Thank You Secretary Kim


To discuss MH Korea's future plans, a meeting was adjourned in a large room. Men and women of high status gathered together in hopes to discuss their innovative ideas for the greater good of the company.

Many of the higher-ups were nervous to see Minhyun sitting at the front of the board. His apathetic aura intimidated them despite his young age. They did not dare look in his dark eyes. One wrong word and they would be fired. The current CEO was known to be ruthless when it came to the business world; much worse than his father.

Secretary Kim watched the meeting carefully. He was standing near the door with his hands in front of his body. That is, until he got a notice from intel. The text message read that the situation was urgent.

After looking back and forth, Secretary Kim quietly walked out the door, ringing a call in the hallway.

"Hello?" He said.

"We have bad news in regarding Yoona."

Secretary Kim groaned. What was it this time? Why were the Moon siblings always causing trouble? These troublemakers were causing his boss trouble every single day! From what he's observed, Yoona was a sweet girl. These devils were really asking for his boss's wrath.

At first, Secretary Kim felt pity for the Moon Siblings. He knew that his superior was gathering incriminating evidence about them from the minute he saw the video. After seeing his love suffer, it had been Minhyun's goal to destroy the whole group due to the actions of the two siblings. Secretary Kim thought that the punishment was harsh. Why should a whole company suffer just because of two stupid people! However, after meeting up with Yoona, all his sympathy for them was gone. How can the whole family allow these actions to go on unpunished?!? It was inhumane!

"What's the news," Secretary Kim asked.

There was a pause. "The Moon Siblings bought Bianchi yesterday and currently, Jaeun is dining there."

Secretary Kim erupted into coughs. What in the world?!? How could this have happened. He stared at the wooden door separating him from the meeting.

There were many thoughts circulating in his brain. This could not be happening. Not only was the situation urgent, but the timing was terrible.

Only one question crossed his mind, should he interrupt the meeting and tell his superior?

The current meeting was important because it was discussing the future of the company. As the president, leaving in the middle would surely leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. From a business standpoint, Secretary Kim must refrain from telling him. Compared to a multi-billion dollar company, a mere girl was nothing. Her well-being shouldn't affect the direction of the company.

However, if he didn't tell Minhyun about this matter right away, it would be wrong of him as a person. Although Minhyun was his boss, Secretary Kim considered their relationship to be more than just work related. The two spent almost every hour of the day together. There was some attachment between them. If he didn't tell his boss, Minhyun would be hurt. The boy did not have many good friends or family around him. As his secretary, he should at least help his boss protect his loved ones.

With a sigh, Secretary Kim made up his mind. There was no competition. He was going to tell his boss.

"Alright, thank you for the information."

"You are welcome sir. Any other questions?"

Just when Secretary Kim was about to say no, a dark realization dawned upon him. His eyebrows suddenly furrowed as he played back the contents of their phone call in his mind. At times like this, his perfect memory was useful.

Something was wrong. There was a missing piece to the puzzle.

"Wait a minute. You said the business deal happened yesterday between the Moon group and Bianchi. Why are we only getting this information now?"

There was a long pause. Secretary Kim was getting sweaty.

"I just got this information from my subordinates," the caller said. "I do agree that the situation is weird. We should've gotten known the minute they legally binded the contract. I shall look into it for you."

Secretary Kim nodded. "Yes please."

When they hung up, suspicion rose up in his heart. Clearly, there was something preventing them from getting information about the Moon siblings. Could it be a simple fluke in the system or was there someone interrupting their search? In fact, now that he thought about it, the Moon group information gathering was going quite slow. It had already been four days and none of the information found was worthy to tear down the company.

He must tell boss about this right away.

But first, more important than the rat, was the well-being of Miss. Yoona.

Secretary Kim ran into the room, not caring about the displeased glances from the other board members. He quickly ended up at Minhyun's side and whispered in his right ear.

"Yoona is in trouble."

Minhyun immediately stood up. He didn't even mutter an apology or a warning to the other people in the room. He just left. Heading straight towards the stairs to get to the ground floor.

Secretary Kim quickly followed him while dialing the number of one of the board members to inform them about the sudden leave. He just told them that the president was currently dealing with a personal emergency and that they should continue talking about the company with the Korean vice-president as the leader.

He also called one of the drivers to quickly pick them up in front of the building.

When they got into the car, Minhyun finally spoke.

"Bianchi. Now."

The urgency in his voice alerted the driver that the situation was dear. He quickly pressed the petal and drove as fast as he could to the small Italian restaurant.

"Secretary Kim," Minhyun said.

He looked back from his driver's seat to his boss. "Yes sir?"

"Is she hurt?"

Secretary Kim wanted to slap his own face. Due to the hecticness of the situation, he totally forgot to tell his boss what was happening!

"Not that we are aware of," he began. "but the Moon group bought Bianchi yesterday and they are holding a dinner there. Although she is fine now, we don't know how it will end up."

Minhyun's face hardened. He grit his teeth. he caught the mistake right away. "And we didn't know this information before because?"

Secretary Kim fixed his collar nervously. "I'm not sure. Although it isn't certain, I believe there may be a rat in the system, preventing us from gathering information about the Moon siblings. I told them to look into the situation to see if there is a traitor sir. "

Of course there was.

Minhyun was about to explode. His face was turning red with anger. "Fucking hell. This person wants to die doesn't he? After I deal with the Moon group, I'm going to catch this person next."

There was only one person who could cause this.

He continued: "I want you to call some premium hackers right now. Yesterday, in case a situation like this would happen, I compiled a list of good ones from the dark web in my personal folder. Give them ten thousand each to search for dirt about the Moon group. Whoever gets me the best information will be given five million dollars."

"Sir-," Secretary Kim said with a hiccup. That was too much money to invest in such an unreliable source! This could back-fire on them. "Please think this through! You are emotional right now."

"Now." He demanded. "Do it right now."

Secretary Kim meekly nodded. "Yes sir."

Minhyun took in a deep breath. Secretary Kim was right, he was very emotional, more than he'd ever been in his business career. However, the list he compiled was completely safe. He had already thought of a back up plan all this time. There was a reason to why he was still succeeding in the business world.

The only reason to why he hadn't made a move yet was because he wanted to gather enough information to tear them down as a whole. Minhyun had never liked the whole company to begin with.

This was going too far though. He had to take quicker measures. No matter what, he wasn't going to allow one more terrible event to happen to Yoona.

"Secretary Kim," he said one more time.

The secretary looked up from his mobile device. He was in the middle of following orders.

"Yes sir?"

Minghyun exhaled slowly. "Thank you."

Secretary Kim widened his eyes. His boss never said thank you. Ever. In fact, never had he ever gotten a compliment from his boss. However, in this context, he understood why Minhyun was saying this to him. If it was any other business person, they would've kept this information from the boss until it was too late. Nobody would've considered Minhyun's feelings.

The boss was a human too. He had the right to protect his loved ones.

Secretary Kim nodded. His heart filling with warmth. "You're welcome sir."