXian Club, together with the chibi faces of the loving married couple he just met lovemaking inside the cave.

Must inform this to the other members - ! he thought as he opened his weibo and posted the stolen shot he got earlier of the two (LWJ and WWX). (A/N: I must SEE that pic! *0*)

Lan Wangji entered the right cave (well, he'll always will XD) – Wei Wuxian's cave!

(A/N: … fck - XDXDXDXD)

Extra: Uncle Lan Qiren's (always) complaints

"Where is he now?" Lan Xichen quietly asked, his heart beating fast.

Seeing his bashful expression, Lan Qiren wanted to slit his throat. Why did my nephews, as well as my grandsons (LSZ and LJY) turned gay?! He thought, frustrated.

But, seeing Lan Wangji's expression, Lan Xichen's heart felt like stopped.

Lan Wangji took a deep breath, then slowly spoke. "He's dead – " he said.

Lan Xichen's eyes went wide and felt like his mind floated. He's… dead - ? he thought, his eyes went red and his lips trembled.

He saw his younger brother is still speaking, but he can't hear what it is. A second later and he fainted.

Lan Qiren, still sulking, turned when he heard a thud. His eyes went wide when he saw his first nephew collapsed. "Xichen!" he called and went to him.

"Brother – !" Lan Wangji called and helped Lan Qiren carry his brother to the bed.

"What happened - ?" Lan Qiren asked and sighed as he covered Lan Xichen blanket.

"… I think he must've misunderstood." Lan Wangji silently answered.

Lan Qiren sharply turned to his second nephew. "… what did you just say?" he asked, his eyes filled with suspicion. He felt a headache is coming.

Lan Wangji's as calm as ever. He turned to his uncle. "… I answered, "he's dead – ", then he suddenly fainted before I could continue – " he explained.

He was right. His head now started to hurt. "Then, what should you have said?" he asked, massaging his temple.

"… "He's dead… as a corpse."" He answered, then paused.

Lan Qiren's eyes narrowed when he saw his nephew's ears started to turn red. Like he's expecting, Lan Wangji continued.

"… Wei Ying once said that phrase – " he said, a faint smile on his lips.

Lan Qiren can't take it anymore. Seeing his remaining nephew happy is one thing, but hearing a certain someone's (WWX) name from his nephew's mouth is another thing.

Like his first nephew, he fainted.

Extra: Ghost Jiang Cheng

"Wanyin…" Lan Xichen called. "You're real, right?" he asked. "I'm not dreaming, right?" he said.

Jiang Cheng's forehead knotted. … what does he mean? He thought, feeling something bad about this.

"… you're alive… right?" Lan Xichen asked and looked at his face, his (LXC) face still filled with tears.

Dark lines filled Jiang Cheng's face as a vein popped in his forehead. "No…" he answered, smiling but pissed. He looked at Lan Xichen's face. "… I'm really dead. I died." He told him.

Yes. My expectations from you just died. He thought as he rubbed the Zidian ring with his finger.

Lan Xichen's eyes went wide. "No… way…" he said as he stepped back, shocked. "Wanyin… you – " he said as his eyes were filled with tears again. "Wanyin…" he called and sobbed, his tears finally fell.

But, Jiang Cheng didn't feel pity. Instead, he's even more pissed. Not a second later and the Zidian ring turned to a whip.

(A/N: glad this didn't turn this way XDXDXD *though I really originally wrote this first then changed it afterwards XD)