First Day Ends

Disclaimer: My exams are near so my updates will be delayed for some time. Sorry

P.S: Did I mention that I hate french!!!


After the morning training, the recruits went to the classroom, Hange is their new teacher, so they're definitely getting information from someone who experienced the life of killing titans. The most excited person here is Eren, he just wants to know how to kill a titan real quick. The idiot even asked Hange how to kill a titan straight away as soon as they sat down,

Of course, he was ignored by Hange as she has a system and she wants to follow, first comes titans introduction then they dive deeper.

After the class ended comes the evening training, the recruits found Levi standing outside of the class, he told them to follow him, he is taking them to the nearby forest to climb the trees and go up the mountain before coming back at the evening.

Only the first 10 were allowed to skip this training as it is only necessary for building good physic if the recruits are able to accomplish what Levi orders they will be proving that they have the good physical strength and those making the first months training useless to them.

Also, by giving the recruits special favors, Levi is making them get used to favoritism which plays a big part in the military, If you are good soldiers you get respect and the good ranks, if not, you became a horse that does all the labor for his superiors.

The group of the First 10 went back to the Big gathering house for the recruits, there they all gather to eat, drink, and talk with each other. For the first 10, they were allowed to eat food first and relax.

Ace would take this chance to build a good relationship with them since most of them were the main cast in the anime, except the new silver-haired girl.

First comes Annie, Ace got his food and sat in front of Annie who was at the corner of the room.

"Hope you don't mind me sitting here with you." He was ignored as she ate her food in silent not giving Ace a chance.

Ace tried to start a conversation but all his attempts were unfruitful as Annie gave him an indifferent look.

"I am not interested in being a friend. It's better for you to stay away from me " said Annie making Ace shut up quickly, You may think he has his way with women because he has Krista and Mikasa as his lovers but keep in mind that Krista had no choice but to be his Lover and Mikasa's love had him saving her as the main trigger. So he actually didn't do much to get them.

It's called Plot Armor.

"C'mon, we're all in this together, we will need each other," said Ace

"I don't think so..." Annie was persistence on keeping her distance from the other recruits as much as possible. This caused Ace a big problem. If he can't get her trust then all his plans for her will go down crashing.

Armin, Eren, and Mikasa came and sat with them, Mikasa at the right side of Ace while Armin on the left .and Eren besides Annie much to her bad mood, there is already one boy who is annoying her and this one just sat there beside her. Can't a girl have some time alone?!

Reiner and Berthold saw Annie being surrounded by the trio and looked at each other, then they too joined them.

" Can we join you guys?" asked Reiner with his plate of food, Annie gave them a cold glare which Reiner returned with a light laugh.

Soon, Jean and Conny joined in with Jean trying to hit on Mikasa or Annie which got him sad looks from the other boys, he looks like a desperate teen looking for a partner, Or a lonely horse, both are correct in his case.

The only one who didn't join was Anna, the silver-haired girl, Conny turned around at her and called.

"Oi!! Silver girl, come here and join us, we are introducing ourselves here" Conny waved at here to come and sit at one of the empty seats left. She looked for a moment before she got her food and joined them, she wasn't planning on staying alone for the next 3 years, so she could only join them, besides, these people have the best chance of survival in this world, so there is nothing wrong of getting to know each other.

Everyone introduced themselves, they gave general information about themselves like name, age and where are they from, they were surprised that Eren, Ace, Armin, and Mikasa were one of the survivors from Shiganshina district. this made Annie and co feel a little bad, especially Berthold since he was the one to break the wall. Reiner and Berthold gave their fake ID, which is that they came from one of the far villages in wall Maria, they didn't get the news of the Titans breaking in only after they were at their village. they were the only survivors. While Annie said with an indifferent tone that her village was able to escape in time due to it being near wall Rosé.

And finally, it was the silver-haired girl's turn.

