The Aftermath

It's been 4 months since the Shiganshina tragedy, the news spread into the walls like fire in the forest, all the people heard about this and they now in a state of fear from the titans to break into the walls again

the survivors from Shiganshina reached wall Rose and now they are inside camps made especially for them. the food is low and the people are nearly starving

"After sending the 250k people on that suicidal mission our supplies are now stable but we can't just let the remaining ones just lazing around, we need to use them for something "

inside of a meeting between the walls top officials and nobles, a fat man spoke, he is one of the nobles of wall Rosé

"This is not good, the titans invaded wall Maria and our resources went down by more than 30℅, Lord Braveheart have some farm lands inside wall Rosé that aren't being used we can use the survivors to farm those lands " said a man with a mustache, he is the governor of wall Rosé

"En, That is a good idea, Lord Braveheart do you agree to that since it's your lands we need your permission for tgat" a priest of the church that is inside wall Rose looked at Roger(Ace's Dad) and asked

But Lord Braveheart wasn't listening to him, his head was low and his eyes have black circle under them

"L..Lord braveheart??" the priest called

"Ah!! I apologize, I didn't heard you " Roger snapped out of his thoughts

"I said do you agree to using the survivors to farm your lands in the north" replied the priest

"Aah!...It's okay, I didn't use those for long, I agree to that, I will go and prepare some people to monitor them, you can send them in the next week" Roger stood up and walked out of the room

The man looked at him with wonder and said " What happened to him?!"

the others heard him and looked at him with a weird expression. the fat man said " You don't know??!"

" What? " asked the priest

"His son was in Shiganshina for the past months when the titans broke in...Apparently his son died, he went to the camps and didn't find him "

The priest eyes widened as he heard the news " I..I didn't know that he had a son!!"

"Then you must be living under a rock, when his son was born the three walls know that because of how grand the celebration was, you must be an idiot to not know that" the moustache governor said


outside of the building, Roger is in front of his carriage as he is looking to the sky ' Son! I know you are okay but your father's heart is worried... please come back quickly. we are waiting for you ' he thought as he entered the carriage


back at the survivors camps. Eren, Mikasa and Armin are eating their food fare way from the people. they didn't want to get closer to them since anything can happen, three children with food are like free food to them. their share of food is becoming lower and lower with each passing day

"God Damn!! this bread is hard as a rock!" Eren complained as he took a bite from the bread

"We have no choice, this what their limit 2 pieces of bread a day is generous enough " Armin replied

Mikasa didn't talk and just kept on eating silently with a cold expression. Eren looked at her and said " Oi!! "

Mikasa didn't turn at him and just said " What?"

"What are you still doing here? Didn't Ace parents came to get you yesterday? why didn't you go with them?" he asked

As soon as she heard Ace's name Mikasa clenched her fist and said " Shut up"

"Ha!! you!! What the hell!! why didn't you go?? answer me" Eren stood up and insisted on Mikasa to answer

"Eren! that is enough" Armin tried to stop Eren but Eren being stubborn as always he didn't listen

"I want to know " he said

Mikasa looked at him and said " With what face should go with them??"

"Huh?!! the hell are you doing talking about??" Asked Eren confusingly

" they took me in their house and made one of them, they stood by my side when I was sad about my parents death, and all they asked me is to look after Ace...and I didn't even do anything to save him and you want me to go and live with them again?? I prefer to live her than go meet them again, I am too ashamed to do that " Mikasa clenched her fist and continued to eat her bread

"But Mikasa, you don't have anything to feel guilty about, Ace died by a Titan and you don't have the power to fight back " said Armin in an attempt to convince her

"That's right, I have no power so I will gain power and take revenge for Ace from that Titan" Mikasa remembered the colossal titan and she felt hatred growing inside her " I will join the Military training when I am 12 since that's the minimum age, then I will join the survey corps "

Armin and Eren looked at Mikasa for a moment before they sit down to continue eating, they too had mad a decision to go to the military but they didn't know the first to declare that will be Mikasa

All that is left is to survive for the next 2 years then they can join the military


Shiganshina district, the former lively and cheerful town with its nice people and relaxing feeling became now the home of the titans

Blood is everywhere, all the streets are either filled with the dead bodies or blood

The river that goes through the district is now bloody red

the smell is unbearable, all the dead bodies and puke of the Titans is making it worse

*Stomp* *Stomp* *Stomp*

The large and heavy footsteps of the titans is everywhere in the district, each day a new titan enters the city and walks around it for a few hours before he leave and go through the broken gate toward Wall Rose like every other Titan

Crows are flying in the sky searching for a nice dead body that is not filled with the titans

One crow spotted a hand that sticks out from under a large, he flew straight to it

"Kaak!!" "Kaak!!"

he start poking the hand with his mouth to get a piece of meat from it but, suddenly Golden thunder attacked him from the hand


the Crow died on the spot and joined his brother who met the same fate by the golden thunder on the side

This hand is the hand if Ace Braveheart

The Golden thunder seems like it has it's own consciousness as its attack anything that tries to harm his body that is on the open while still working to heal and and make a hole for his body to heal at once

As for the past months, every time he is healed his bones get crashed again by the great pressure of the rock

The power of the thunder seems to be a little weak since it's main focus is healing, that alone takes a lot of energy leaving it with only a small amount of energy to destroy the rock

Ace's day of freedom from under this rock is coming but it's coming slow