Beginning of a war (2)



"Ready James?" Hazard whispered hoping for a positive answer. "What's the plan."

"Beat the shit out of all of em. Leave those three alive and try not to make their heads explode." James said with a stupid grin on his face.

"Wow, that's awfully graphic." Hazard stated.

"Well if Gabriel is threatened I am under orders from the guild leader to defend the city by all means." James answered.

"Okay, let's take them out." Hazard replied.




Hazard kicked open the door and it came flying off it's hinges, hitting a cloaked person square in the face. A cracking noise could be heard as the doorknob broke their nose. he rolled on the floor clutching his face while Hazard and James walked over him.

"You take right..." James said.

"haha, You take left..." Hazard joked.

'Let's kick ass!' Anna said telepathically.

'You are not part of this conversation, out of my head... Now." Hazard replied.

'Youch grumpy... have you eaten anything recently?' Anna quipped.

'I'm fine, mom.' Hazard grumbled as he took out two more enemies with jabs to the face rendering them unconscious.

James had already taken out four but Hazard chalked that up to battle experience, which until this point Hazard had virtually ZERO combat expertise. Unless you count running and then dying to a super wolf combat experience.

Hazard took out another guy by sweeping his legs out from under him and giving him a swift gauntlet to the chest, breaking a few ribs in the process.

James had finished off most of the enemies on his side of the room so Hazard quickly blew the enemies against the wall with his wings and they fell unconscious.

One of them was bleeding from his eyes and ears, Hazard felt nothing... first time killing anything and he felt nothing. He had lost his humanity when he ceased being human, why... why did he feel no remorse when he killed a man. A question he would have to leave for later.

James looked at Hazard for a few seconds, he sensed something was off. James looked at the men on the wall and saw the dead one and understood the issues. First kills are hard, never hold in your emotions... otherwise you might, explode.

"Okay... let's move, they know we are here." Hazard said trying to change the conversation.

"Hmm... Yeah." James mumbled, "deal with that later."

Hazard opened the next door and and four more people poured out, one holding a stupid looking staff with a pink ball on the end. He was definitely an eccentric.

"Hello!!!" The man said "My name is Philson!!! Pleasure to meet you!!! Oh... aren't you a cute one?" He said while pointing at Hazard.

Hazard shook with disgust and took out the three men in from of him, one with a punch. Two with a kick to the balls, they aren't having children later in life.

"Oh my, what a feisty little one. I like you even more now." The man ripped off his hood and revealed a pink skin tight leotard. Hazard looked away not wanting to look at the man's... lower half.

"You mind dealing with him James... I don't want to go near that guy."

"Neither do I really, I have a feeling he has broad tastes, just use your wings or something."

Hazard nodded and moved his wings to give the guy a not so light breeze, but before he could the man lifted his hand and opened his palm. There was a black orb that radiated a dark Mana form, Philson blew on the orb and it shot over to Hazard implanting itself in his wing.

Black mist began spreading throughout Hazard's wing, albeit slowly. Hazard looked at his wings in terror before turning to James. The fear on his face was genuine, even his hair started to turn black. Hazard began to shake before falling over and clutching his throat.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" James yelled as he ran to Hazard.

"Oh please, as if I'll make it that easy darling. Run along now and get my lovely some help, you can't do anything to us now." The man walked into a wall and then vanished in black mist leaving nothing but his disgusting leotard and the orb, now a clear color.

James picked up Hazard in a princess carry and ran back the way he came. Hazard was still clutching his throat trying to breath, it was like there was something blocking it, but he hadn't swallowed anything so that obviously wasn't it.

Mana flow... That was the only other explanation, when a persons Mana flow was damaged people normally become magically crippled, but in rare cases they go through Mana asphyxiation. Similar to being deprived of oxygen, he will be unable to breath, but in Mana asphyxiation they are still able to breath a small amount, although that oxygen never gets processed because of organ failure, which is caused from the damaged Mana. All in all it's very complicated and very dangerous, Hazard needs to get attention immediately. James ran out the front door before using all of his speed to get to the guild. On the way there James saw people running away out of the city and houses of fire. But he couldn't worry about that now, one of his friends and adventurers was in danger. He reached the guild after roughly two minutes of running. James burst through the door and put Hazard on one of the tables, his wings spread out from under him. One wing was almost completely black and his icy hair color was half way taken over by a midnight black color, it looked evil in every way, shape or form.