"My name is Anna S. Truman, I was born in a small village at the top of the Lost mountains of wall Rosé. "

' She is not a Noble!!' Ace was surprised as the girl's hair color was uncommon between the common people and only a few people from the noble families have silver hair, so he was bitting that the girl was a Noble girl.

" S. Truman..? such a powerful last name!!" said jean trying to get closer to the girl.

"It's a lost name of a Noble family," said Anna, she continued to eat her food after that. Her words made the kids wonder at that, How can a Noble name be lost???

Mikasa elbowed Ace " the Truman family is one of the families that lost their Noble statue because of their constant opposition to the king's order, they were exiled to the Lost mountants to live their alone without any territory 70 years ago "

Everyone nodded their head at her words in understanding. While Ace's eyes became wide open, How come Mikasa knows about this?? he never saw her holding a book before!

Knowing what he was thinking she added " Your mother thought me in her free time " Now that makes sense, Maria has a piece of vast information about the history of these walls, if she thought Mikasa something it will be definitely about the history of the walls.

After that, they all engaged in small talks and played little games before evening came and the other came back from their training.

The recruits came back to the big gathering house with their bodies breaking down from overtraining.

Levi got in after them and said with a clear voice " Eat, Rest and sleep. Tomorrow will be the same for you, Matter of fact, the next 6 months will be the same. your bodies are weaker than that of sheep, be grateful that you get to rest "

Loud, desperate and tired moans came from the soon to be soldiers, they barely finished today's course, they can't believe how much of a slave drive Levi is!

Ace let a gentle chuckle out as he knows what they're feeling right now. It was the same for him too. After he was appointed as the Vice-captain of Levi's squad, Levi made him go through some harsh training-like exercises to see if he was able to keep up with him and his squad. Levi was pleased to find that Ace had a great physical body strength even tho his body is slim, Ace's body was the same as Levi's...Only taller!!

Levi left after warning the recruits, which made them happy, the guy was terrifying in his own way and they can't stand being near him anymore.

After he left. The room grows louder with people talking, mostly whining about how hard the training is. Ace looked for Krista and he found her talking with Ymir. They were leaning on each other because of how tired they are. Mikasa got up and went to stay by her side which made Jean look at her with sad eyes, he wished he can share the same table as her for a little longer. Since Mikasa and Krista were friends they were together all the time. And furthermore, she doesn't have that Ackerman link to Ace anymore, she doesn't feel the urge to stay besides Ace at all time, she is free to form relationships with friends and act on her own beliefe, but of course she is still in love with Ace, so instead of sticking to him, she gave him some distance as she knows he has the same feeling to her as he does to Krista but she knows that he won't get in a relationship with her...not now.

She realizes that Ace has some kind of goal in mind and he won't get in a relationship with a woman until he accomplished his goal. If it wasn't for his marriage with Krista being forceful, Ace would've definitely refused the marriage.

So, instead of focusing on Ace, Mikasa decided to focus on herself in the meantime and wait for their feeling to connect to each other.

(Those are Mikasa's own believes... This is how she sees Ace and her relationship with him)

Soon the food arrived and the recruits ate as if they never saw food before, Ace took the remaining of the food that he saved and went to Krista and gave it to her.

"Eat this too, you will need it " he kissed her cheeks which caused Ymir and few other men like Jean to glare at him with hatred and jealousy, few were ready to attack him but they were put in their places after Krista's next action.

She returned Ace's kiss and thanked him, all men felt as if their pride was a brutal way...mercilessly!

Ace gave Ymir a quick look and said " Take care of her..." he then left the big gathering house


In the darkness of the night. Ace made his way to one of the fare houses in the military training camp, the house was lit and loud voices were heard, it sounds like a fight. Ace opened the door and he was met with the sight of Hange and Levi squad fighting over some kind of liquid bottle.

"Get away from my baby!! " Hange was holding a bottle of alcohol with her face red from being drunk, she glared at Levi squad with hatred. Do these idiots want to take her child?!! IN THEIR DREAMS!!

