A Wine for You

After Yoona brought them to their seats, she began to take their orders.

"What would you like to drink?"

Minhyun delicately lifted the menu, looking at each item attentively. What should he choose? There was a wide selection to pick from. Despite the nerve-racking emotions flowing from his body, a sudden idea popped up in his head. He put the paper down and looked straight at Yoona with his piercing gaze.

"What do you recommend?"

His voice was enticing; deep and rich. Yoona couldn't help but feel startled as Minhyun put her under pressure. He exerted an intimidating aura. It was clear he wasn't an average person.

But after working as a waitress for years, Yoona did not fret. She pointed to one of the menu items and let out a smile. "It depends on what you like. Usually customers opt for our wines as we have a fine selection from all over the world. We have wines from all price ranges and each bottle is hand-picked by our chefs if you want me to dive into specialties."

Minhyun stayed silent for a moment.

"I am fine with any wine. Price is not a problem. Please give me a bottle of the best wine you have."

Minhyun wanted to see what Yoona would choose. As a waitress, she'd try her best to pick the best wine according to her first impressions of him. Although he didn't want to burden her, he wanted to know how the situation would play out. What kind of person was she? Depending on her choices, it would tell him a lot about her personality.

Yoona nodded politely and began to walk towards the wine bar.


While Yoona was away, the two men sat quietly at their table.

Secretary Kim snuck quick glances at his president, wondering how he felt about meeting his childhood sweetheart after so long. From what he'd observed, it didn't look like Yoona recognized his boss. Was that a bad thing? He had no idea. After working with Minhyun for so long, Secretary Kim had grown affection for the twenty-four year old. He couldn't help but check up on him.

Minhyun was deathly quiet. Millions of thoughts ran through his mind, swarming into a large mess. To think that Yoona was in his presence was so surreal to him. Was this even real? He even had a conversation with her.

Luckily, their interaction went smoothly. He was able to control his emotions to act normal.

Never in his life was he so excited.

His hands were clasped in a prayer and placed in front of his lips.

There was so many things he wanted to tell her and many memories he wanted to create; however, he needed to plan his strategy carefully. He didn't want to bombard her, especially since she was in a tight situation at school.

He needed to take steps one at a time. He was too emotional. An odd feat considering his usual personality at the office.

In fact, when Minhyun saw Yoona at the entrance, he couldn't even look at her properly. She was absolutely stunning. He could not believe his eyes. Like an angel, light shone around her, and everything else was blurred to nothingness while she was in the room.

Many woman of all nationalities had thrown themselves all over him, yet, not shook his heart as much as Yoona. He thought that his care for her was purely brotherly, but now, he was second guessing himself.

To begin, she had beautiful eyes that turned light brown under the sunlight. Golden specks danced in her iris when she smiled. They were absolutely mesmerizing. She also had straight, brown hair which he wanted to run his fingers through.

Compared to the average woman, Yoona was quite tall, reaching the height of his eyes. With her slender body and height she could surely become a model if she tried. Perhaps, he should hire her to be in one of MH's advertisements?

Furthermore, just like how he remembered, Yoona was proper and polite. The manners she displayed to the two were professional, despite the hardships she was currently facing. Any other person would be having a hard time serving their customers happily. He was so proud.

And just like when she was a child, she hid her pain behind her beautiful smile.

He watched as Yoona carefully observe the wine rack.

Secretary Kim fought the urge of letting his jaw drop. Where had the normal CEO disappeared to? It was as if his boss was replaced with a completely different character. To anyone who knew Minhyun, they would never be able to imagine these actions being committed by him.

He didn't realize how much Minhyun cared for Yoona till today.

Secretary Kim cleared his throat. "Um sir?"

Minhyun snapped his attention back to the male in front of him. "What."

Secretary Kim fiddled with his fingers. He originally did not want to tell his boss about this - but for Minhyun's image, he had too.

"You are staring at her sir, I don't think that's a very good idea. Especially since she does not recognize you."

The tips of Minhyun's ears turned red. For the first time in years, the foreign feeling of embarrassment erupted in his chest. Did he really stare at Yoona too harshly?

The CEO returned to his poker face and adverted his attention elsewhere. He was to his regular personality; distant, glacial, and apathetic.


While the two men were talking, Eunha nudged Yoona while she was getting the drinks.

"Psst girly!"

Yoon turned her head to face her friend. "What is it?"

"You are so lucky right now," Eunha squealed. Her eyes trailed back at Minhyun. "He is the most attractive male I have ever seen in my entire life."

"Oh goodness," Yoona said with a light smile. "Not again."

Eunha pouted. "He's clearly different from all the other customers though. Especially the cheater. He has a sophisticated air around him."

From what Eunha could tell, this man was another level. It was clear from the minute he walked inside the room. Yoona definitely agreed from her standpoint, the customer was good-looking, if not the best looking male she's ever seen. But right now was not the time for romance.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend."

Eunha slapped her arm lightly. "The past is the past. He was a loser. Real talk, I know you're not ready for a relationship but he's just really hot."

Yoona rolled her eyes. "Funny."

On the other hand, for Yoona, her love life was the least of her current worries. Right now, she was debating on the type of drink to give the customer. Perhaps a luxury champagne? Or if he was rich enough, a Aubert Chardonnay? Their wines ranged from fifty to over three hundred dollars. If she picked a cheaper wine, then he might feel insulted while an expensive wine would empty his pockets.

She took a quick peep back at the duo. His outfit was crisp and the watch on his wrist was no doubt worth more than her rent. He could probably be able to afford any drink in the restaurant.

In the end, she opted for a wine that was one of the most popular options and her personal favorite. The price range was on the expensive side, but it wasn't the most pricey option on their menu. It was around fourth place. A perfect option for this customer.

She grabbed the golden bottle and brought it two the table, alongside two cups.

"Here you go," she said. She placed the cups down and poured the drink inside, before leaving the bottle at their table.

The corners of Minhyun's lip couldn't help but curl up. She was very professional. The wine choice she picked was perfect too.

While looking through the drink menu, he noted all the prices and types in his mind. If she were to pick the most expensive drink, he would've had to question Yoona's personality. If she picked a cheaper drink, he would've had his pride broken.

However, Yoona picked the best option, the best wine in regards to price and quality. She had put a lot of thought in her choice, showing that she cared for all customers.

Well done.

He never doubted she'd pick the right choice.

Yoona glanced over at their menu sheets. "Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?"

Secretary Kim glanced at his boss. Throughout the whole time, they hadn't even talked about what they were going to order. He doubted Minhyun even looked through the dinner menu. He was too busy thinking about his childhood sweetheart.

He lifted up his hand to decline. "A few more minutes please."

She nodded, sending them one last smile, before leaving.

Just before walking back to the kitchen she sent him one last glance. Why did he feel so familiar?