Guild Incident

Hazard pulled the all of the shards of crystal out of Gems clothing, the robe had been shot clean through in some places but the hat that was pinned to the wall managed was completely fine.

"So, do you want the robe back now?" Hazard questioned, and all he received was dirty looks from the three girls.

"Got anything to say for yourself?" Sandra asked.

"How is this my fault? Blame the Guild for its shitty walls." Hazard turned to look at James then continued. "No offense."

"Oh, none taken the inside of the building needed renovations anyway. We haven't had the money to update our facilities because of the Lord."

"Are you referring to the over taxation by the local Lord?"

"You know about it? I thought you weren't from here." Fell said while pulling on the back of Hazard's robe.

"Eyyy, no touch, and I've been doing some reading." He pulled away to prevent his wings from accidentally coming through the robe.

"Anyway what now?"

"Jenna here will explain about guild functions while I try to smooth things over with the other adventurers." James said while walking towards the pissed off men and woman in the Guild.

A tap on the shoulder reminded him that he is supposed to be listening to a woman named Jenna, who turned out to be the receptionist he had met when he joined the guild.

"I recommend you listen, although you could ask the girls over there if you'd rather they explained." Jenna spoke calmly but Hazard could feel the killing intent behind the voice. He could feel a dark aura surrounding and expanding from Jenna, and three more deadly auras forming behind him so he refused to turn around.

"I for one would be happy if you would explain Guild procedures." Hazard was smiling out of fear, hoping that he would not be stabbed from behind.

The terrifying auras instantly stopped and Jenna began smiling, and Hazard was sweating everywhere, the variant wolf that had killed him was less scary than these four woman. It was incredible how quickly the tension in the room defused.

"Very well then, let's begin." She smirked and then walked over to a board on the wall depicting a ranking system for the Guild in the form of a pyramid and pointed to the bottom. "Adventurers are ranked using letters, as you can see here the lowest rating possible for beginners is F rank, but depending on strength and contributions of the member, they are able to rank up to the next rank."

"Okay I think I'm getting it." Hazard was nodding and playing ignorant, of course he was familiar with Guild systems from novels in this former life.

"Continuing on, the highest rank possible is SSS, there are only twelve people in Guild history that have ever achieved such an auspicious ranking, eight of which are still alive."

"I wonder what their levels were..." Hazard mumbled.

"Rumor has it that the weakest of the twelve, King Garviod is level 3961."

"Holy shit." Hazard exclaimed, such a ridiculous level wasn't even possible in the novels, at most the levels capped out at 1000, and she mentioned he's a king, Hazard decided to read about the name later on.

"Once the Guild Master ranks you and you receive a guild card, you will be able to take on quests. members are able to accept quests from the Guild that are their same rank and one rank above, of course it is also acceptable to complete quests rated lower than your ranking." Jenna continued on speaking about the rules of the Guild like: No killing other Adventurers unless you have justifiable cause, A reward will be received for the card of a dead adventurer... This continued on until James came over and saved Hazard who he could tell was thinking of offing himself from the lecture.

"Jenna, let the kid go, look his eyes have glazed over, hahaha. The Guild Master was laughing his ass off as well as a few other hardy Adventurers, but Hazard was banging his head against a wall in his mind, he definitely couldn't take anymore.

Jenna continued on ignoring the Guild Master's remarks, which she would regret. The lecture continued on and on, Hazard had assumed that the lectures would have ended after coming to this world, and this hope had been crushed within a few days of arrival. This thought had broken Hazard, he was still standing... but he was no longer conscious. He had snapped and got lost in his own head, James sensed something was wrong and put his hand in front Jenna to make her stop. Jenna immediately stopped talking and James waved his hand in front of Hazards glazed eyes. Hazard who was obviously unresponsive just continued to stand there.

James stopped waving his hand and moved everyone out of the Guild. The room was completely empty apart from Jenna, James, Fell, Gem, Sandra, and the statue Hazard.

