Silver Wolves

He woke suddenly, his breathing ragged from shock. "Oh god, that felt so weird… I kinda wanna throw up. You alright Sam?"

[Yes, it seems we have arrived.]

After he spent a few minutes dry heaving while leaning on a tree. Hazard looked around attempting to figure out anything about my current location. There were trees, a lot of trees. It was a forest with black leaves hanging from the branches.

"Any info on our location Sam?"

[None at the moment, this forest despite it's gloomy appearance is alive. I suggest using this time to look for a road or magical beast, as increasing your level is important before you find a city, level 1 is rather low for someone of your age. The average level for someone at the age of 16 is around 10-20.]

"Ok then, can you track the magical beasts location?"

[There is no need, it appears they have found you. It would be more effective if you used your mind to request my help as others would think you are talking to yourself.]

"... Good to know."

Hazard sweeped the bushes with his eyes and was able to make out three pairs of glowing red eyes hiding. Next, came the growling, the beasts were slowly creeping up. Their snouts pushed through the leaves first. They were wolf like creatures with black fur and a silver streak going down their backs.

"Sam, what are those things?" Hazard was panicking. One wolf would have been bad enough, but three would be like asking to die.

[These three wolves are called Silver Striped Wolfs. Unable to provide information about subject, granting an analysis skill as supplementary option.]


The loud noise rang through his head once again. [Skill acquired: Appraisal.]

"Wow, really following the template aren't you Sam." Hazard quipped as he backed away from the wolves, but he was happy either way [Appraisal] was one of the most useful skills from the stories he read, so Hazard tested his new skill out.



Silver Striped Wolf x3

Level: 12/14/13

Hp: 45/45 50/50 47/47

Mp: 20/20 24/24 22/22

Str: 20/25/22

Def: 29/36/32

Spd: 14/20/18

Skills: [Metal Claw]


"I can't beat these things, I got to run."

So he did, Hazard booked it through the forest trying to move faster than wolves with double his spd stat. Hazard peaked over his shoulder to see not three but four wolves chasing after his. The fourth wolf was double the size, with longer claws, and darker fur. The wolf was a variant much more powerful and extremely dangerous.

It was also much faster than the other three wolves, it jumped over the other wolves using the trees somehow staying off the ground. Bouncing from tree to tree and catching up very quickly.

He looked forward once more not wanting to watch his impending doom that was approaching from behind. But the horrible situation got worse. He was trapped, a cliff surrounded him and he did not have time to climb. "Looks like this is it for us huh."

[That is what it looks like.]

He sighed, and sat down facing the approaching wolves.

"Well, we had fun while it lasted. I thought this would be more fun… But I was already dead wasn't I." He made a self-deprecating chuckle.

[Yes, previously you had died.]

"Haha figures, most of these kinda stories start that way."

At this point the wolves had reached him. The variant was standing in front of its pack, snarling. It walked up to him, its snout a few inches from Hazards face. He could smell the breath of the Silver Stripe, obviously it smelled like blood.

As the wolf began to open its mouth Hazard closed his eyes awaiting the end. The wolf closed his mouth over Hazards head. supprisingly it was painless, he opened his eyes and he was in the void once more. "Sam, you there?" His voiced echoed in the endless space.


"Where are we?"

[It appears we have returned to the character creation void.]


Condition cleared, title: [Mystery Of The Unknown]

Clear requirements: Die.

[Mystery Of The Unknown] effects: [Basic Immortality] passive skill and x1000 level up stat multiplier.

Rank up to [Unknown] also possible once requirements have been met.

Preparing to respawn at last save point.

"What the fuck is going on?"

[It appears race [Unknown] has granted you a form of immortality.]

"Thanks for telling me what I already know. What the hell am I?"


Respawn loading... 24%... 67%... 99%... Preparing to reload soul, Error... Error. Corpse has been moved, attempting to find corpse... Success, corpse has been found, beginning resurrection...