Cut-sleeve Versions


Lan Wangji woke up at 5 am and saw Wei Wuxian's head is on his sleeve. He's sleeping peacefully and with a wide smile on his face. His slightly parted lips inviting.

Without further ado, he went back to the bed and slept back, hugging his wife under the sheets.


"Where the hell is Wangji?!" Lan Qiren asked.

The elders looked at each other, shaking their head.

Before Lan Qiren could add another question, the door opened and Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi appeared.

Lan Sizhui grimaced before he spoke after careful deliberation within his mind. "Good morning, senior elders..." he said and bowed.

"Have you seen Wangji?" Lan Qiren asked.

"About that..." Lan Sizhui said and grimaced again, hesitating. "... we saw HanGuang-Jun went back to bed when he saw Senior Wei's head is on his sleeve..." he said and carefully glanced at the, as expected, furious face of Lan Qiren.

Lan Qiren doesn't know whether to feel – relieved, since his nephew didn't do the famous cutting sleeve of that gay emperor, or – be mad since his nephew disregarded their sect's daily morning meeting.

Before Lan Qiren could choose between the options, Lan Jingyi added another problem.

"Huh...? ZeWu-Jun isn't here, too..." Lan Jingyi said after he ran a round look on the meeting hall.

Lan Qiren couldn't hold it anymore and flipped the very long table upside down.


Lan Xichen slowly opened his eyes and the moment his deep, dark eyes fell upon the beauty lying beside him his lips curved into a smile.

He moved his arm and discovered that Jiang Cheng's head is lying on his sleeve. His heart fluttered by the sight, remembered the origin of the word 'cut-sleeve'.

"Wanyin..." he muttered under his breath and caressed Jiang Cheng's smooth cheeks, still pinkish by the bright morning sun's rays peeking through their window and lighting them two up on the bed.

Feeling something feather-light touched his cheek, Jiang Cheng's eyes opened and saw the most beautiful person he has ever seen.

It was Lan Xichen, and he's smiling brightly at him.

Jiang Cheng's eyes moved and saw his head is still lying on Lan Xichen's snow-white robe's sleeve. Realizing the implication of this scene, his face went red up till the roots of his hair.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's reaction, Lan Xichen was both amused and alarmed. He was about to call his name when suddenly, he felt his body is sinking.

The next thing he knew, there was a loud BAM! The bed was cut in two, precisely between Jiang Cheng's head and Lan Xichen's sleeve.

Seeing Jiang Cheng standing on the side, his face red and he's holding the still sparking Zidian, Lan Xichen – who's lying on the broken bed that fell on the floor after being cut in two, lamented in his heart.

This is the sixth time this happened. Just when will he (JC) get used to our marriage life? Lan Xichen thought as he prepared himself to quell his wife's shock.


After reporting to the Lan senior elders, he and Lan Sizhui left to do their morning duties as junior disciples.

"I'm surprised HanGuang-jun didn't do the cut-sleeve act to Senior Wei." He said as they walked down the long stairs. "I'm pretty sure he'd do it. Given how much he loves Senior Wei..." he said as he remembered when they saw Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian earlier they passed by chance on the jingshi.

Well, HanGuang-jun will really cut his sleeve for Senior Wei. Just that, going back to sleep with Senior Wei is more important for him (LWJ) than attending the morning meeting of the sect. He thought and smiled, touched by the display of love of the couple (WangXian).

I wonder when I could do that, too... he thought as he remembered Nie Huaisang when he left him this morning. He leaves by two in the morning every day so that he could arrive in the Gusu before five.

"Oh? Awake?" Nie Huaisang's sweet voice rang in his ears. He felt the bed moved beside him. "Good morning." He greeted.

He slowly opened his eyes, still sleepy. What greeted him is the brightly smiling face of his lover.

He felt like the sun already rose behind the mountains as he stared at his (NHS) face. He's brighter than the sun... he thought, his cheeks flushed.

But... he thought. Just when will I wake up before him? he thought, referring to Nie Huaisang already awake the time he wakes up.

