
Lagos, Nigeria


The sound of the iron hitting iron broke the silence in the damp dingy cell.

The figure of a small undernourished young black boy lay sprawled on the floor.

The ceiling was tattered and the putrid smell of human excrement filled the air.

The little boy was already used to the stench as his delicate nose had become dull.

His hands were bound with cuffs but he laid motionless on the ground in a foetal position.


The noise got louder as it neared his cell, suddenly the noise stopped. As the boy looked up, he could see the sergeant outside his cell.

The clanging sound came from the baton he held in his right hand. The sergeant

had a concerned look on his face.

He looked at the little boy with a pretty face but fierce expression. The boy glared at the iron bars obstructing his freedom.

The boy had dirt all over his half torn shirt and a short that had already shrunk beyond recognition.

His feet were bare and dirty, with scars around his leg and thighs."I got you something boy." The sergeant motioned to the boy, sympathy written all over his face. Two hot sausage rolls wrapped neatly in a thin foil was on the hand he extended to the young boy.

The little boy forced himself to a standing position and slowly walked over to the prison bars. He gingerly took the offering from the sergeant, gulping it all down in large bites.

"What's your name?" The sergeant asked expectantly. His handsome face lifting into a bright smile. The boy stared cautiously at him, the dark bruises on his face was exposed to the man's sight.

"You're still tight lipped abi?" The sergeant had a pained expression on his face. He opened the prison lock with a soft click.

There was no barrier between him and the young boy. Usually the boy had to be forcefully subdued and this took about five to six guards to do so.

But for some reason, during his shift, the boy made no fuss whenever he came to take him away.

Sergeant Ayo closed the distance between the boy, giving him a bear hug, he whispered."This is your last battle kid. I promise after this,you would have your freedom." Sergeant Ayo smiled at the little boy, ruffling his hair.

"I have no parents."The boy said suddenly, his cold countenance unchanged by the display of affection. Sergeant Ago gazed with pity at the young boy, his hand slightly patted the boys back in sympathy.

"Please uncuff me."The boy pleaded. The sergeant hesitated a little before uncuffing the boy. "Kelechi. My name is Kelechi."The boy said finally answering his question. He massaged his wrist with his hands before making his way ahead of the sergeant.

The sergeant followed swiftly behind him. They walked for a while until an open space appeared before them. The space was crowded with a lot of people, some where Nigerian dignitaries and men of high standing, while others where foreign representatives.

A fat man with a protruding belly waddled to the front of the front of the arena. The crowd suddenly fell silent in anticipation as a microphone was lowered down for the now grinning fat man.

Kelechi watched as the familiar fat man, whom he knew as the announcer introduced the fighters.

"Now without much ado, please place your bets. This is the final battle for this season, so if you don't make your profits now, you'd have to wait until next year." He announced, signalling the guards to bring in the other fighter.

Kelechi watched the guards bring in a boy of fourteen years into the arena. He had on a mouth guard and was handcuffed.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever happens kid, don't give up. If you want your freedom, you've got to come out alive. This is your final battle and then its all over. If you win, I just might consider adopting you." Sergeant Ayo smiled at the young boy.

"I'll live."Kelechi replied with smile that brightened up his round face giving his black eyes a certain shine to them. The boys were pushed into the middle of the a circular platform located at the middle of the arena.

It was walled with iron fitted closely together, with the height of almost 14ft. The makeshift metal gate sealed the entrance and exit.

Kelechi glanced at the now familiar crowd surrounding him before moving his head to the side to observe his opponent.

The boy he was facing had a wild look in his eyes but it wasn't without some cunning hidden in its depth.

The duo observed each other, circling round to look for the best vantage point for an attack.

His opponent suddenly lunged forward impatiently, he closed the space between them before launching into a series of attacks.

Kelechi took the blows, as series of hard punches landed on his weak form.

Unlike the boy who looked like a teenage body builder, kelechi's malnourished form looked appalling.

Somehow kelechi remained standing after the ordeal. His face was covered with major bruises and he had a few broken bones.

He clutched his stomach with both hands as a jolt of pain wracked through it.

The tempo of his opponents attack which had slowed down abruptly increased.

His opponent landed a blow on his jaw knocking him to the ground.

Kelechi watched as his opponent panted heavily. His left eye had already closed up leaving only his right.

His clothes were bloodied and his strength was failing. "Finish him!Finish him!!"He could hear the faint sound of the crowd cheering on his opponent. It seemed those cheering placed their bet on him dying. His opponent walked over to were he lay on the ground. Bending down, he grabbed a fist full of Kelechi's shirt and lifted him up. "I win!" The boy exclaimed. Kelechi smiled mischievously as he latched on to neck of his opponent.

With the last ounce of energy he had, he snapped his neck. The crowd watched as both children fell to the ground unmoving.

A hush fell over the arena as the metal gates opened to reveal the fat pot bellied announcer. He walked over to where both children lay. Cautiously, he laid two fingers on each of their necks checking for a pulse.

"Raising kelechi's right arm he yelled."Number 14 is the winner!" Those who voted for number 14 cheered loudly, while those who didn't cussed.

Kelechi suddenly felt himself being pulled from under the body of his opponent and into the arms of a familiar scent.

He snuggled deeper into the comfortable human body with a contented smile.

He looked up toward the face of sergeant Ago who was smiling brightly at him.

"I've asked them kid, and i get to leave with you as soon as your healed." . Kelechi finally closed his one eye, allowing himself the luxury to dream.

Sergeant Ayo watched as the young boy's face slowly relaxed. Asleep in his arms, the boy looked like a normal child with a chance at a good future.

"I'm sorry kid." Sergeant Ago apologized to the little child in his arms who was already sound asleep.