CHAPTER 4 : Fallhip

After long day of work ekri sighs "that took much more out of me then i though"

Nna nods " im starving already lets go to the feast hall and get some food

Nna "oh right youre friend told you can come to preperation hall at any time you whant"

"ill go there after we eat" ekri smiles

Ekri and nna go down from north side to the center then goto the right and strait to the feast hall they then get to row and end up waiting for 30 minutes

Nna looks at ekri "do you whant to eat here ?"

"as good as any place i guess" ekri and nna goto the corner

after eating ekri and nna go to the backroom nna looks at ekri what do they even need our help with ?"

after seperating from main group "we need to catch whos stealing food also be carefull its better that we talk about this when no one else is there and not to be carefull we wouldnt whant theif to hear our plans or notice us"

Nna nods "thats a good point but i dont know how to fight do you ?"

ekri sighs "neither but i think rexsar can help us with that"

Nna looks a bit confused "i dont know he would have time or be assigned here "

Ekri looks at nna "of course not literely being wiht us but i think we could train us to fight show us the basics"

after finishing the meal ekri begins walking " lets go saros is waiting"

they make to the back room after they get in saros walks towards ekri "krrrrrr oh good to see youve recovered my dear "

ekri smiles "not complatly but it mostly thanks to Nna im sure you 2 meet "

Saros "satisfied krreeee yes of course "

ekri then gets sirius "anyways we are here to help with person whos stealing the food "

saros "krrrrr right come lets go bihand the kitchen saros looks at kabal "krrrrr make sure food and report is ready for the hive lord "

kabal smiles " yes of course we have most of it ready already "

saros satisfied krrrrrr " good now go finish it ! "

Nna wonders "hmm i see" then smiles and looks at ekri " so thats how some get higher rations then others "

as they proceede they they see the hallway shrinks and expands it which makes Nna and Ekri very curious

they hear quiet krrrrrrr " the stuff that later becomes food passes here hense why why it grows and expands there are multiple veins in this large 1 sending the stuff back and thoguh "

Nna looks puzzled " what do you mean by the stuff ? "

Saros kreerererrrrr and then sounding amused "believe me my dear its better to not know some things "

ekri smiles "fair enough " after which they proceede further and reach backroom where food is stored

Saros proceeds to open spores by touching the top of them and they open up show that container isnt even half filled up

Nna looks insade "someone got pretty greedy"

saros silent krrr in agreement they they are taking more and more each time.

Nna looks at him looks like someoens has become a bit too comfortable doing this"

saros krrrs yes they became rather sloopy "

Ekri looks at nna "lets go deeper in to check it out " then looks back at saros "i whant to investigate a little bit"

Saros quiet krrrr "very well" walks away

Nna looks at Ekri "umm what are we looking for " as they wallk deeper into storage while being carefull not to damage any spores when then they notice holes in the wall which open and close evey 10 seconds

Nna walks up to it and looks insader "where do those lead to ?"

Ekri walks closer "be carefull"

Nna after crawling for short while in the hole "its a long way down but im not sure if its posible to enter though there at least normaly"

Ekri looks curious "go though there ill meet you on the otherside" ekri walks to Saros

saros looks at ekri krrrrr "where is youre friend"

Ekri smiles "i have theory i whant to check "

few minutes after ekri went down to the messing hall and went to look for ekri after going upper parts where theres less people and she seen Nna at far right corner"

Ekri smiles " thats the most likely entrance "

Nna looks confused "but theres no way to climb back up there normaly i tried and theres 2 other entrances "

ekri hows the bowl full of green porridge " lets head back to saros "

saros sees them entering krrr " what did you discover ?"

Nna smiles posible way in and well ekri thinks this could have been the key for thiefs entrance

Saros lets out quiet krrr " porridge elaborate ? "

ekri "is there any way where person could use anythign from envioroment or in this kitchen which could be used to modify porridge to make someone get sick"

saros deep in thoguhs lets out krrrrr " thats posible i will bring someone down here to investigate tommorow "

Ekri smiles "then well see each other tommorow "

Nna looks at ekri " where next"

ekri as they are exiting the mess hall" to Rexsar lets learn few things abotu fighting from him "

they enter the hive hall

Nna and Ekri quickly start helping out other kabal as they notice a lot of drenai lords including aucart passing though

Nna looks at ekri notices shes a bit nervous after what happend then holds her after which ekri looks at Nna

Nna smiles "its fine calm down her wont do anythign to us yet"

ekri sighs "the sooner we get to rexsar the better "

after 20 minutes all of them go upstrairs one of drenai presses one of tiny spores on the wall which opens the hole in which all drenai enter rexsar aproches ekri and Nna "i see you are doing fine today"

Ekri smiles : nna was of great help"

Nna looks at Rexsar " um could you teach us a bit about fighting ?"

Ekri intervenes " to become more usefull to the colony" then whispers "better others get wrong idea for now"

Rexsar smirks and then says "if you whant to learn how to fight we are go to have to wait for meeting of the lords to end during the meeting only drenai are allowed on 2nd and 5th floor"