
Yu Han coughed again, and this time, he spat out onto the floor of the jet. His breathing was labored, and he could only mumble from being winded, kicked, and prodded.

As the sirens drew closer to the jet, the more Mo Che silently beg for the police to arrive sooner. 

"Fly this damn thing already!" Someone yelled. The voice seems to be coming from the one seated directly next to Mo Che. He moved slightly away from the noise as he wasn't able to cover his ears.

"What are you waiting for?" His guard asked with an annoying voice.

The pilot replied with the same tone, "Are you stupid? The door is still open."

"I don't care! Close it in the air, Hurry!" One of the men demanded, clearly in a hurry to leave with them. 

"It is very dangerous," The pilot insisted.