Let’s Give her Rotten Food

While Jaeun and the groupies went to the main table to sit down, there was a small moment for the trio near the kitchen. They all casually huddled together, trying to keep their voices as low as possible.

"So guess who's ready to get fired today," Eunha whispered. She was ready to kick some butt. After hearing about what the Moon siblings did to Yoona, she had been preparing for this moment.

At first, Yoona thought she was joking, but once she saw the sincerity in Eunha's eyes, she knew it was real.

Yoona bit her lip. "You're kidding me."

She shook her head. "I'm dead ass serious. This bitch is about to go down. This is our territory."

Yoona was absolutely astonished by Eunha's words. She knew that Eunha and Lucas were great people but she didn't realize that they would go this far for her. Sure it was only a part-time job job, but they had all stayed with Bianchi for a long time and were going up against a psychopathic and rich opponent. Not everyone would do the same.

Her heart melted with happiness.

Despite the troubles she faced due to the Moon siblings, in return, she found two amazing friends. Two people gone, and two people go. If it weren't for them, she would be in serious mental turmoil, unable to trust anyone. They had a bigger impact on her life then they realized.

"I also want to change jobs anyways, so i'm down to put rotten ingredients in her food," Lucas explained. A small smirk played on his lips. "I'll do it secretly so nobody knows it was me."

The image of Jaeun and her friends throwing up in the bathrooms was a sight she would definitely pay to see. However, there was an unsettling feelings in her heart.

Yoona shook her head. "You guys are terrible people. Let's act normally for now and wait to see what she does."

Although Eunha tried to protest, Yoona shut her down. There was no need to be the first ones to make their moves. It would only look bad on their part. Besides, although rotten food would be great, they had to watch out for lawsuits. Any revenge would have to be passable by the law so that the Moon group could not use it against them. After all, they had a team of formidable lawyers from prestigious universities. The trio had no chance.

Although Lucas did say he would do it secretly, she didn't want to take the risk. The mere chance of him getting trouble in the stead of her was heartbreaking to imagine.

"Let us find a way to play with the law alright? I got it all under control."

She didn't. But there was no need to make her friends worry further.

Eunha pouted as she crossed her arms. "Fine."

"But if she does something, I'm not going to hold back. I'm not a fucking bystander," Lucas replied.

Yoona rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thanks losers."


There were currently six people, including Jaeun at the table. All the servers lined up against the wall. Apparently, the new owner was going to pick two "random" waitresses to serve them to see the skills of the restaurant.

It didn't come to a surprise when Yoona was picked. She saw it coming her way.

Since Yoona was the main reason for her purchase, Jaeun chose the next person randomly from the group. Her fingers landed on a short boy named Hamin. He was a diligent worker and a pretty nice fellow.

As Yoona was more experienced out of the two, the manager signaled for her to take the drink order. She stood in front of the group of girls with a paper pad in her hand.

The girls all chatted, ignoring her existence.

Yoona's eyebrow twitched with annoyance but she chose to stay calm. This was nothing too bad. She could handle this with ease.

"Are you ladies ready to order drinks?"

They dismissed her words, acting as if she was invisible. All of them clearly knew she was talking but chose to say nothing.

The atmosphere thickened and she could see the puzzled faces of her co-workers. All of them wondering why the group was so rude.

Yoona cleared her throat and paraphrased her question. This time with a louder and clearer voice. "What would you like to drink?"

Jaeun smiles sweetly. "We heard you the first time so stop shouting in our ears. We need time to think."

The smile on Yoona's face faltered slightly but she kept it up. So Jaeun wanted to play this game? Founded by the newfound courage hyped by her friends, she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

"Of course," Yoona said politely. "Please take your time and tell me when your ready."

She took a few steps back to stand beside of Hamin.

Yoona has been working in the restaurant business for a long time. She'd dealt with all types of rude customers; from those who made subtle remarks or the ones that yelled, threatening to call their lawyers. If Jaeun was going to try to humiliate her verbally, then she was going to have to try harder.

She waited for them to call her over.

Jaeun flicked her wrist up in the air, signaling that it was time.

"Everyone in this table would like a water with their drinks," she mentioned.

Yoona signaled for Hamin to go follow that order. He nodded and quickly ran towards the bar where the cups and water were.

Just as expected, all of them ordered pricey drinks. Yoona nodded carefully as she wrote each order one by one. After writing everything down, she read out her list out to confirm with the girls that it was right. Loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

After all, she didn't want Jaeun to pretend that she took the wrong drink order. She already saw it coming. Classic move from customers who wanted free food through trickery. She'd encountered a few of those before.

As Hamin came back with the waters, Yoona went to grab the wine.

To get to the bar, she passed the group of coworkers lined up against the wall. Some of the other waitresses and waiters bore jealousy in their eyes, wanting to serve the new owner to impress.

If only she could change spots with them.

In the end, everything was going smoothly. Other than a few remarks, nothing was out of hand.