"Someone get Jenna and the others, we've got an emergency!!" James yelled and everyone came out of hiding.

"What happened out there?" Jenna asked before seeing Hazard choking on the table, he was kicking and turning a lovely shade of purple. "Oh..."

She ran over to Hazard's side and began to make an assessment. Anna and Fell came out next and ran to his side, after them came Sandra and Gem. Sandra was genuinely uninterested and Gem was bouncing around wanting to know what caused it, she wanted to dissect Hazard if he died.




"Jackass..." Hazard whimpered as he struggled for breath. With his shirt already off it was easy to see his chest region which had already begun to bruise and cave in. While everyone was scrambling about trying to figure out what to do, Hazard was having a little chat with the girl upstairs.

'Any bright ideas Sam in dying here?!'

[Working on it!]


'Anytime now would be nice!!!'

[Beginning protocol... Emergency recovery.]

'What does that mean?!'

[Beginning protocol... Emergency recovery.]

'Sam!!! Sam!!! Answer what the fuck is going on!!!!!'

[Beginning protocol... Emergency recovery.]


[Forgive me... Beginning materialization process.]

'Ahh, fuck it... just do it already...'

A light began to shine by Hazard's feet at the foot of the table and the others stopped talking. They grabbed their weapons and prepared to fight anything that came out of the that light, however they did not expect that light to shape itself. A body began to form, Hazard turned to looked at the spectacle even while he was choking, that's just how beautiful the light was, it provided a safe feeling... unknown to Hazard in any life.

The body began to form into that of a girl, skinny and roughly an inch smaller then Hazard, she was beautiful... perfectly designed face and body, the most beautiful person anyone had ever seen, her hair was a bright cherry blossom pink and her skin was smooth and pure.

Unfortunately Hazard had to look away as did most of the male population in the room, a few men were knocked out by the woman near them. The girl had appeared completely buck naked. Hazard's face was red as a... well, cherry and he had to use all of his remaining will power and decency as a man to look away. He succeeded, that is until she moved closer... to beside his head. She caressed his cheek with hands as soft as silk, and then spoke in a voice like a canary singing at the first sign of spring.

"I'm so sorry this happen to you Hazard." She smiled and looked into his eyes before moving her hand to his forehead. Hazard smiled back... he had already figured out who she was the minute the lights appeared.

"Sam..." He whispered.

"Yes, I am here for you... always here for you."

"I can't... die." He mumbled with tears pouring down his cheeks, he was Immortal so it confused his why this was an emergency, and then she explained.

"It has been implanted into your Mana stream, you can't die but, you will be in a... perpetual state of intense pain."

Hazard grabbed Sam's hand and held it tight fearing he might lose himself in the pain. His second wing had almost completely gone black, and his hair had already turned. He could do no more then endure the pain.

"I will find a way to save you from your eternal fate." She said with a smile although, Hazard could clearly see a tear running down her face before falling onto his.

"Thank you." He smiled he had gotten to see the face of the only person he considered a friend in any lifetime.

The last bit of his wings began to fade into black and the void like Mana took over his body. The tears had stopped falling as they no longer worked, he turned his head to the others in the room. Everyone in tears, even Sandra wasn't dry eyed, he then whispered two things.

"You... can... trust... her..."

and second...

"Thank... you."

As the blackness took over the final portion of Hazard's wings his hands stopped moving, then his legs, and then the rest of him. He died... and came back... forced to face the torture over and over again.

"What's happening?!" Fell asked in tears while leaning against a wall.

"I thought you... are supposed to die." Anna said, the confusion in her voice was apparent but difficult to spot under her tears.

"This is one of the few ways to kill an immortal." Sam said still holding Hazard's hand as he convulsed repeatedly. "Hazard trusts you, will you help me save him?"

"Anything you need!" Anna exclaims.

"Of course." Fell says.

"Fine..." Sandra whined.

"I'll get the guild's assistance if necessary." James says.

"I want to know more about this immortal subject..." Gem says calmly and everyone turned to look at her with a stupefied look.