"This is your 3rd bottles Bun-taicho, we didn't even get to take a sip of alcohol. we won't let you take the last one!!" Oluo took a fighting stance, ready to get his alcohol, his squad members are ready too.

"Then come and get it!!" Hange took her stance too and was ready to fight to the death for her child

Ace made his way around and gave them a light greeting " Good evening.."

"Yeah! Good evening " They returned his greeting but they never took their eyes off each other

"Good evening, Captain! " Ace sat in front of Levi who was at the back of the room, watching the stupid play take place, he was drinking his tea alone, he looked at Ace and returned his greeting.

"Where is the box? captain" Ace looked around for it but he didn't see it.

" Petra! bring out the Red Iron Box from my room" Levi commanded Petra who abandoned her brothers in their fight, she went back to Levi's room and brought a big and Red Iron box, she put on top of the table and returned to join her brothers in the battles.

Ace opened the box. The box contains a few of the Red potions he made in the past days, he took an empty bottle and filled it with water and a drop of his blood, after they were mixed together, the bottle turned Crimson Red with a faint shiny glow to it. he closed the box after that.

"How did that happened?" Ace pointed at the small bickering going besides them.

"Hange, as usual, got drunk and took all the bottles of alcohol for herself, then the squad took upon themselves to stop her. Stupid!" Levi drank his tea as he told Ace the little story from before.

"Why don't you help them? you won't get to drink any if this keeps on happening" Ace chuckled and took a piece of bread that was left on the table, it was Levi's, but he didn't mind.

Levi raised his cup and said " Chamomile tea, It has great benefits in relaxing the muscles and reducing irritability. "

"Oh! can I get some?" Ace reached for the teapot but he was stopped by Levi.

"After. Go get your ODM gear, WE start training tonight..." Levi put his teacup down and called for his squad to do the same. The fight stopped and Hange could relax but Levi looked at the messy room and Tick marks appeared on his forehead "...But first. WE clean!"

Ace and Co, Including Hange, cleaned the room from the dirt and broken pieces of glass. Then Ace and, Levi and the squad got the ODM gear and left the house and headed to the nearby forest, they rode on the horses to get there faster.

On their way, Ace brought out a bottle out of his side and throw it at Oluo and co. It was the bottle of alcohol that Hange was keeping close to her, Ace managed to sneak it out before she noticed!

"Vice-Captain!!!" They were touched by Ace's action, they all thought they will have to spend the day without a single drop of alcohol. BUT NO!!, their lord and savior Ace graced them with his mercy.

"You know we will have to clean the room again, don't you?!!" said Ace

"AH!!" they all realized that if the bottle is here, then Hange will flip the room upside down to look for it. they all sighed when they remembered they have to clean the room again.

The squad reached the forest, they locked their horses at the largest tree near their training spot.

"Ok, listen, all of you, as we had agreed. This will be our first formal training together, Ace had never worked in a group before. " Levi looked at Ace " You got some training with ODM gear from the Laurance from the Military police so you know at least the basics" Levi looked up at the trees "There will be two teams. Ace and I will be together in the same team. the rest will try to take us down. teams will switch members every week. Start! " Levi jumped on the trees followed by Ace. The quickly disappeared behind the trees but Oluo, Petra, Eld, Gunther quickly followed behind.

Oluo and Petra clashed with Ace while Eld and Gunther clashed with Levi.

The training continued for almost three hours with Levi overpowering his opponent in every battle and Ace struggling with the teamwork of his opponent at first because of how fats he was moving with ADM gear and the trees that served as both an obstacle and advantage at some times.

But he started to get used to the fast movements of his and his opponent, but regardless, The Levi squad is a tough opponent no matter how good you are of a fighter, they can change their fighting pattern to defeat you.

And this ends Ace's first training with his squad. Complete defeat for him but a complete victory for Levi.