Mister Stoic

April 7, 2013

7:42 am

Christine Romulo

When I play a game, I always win.

Yes, he put me in my place, but mark my words, he will fall at my feet, just like the others. I look at him walk away. I don't know where he is going, but I do know he will not leave this church. He will still attend the first mass.

"Miss Romulo?"

I look at my back, and apparently, it is a man dressed in a minister's clothing. I sit up straight once more. "Yes," I answer back.

"Your sister told me that you would be here," he says gently. "She put you up to be pianist at this church, is that right?"


"Good. Come on then. Let's have you all set up."

What can I say? He's just a boring minister. He's a bit younger than the others, though. He then goes on to introduce me amongst the music ministry. He introduced me to the choir members, the guitarists, and the other members of the church.

And then, he introduced himself. Carlos Jonathan Silang. Oh, great. We were just talking about his family yesterday. Funny that his family would make a deal with mine knowing that his is already tied with another. Still, I accepted his handshake will full fakery.

"I think you are ready to start next week," he says, after all the introduction that had been through. "Do attend the practice on Saturday. We will practice some songs we will play on the next Sunday. I'll just have the sheet music books sent to your home, with the courtesy of the address your sister has given me."

No. I wouldn't seduce that man. I will not seduce a liar that I have nothing to gain from. "Thank you for the kind welcome you have here," I say, with full sincerity.

Yes, his family may be a pack full of liars, but I will not hold him accountable for it. He is a nice fellow. I'm sure his presence around here can make my stay here much lighter. I went on to sit at a random vacant seat near the front. The congregation are starting to arrive for their early meditation before mass. I wonder what had happened to the man earlier, though. He seems to not have returned after our encounter earlier.

As I sit and wait in patience for the mass, I see my sister suddenly sitting beside me.

"Thank goodness!" I exclaimed when she finally came. "Where in god's name have you been?"

"Settling the transfer of the funds for the charity," she says flatly. "Mother insists that we donate a large sum of money to this particular church. Honestly, it is really tiring to do this."

I look into her eyes, and all I see is weariness. Her eyes are so downcast that bags are forming underneath it. Even lines are forming across her face as if time is getting the best of her. I take her into my arms as if to comfort her in her burdens. "You should let me handle it. This is not your field of work. You are a doctor. You should, I don't know, go on and save more lives."

All she does is feel my embrace. "Yeah, but you're too young. Rest easy, dear Christine. Soon, it will be your turn to make a fortune and donate a huge sum of it."

She breaks away from my embrace and finally sits up straight. Actually, I felt kinda good comforting her. It's not that bad to be the source of comfort for once.

Then, it had to go wrong all of a sudden. There is that man again. Here comes mister stoic heading in front of the altar as if to show some respect. As he turns back, I see his no-nonsense face again. Somehow, I am surprised to see him smile. No, not that smug smile he had earlier. It is a smile of… sincerity. It was as if he is genuinely happy about seeing someone.

Now, I understand what it means. Margaret rises from her seat and briefly hugs this man. My eyebrows cannot help but meet in this show they are portraying. What the hell is going on?

As she breaks her embrace with that man, they both walk up to me. "Christine, meet a friend of mine," she says in the most annoying introductory voice possible. "This is Morris. He was a college mate of mine and best friend, of course."

Then, there is his smug look of a smile. Why must I end up with the shittiest situations? A man that I was trying to get in bed with turns out to be my sister's best friend. He lets out a hand for an introduction. "A pleasure to formally meet you, Christine," he says smugly. "You are quite the stunning angel."

I can just hear the sarcasm in his voice when he says the word 'angel.' We both know that I am quite the devil at times. Of course, my poor sister is innocent with this and thinks all is going well. I take his hand and shake it in respect. "The pleasure is all mine, Mister Morris. I hope to see you around at this church, so that we can get be more acquainted with each other."

He just gives me a half-hearted smile before breaking the shake. So, Morris. That's your name. Don't worry. I will win this game, but I love a good challenge when it humors me.