Not Alone?!

"Then...You almost choked him to death!"

Ace is kneeling in front of Levi with a guilty expression with Jean who is panting heavily with blue lips.

Ace didn't expect to lose control and attack Jean, But honestly, that guy went too far too. That was Ace first love confession ever in his entire life, he didn't need to go through that at all with Krista or Mikasa. After being rejected by Annie, Ace became stunned in his place, he kind of expected that but it still felt bad.

And Jean came started mocking him, he made Ace angrier by each word he spoke, the Jackass even announced his Rejection to the whole room making everyone look at him with pity.

Hell! Even Krista and Mikasa looked at him with pity. At that moment, Ace attacked Jean and tried to choke him, if it wasn't for Reiner, Berthold, and Eren, the strongest of the recruits stopping him. Jean would've ended in the hospital without a doubt. but even them, they couldn't hold Ace completely and had to drag Ace outside.

At that moment, Levi and co came back, they heard the commotion and loud screams, so they headed to the hall seeing Ace being dragged out of the room.

Levi immediately enquired about the reason for such action. after he learned of the reason, Levi took the matter in his hands and dragged both Jean and Ace to his Office in the Survey Corps Building.

After Petra and the rest calmed Ace down a bit, he came back to his sense as he got out of his embarrassment.

" I am sorry for my actions, Captain Levi " Ace bowed a little toward Levi

"It's not me who you should apologize to." Levi pointed at the blue lips jean who got nervous suddenly, Things went way over what he expected.

Ace looked between jean and Levi, he didn't want to apologize to this horse face but Levi insisted.

"S..Sorry, Jean, I won't do this again."Ace extended his hand for a shake but as soon as he got hold on Jean's hand he grabbed it with so much force that Jean shout from pain and teary eyes.

"Oi!!" Levi released Jean from Ace's demonic hands " Just leave already..." Levi dismissed Jean from the room and looked at Ace with slight anger

"Can you shithead not cause any troubles...?" Levi hit Ace on his head.

"It's not like I will forgive him immediately, he shouldn't have been a jackass and mock me in front of everybody." Said Ace with a shrug of his shoulder, it's like he didn't feel Levi's fist.

"But I never expected that the Vice-Captain would be rejected by a woman, she must be a formidable one" Eld came from behind after he escorted Jean out

"Of course, any woman I have an eye on is a formidable woman" Ace spoke with a proud tone

"Honestly, Vice-Captain..."Petra gave Levi a cup of tea as she spoke with Ace "...You shouldn't have confessed like that out of the blue. It wouldn't work "

Ace was surprised, he thought that being honest with his feelings toward a girl will at least make her feel something toward him " And what do you suggest, Petra-sama?" Ace held Petra's hands and looked at her with admiration

" Eh!!... Ah, first you need to spend some time with her, meaning she needs to know you and you to know her, then you start showing your love to her little by little, if she was responsive toward your advances and didn't mind you, the chance of you being rejected will be reduced by a lot." Petra put her index on her chin as spoke "...But now that you have confessed and she rejected you. It will take you a lot of time and hard work to get her love." She said.

'Did this military training turn into Dating training?!" Levi and the rest of the males thought of the same thing.

Ace looked at Petra as if he saw a prophet " I can do it. If its time I have plenty of that."Ace bowed to Petra sharply " Thank you very much, Petra-sama!"

"See you guys tomorrow!" Ace turned to leave the building

"Wait..."Levi stopped him "...we still haven't decided your punishment yet." he said

"Eh! but..."

"It's true that Jean triggered you, but you attacked him" Levi took a sip of his tea before he continues "...Before you go to sleep, Move the new equipment materials from outside of the warehouse to the inside. Alone. You can leave."

Ace looked in disbelieve ' I thought we were on the same team?!' he thought. He looked around the room and no one was looking at him, all avoiding his gaze. In the end, he couldn't do anything against Levi, he is still his superior and his captain in the end. All he could do is move those materials really fast and be done with.

"That damn Jean. Just you wait!" Ace held a little grudge against Jean which he is determined to return.

In the warehouse, and at midnight time. Ace is moving large wooden boxes inside the warehouse, He is using a bit of his Titan power to help him carry more weight.

"This is bullshit, man!" All the time in there he was complaining.

After moving all the boxes in, Ace closed the warehouse and headed to the dorms, he swore if he saw Jean still awake, he would punch him in the face.

[Hey, Kid! ] A deep voice came from Ace's head.

"Oh! King, It's been so long. thought you were dead" Ace said in his mind jokingly to his partner.

[ I need to inform you about some things..."] King was speaking in a serious voice

"What is it?" Likewise, Ace left his childish mode and turned serious, everything king needs to inform him about is always important, unless he was trolling which he rarely does.

[Some one is playing mind game in here..] he said confusing Ace

"Mind games??" Ace stopped in the darkness of the night as he tried to think more about the meaning " Explain more.."

[The barrier around Krista and Mikasa's minds was attacked, someone is either trying to control them or change their mind.]

A murderous light flashed in Ace's eyes " Did they succeed??" Ace asked the most important question for him. If someone did this, he doesn't mind killing a few people here and there.

[Don't worry about that. They have failed, the barrier is stronger than you think. Your power is protecting them from anything like that....] King assured Ace and tried to calm him down. Anger won't benefit him anytime soon.

[But, Kid... you noticed that. right...?] King let Ace think about his meaning little.

"Yes, I didn't mind them until now, but it seems we have company here." Ace looked at the dorms, he was always aware of the eyes that were watching him, he found them and they have probably found him too. they are good at blending in the background while observing everything but they won't fool him.

[We are no longer alone. Don't take things lightly anymore.] King made a loud roar in Ace's mind [It may exhaust your powers a little but you need to move fast before they do, Connect your friends and alley to your soul before 'they' try anything funny. Let them decide if 'they' are going to be enemies or not.]

"No...I won't let them decide...I Will Decide." Ace clenched his fist and looked at the starts before taking a deep breath. Looks like the fun times are over shortly just after they begin.


I am thinking of changing the Novel name, Vote 1 or 2 in the comments to change to the name you like.

1. Attack On Titan: The Blood King

2. Attack On Titan: The Last King