Do Me A Favor

"Knock. Knock," Yu Qiao's attention was caught by the soft knocking on the door. Just hearing it, his panic came rushing in again.

'What if it's Lihua? How can I face her?!' was his dreadful thought as he has still not successfully removed the images of her long slender legs, her chest, and especially the slit of her womanhood peeking through the front of her black lace panties!

He wanted to knock his head on the wooden table in the study, hoping the pain would distract his thoughts - but he was not able to do so by the time Angelo called out to him from the other side of the door.

"Young Master Yu, please open the door," Angelo called out after standing there for a while but not hearing anything from inside the study.

Yu Qiao opened the door immediately. He then pulled Angelo inside and shut the door, locking it to make sure no one else can get in.

After doing so, his shoe was shoved against his face. "You forgot," Angelo stated deadpanned.

The head of Mo security can be considered a handsome man, with his jet black hair, high cheekbones, proud and elegant nose, and his bright green eyes. He was also almost as tall as Yu Qiao, who was currently 185.42 tall. However, Angelo was so serious that it was hard for anyone to attempt to approach him.

Angelo did not speak. He simply looked at Yu Qiao intently, then he narrowed his eyes at him as if accusing Yu Qiao of something, before speaking: "I saw that you left it through the security cameras. It is just good manners to say thank you."

Yu Qiao's faced turned red with embarrassment. "Yes. Thank you," he whispered, really expecting the worst when Angelo looked at him strangely but eventually feeling relief after the head of security demanded appreciation instead.

Angelo nodded. "Here. You might need this." The head of security handed him a bottle of spray. Foot odor control spray!

"..." Yu Qiao was initially speechless, then he called out when Angelo turned around to leave, "Ah! Wait!" Smiling nervously he asked, "Angelo, can you do me a favor?"

"No," Angelo stated indifferently as he moved back away from Yu Qiao. "You can ask Rita to smell your foot after you've tried the spray."

"Huh? No! That's not the favor!" Yu Qiao's face turned black.

Instead of agreeing, Angelo uttered with disinterest: "Still no. Not part of my job description," as he walked towards the door to get away from Yu Qiao.

"Arg! Just, keep this a secret please!" Yu Qiao shouted in frustration as he grabbed Angelo by the arm before the man was able to open the door. "And I do not mean about my smelly feet!" he added in annoyance.

Angelo frowned, turning around to look at him. "Explain," Angelo stated as he crossed his arms over his chest to shake off Yu Qiao's grip on his arm.

"Please keep it a secret that I came here. Especially to Lihua..." Yu Qiao whispered under his breath.

With a raised brow, Angelo stated: "I cannot do that. I can only shut up until asked, Young Master Yu." Angelo stated. "If that is all, I will go back to work."

Yu Qiao can only watch Angelo go as he cannot force the Mo head of security to keep his stupidity a secret. He just hopes that no one else was able to see him look at Mo Lihua like a pervert who does not know any better.

Yu Qiao was sitting on the chair closest to the door of his godfather's study when his phone began to ring. Yu Qiao grabbed his phone to look at the phone screen and saw that Mo Lihua was calling. Yu Qiao did not pick up. Instead, he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth because as soon he thought of her, he again remembered her indecently.

His phone stopped ringing and he was still unable to compose himself. "Man up. It was just an accident. You did not say anything," Yu Qiao tried to convince himself as he returned Mo Lihua's call.

"Hello, Brother Qiao…" Mo Lihua answered immediately. Her voice was soft and sweet to Yu Qiao's ears, making him wonder why he never noticed it before.

"Are you mad?" Mo Lihua asked when Yu Qiao didn't respond after a while.