"What's wrong with him?" Fell asked while peaking over James's shoulder to see Hazard.

"He broke." James answered.

"What does that mean?" Gem asked after pushing around James.

"Jenna would you please prepare a room, Hazard will be staying here tonight." The Guild Master rarely acted this way so the four of them knew it was serious.

"Yes sir, right away." Jenna did a form of solute then walked into the back rooms.

"Is he alright?" Fell asked.

"No and yes. Look at his eyes." James snapped his fingers in front of Hazard's face, Hazard didn't flinch. "He's unconscious."

"How could that have happened, he was completely fine after surviving inside of wolf's stomach for multiple days, but he lost consciousness just from having Guild mechanics explained to him." Sandra was rude and uncaring about Hazard just like before.

"No, this is likely psychological. What the hell could this kid have experienced in his past to become like this... Did he mention anything about his passed to you three." he said looking back the girls.

"No, he wouldn't talk about anything like that." Fell said.

"Well have you noticed a difference in his personality after an event on the way here?"

"No... wait yes, there was one thing." Gem had realized something odd. "Before when he said that bandits were going to attack. Sandra called him out for lying, and he hoped out of the carriage and he told us to "have fun dealing with it on our own." Then he walked straight into the forest and didn't turn back."

"Yeah this makes a bit more sense now." James continued on without touching Hazard who was still frozen in place. "Those triggers caused him to relive events from his past he didn't want to remember, this kid has been through some shit." James finished and looked at Hazard with a face full of pity.

Jenna returned with a pair of keys and handed them to the Guild Master.

"Thanks, now all we need to do is carry him to the room."

"Can't we just wake him up?" Gem asked curiously.

"No unfortunately, here give him a shove and see what happens." James was of course serious, Gem walked up to him slowly and pushed lightly.

Hazard's body fell limp and crumpled over landing on the hard wooden floor with a thud, moving his robe slightly.

"HAZARD!!!" Fell yelled as she ran over to his unmoving body and lifted his head up.

"Calm down this kid is sturdy." James scoffed while grabbing his legs."Now quickly, grab his arms so we can get him to his bed." Fell was seething with anger but listened to the Guild Master anyway.

Fell and James carried Hazard to a bed with white sheets and a fairly fancy brown frame, they dropped him in the bed causing his robe to come further undone. Revealing a faint blue glow however only two of the present people noticed it.

"Everyone leave the room please, I'll get him in bed." James said while staring at the glow.

"Would you mind if I stay as well." The one who asked was Fell, the only other one to notice the light. To this the Guild Master nodded. Fell turned to her sisters and said, "Sorry, I'll come back to the inn later, I'm going to make sure Hazard is okay."

"Oooooohh..." Gem said with a sly look on her face. She moved her hand up to her mouth and made an "Oh ho" sound then started to speak. "Okay, we will give you time with your crush come back later." By the time Gem finished her sentence everyone was out the door, so Fell got up and slammed the door, an angry wrinkle was clear on her forehead, unbeknownst to her the tips of her elf ears were completely red with embarrassment.

"You noticed it to huh." James said.

"Yeah, I wonder what that light is." Fell answered.

"Only one way to find out." As James pulled the top of his robe of the glow became brighter, until it revealed two blue lights coming from Hazard's back.

"What is that?" Fell asked, she had never seen anything like it. "Is he leaking Mana?"

"No, there is no sign of Mana leaking, it appears to be a continuation of his natural Mana circulation."

"What does that mean?"

"In Laymen's Terms those lights are like two extra limbs growing from his back, but they are made of pure Mana."

"Is he even human?"

"It is likely that he is not human, however I've never heard of any race like this, not even in story books."

"Look, they are moving."

The glow began to pulsate and spread out.

"Wings..." Fell trailed off, neither of them said anything anymore. They just sat there is silence looking at the glowing wings.