Even if I wake up at one in the morning, or even midnight just to beat him in waking up, he's still awake before me. He thought, remembered Nie Huaisang's pretty face smiling at him. ... does he even sleep? He thought, bitter. (A/N: *can't hold back to ask. Jingyi... do you even sleep?)

"I don't have the chance to do that (cutting sleeve act) to him (NHS)." He cried as they reached the practice area.

"Eh?" Lan Sizhui said, surprised when he saw Lan Jingyi crying. He chose not to ask what the problem is.



"Sect leader? Sect leader?!" a QingheNie sect disciple called as he knocked on the door.

"How is it?" another disciple asked.

"He's not responding..."

"Forget it. Let's just solve this ourselves – "

"Right. It's really not a big deal... we just want to inform him... *sigh."

"Let's not disturb him – "

And they left, missing to hear Nie Huaisang's snore as he deeply sleeps. He's sleeping during the day to stay awake at night so that he could see Lan Jingyi before the young man leaves him.

(A/N: aww... sweet <3 but, LJY is really right. He won't ever get the chance to do the cutting sleeve act. XD poor him XD)


"Eh...? So HanGuang-jun didn't do the cutting sleeve?" a disciple asked after they heard Lan Jingyi told them what happened this morning.

"Yes, yes!" Lan Jingyi answered.

They're all having their practice break.

'cutting sleeve', huh...? He thought and smiled as he remembered the blinding beauty he sees every morning he wakes up.

He smiled when he saw Jin Ling's eyelashes fluttered and slowly opened his beautiful eyes. "Good morning." He said as he secretly holds his breath, waiting for those beautiful pair of eyes to look at him.

Jin Ling was about to yawn, still sleepy, when he heard Lan Sizhui's voice. He turned and saw the handsome and gentle face of his lover, smiling as he laid beside him.

"Y-Yuan..." he said, his face starting to turn red.

Lan Sizhui chuckled as he patted his lover's head. "Go on. Go back to sleep – " he told him as he caressed Jin Ling's cheeks.

"B-but..." Jin Ling said, his cheeks flushed. "... you'll be leaving later..." he said, his voice low. He looked away, not daring to look at his (LSZ) eyes to hide the sadness he feels.

Lan Sizhui stared at him, then smiled as he bent down to kiss Jin Ling's forehead. "I'll wake you up later, then, before I leave." He told him. "Now, go back to sleep – " he told him.

It's still 1 am. Jin Ling always wakes up before him to see him leave. Because of that, his (JL) sleep is shortened.

Jin Ling still wanted to argue, but his sleepiness already kicked in, and so he fell asleep. Lan Sizhui smiled as he stared at Jin Ling's sleeping face. He bent down and planted a kiss on his red, still pouting lips. He then looked at his sleeve where Jin Ling's head is.

Jin Ling's favorite sleeping spot is his arms, and so he makes his (LSZ) arm as his (JL) pillow and lies his head on it. As he falls asleep, his head then slips down and his head would fall to his (LSZ) sleeve.

Lan Sizhui smiled as he reached for the scissor he always hid on the bedside table.

"Huh? Sizhui-xiong, your robe looks different." A disciple said, waking him up from his daydreaming.

"Oh? Right. It looks like it was cut – " Lan Jingyi said, examining his (LSZ) robe.

Lan Sizhui chuckled. "It was caught on a branch while I'm on my way here..." he told them.

"Eh...?" they just said.

Lan Sizhui just smiled. Geez... looks like I have to practice more my needle skills... he thought and mentally grimace. I have to ask Senior Wei later – he thought, remembered one time he saw Wei Wuxian cut his sleeve when he saw Lan Wangji is sleeping deeply.

He (WWX) cut his sleeve to escape, though.

(A/N: so all in all... it's only the mother-son pair who did cut their sleeve! XDXDXD well, this is just a fanfic of mine, though... XDXDXD)

P.S.: thank goodness I still somewhat got back on my track (writing) XD

Happy new year, everyone! ^_^
