A Better Sword

Everyone couldn't take their eyes off of the sweet reunion in front of them.

Even the bratty girls couldn't help but fawn as the romantic, movie-like scene that came to their vision. Not only had they never seen Minhyun act romantically, but the two were picture perfect together. A beautiful boy and girl. It was a match made in heaven. Although peeks of jealousy filled their hearts, they couldn't help but be entranced.

All of their hearts fluttered, wishing the two main characters the best of luck with their love.

To think that two childhood friends had reunited after so long - who wouldn't be happy?

Jaeun Moon. The only person in the world who didn't agree was Jaeun, who was seething in hatred and jealousy.

This whole situation, proved yet again, to why she should hate Yoona.

Without trying, Yoona was able to take everything that was hers. It was absolutely sickening. People, status, looks; everything fell into Yoona's favor. The girl had the luck of the century! But this time, it got much worse. Yoona was childhood friends with one of the greatest business men in the world. One that even Jaeun wasn't able to touch.

Her worst nightmares came to life. If she were to make the wrong moves, Yoona could obtain power and money as well. This could cause a whole uprising in the social sphere. The hierarchy Jaeun spent so hard building up and establishing.

She couldn't let this happen.

However, although she wanted to break their happy moment, a stinging sensation erupted on her cheeks. The hives were coming. She wanted to stay to at least spread the couple apart but time was ticking fast and she couldn't tarnish her face. This was the perfect time to escape as everyone was busy staring at the couple.

Jaeun grit her teeth. Lady luck was being a bitch today.

She texted her driver, telling him to pick her up, before sending one last longing gaze to Minhyun. Her heart raced.

He was a man with great wealth and taste; a man perfect for her lifestyle. There was no person greater than he, and nobody more worthy for her. If he was to pick Yoona as a close companion, surely he would pick her as well. After all, Jaeun was way better than that poor girl.

Those were the words she kept telling herself.

With a sigh, she walked away. Not saying goodbye. She couldn't draw attention to the redness of her face. If the other girls were to see, surely they would spread gossip to ruin her career.

But she will return. With a greater sword as well.

Not noticing the young girl leave, the couple spread apart.

Yoona felt shivers run down her spine as she felt his lingering gaze on her. He had an aura of intimidation. Something different from when he was a child. To think that the small kid had morphed into a attractive man was quite the surprise. Many events must've happened to him to make him the person he was today. She was curious about his whole life. And she had a lot of questions to ask him.

But first, she noticed a single problem on his fine Armani suit.

"Y-you got food on your suit!" Yoona yelped. She grabbed a napkin and bent over to dab those pieces off. "I'm so sorry!"

Knowing how expensive these suits could be, Yoona began to measure how much money it would cost the get this dry-cleaned or replaced. She wanted to feint at the amount of money her estimation was.

Minhyun eyed the stains. For him, it didn't matter too much. The suit was always replaceable with another one. However, the moment that they shared was not. It could never be recreated to the fullest. It was clear which one was more important to him.

"It's fine," he said while lightly grabbing her wrist. "I have many other suits."

Although Yoona wanted to protest, she just nodded. There were still many things she didn't know about this grown up Minhyun. She couldn't just tell him what to do.

"O-okay then," she stuttered.

Her body was acting weird. She calmed down when they were embracing. Her speech was absolutely fine then. But now, she was back to messing up her words.

Minhyun let out a small smile. "Nervous?"

Yoona widened her eyes. "Nope, what are you talking about."

Her voice was much higher than her usual tone, signaling that she was, in fact, nervous, but she would never tell him that. She tried to play it as nonchalant as possible. She was just so surprised to see that the person who she thought was dead, was actually alive!

"Right." He said after a chuckle. "I believe you."

He clearly didn't, but Yoona wasn't going to correct him on that.

She took a deep breath, trying to get her jumbled feelings to come together.

They had a lot of talking to do.

But before Minhyun could escort her away to another play, a blonde-haired boy and a short-haired girl eyed the man with suspicion. They knew he was her childhood friend but there was some pieces that did not make sense.

How was he here in the first place? He came out of absolutely nowhere and to think he was near the restaurant this whole time. This could not be a coincidence.

Since Yoona was in an emotional state, it was the job of these two to make sure the man she was with was worthy to bring her out. Despite their status as childhood friends, they couldn't risk having Yoona hurt further from some unforeseen event.

"Sorry to ruin your happy moment," Lucas interrupted. He looked at Minhyun with discontent. "But I think it's time to break apart. We need to talk."

Eunha slapped him in the arm. "Be nicer!"

She turned towards Minhyun. "I am so sorry about him. He can be an asshole at times. I promise that he's nice."

Lucas rolled his eyes and took a step forward. It was true that his words were a little harsh, especially to someone Yoona clearly cared about.


Lucas brought out his hand for Minhyun to shake. He talked slowly, trying to be cautious with his words. He was doing this all for Yoona. Never in his life was he this civil to a stranger.

"Listen. We're Yoona's friends. I was busy in the kitchen so I couldn't see the scene unfold properly but I heard from Eunha that you interrupted at the right time and basically saved Yoona's ass from getting sued. Thanks man. Really appreciate that."

They shook hands. Although there was a bit of tension, the grip slightly too hard, the two were fine. They were testing each other out to see who was more dominant.

Since Lucas had tried his best to introduce himself nicely, his next words went a lot smoother. "You seem like a nice dude. But you got to understand that you are a stranger to us and there are many inconsistencies with your appearance. I don't want Yoona to be hurt again."

Eunha was proud of Lucas for being civil. She didn't want him angering such a handsome man that could possibly be Yoona's future husband. She sent him a thumbs up.

Minhyun narrowed his eyes. He recognized the two friend from intel, two people who were Yoona's friends. From their words, it was clear they cared for Yoona. He was thankful for that; however, there was something off about the blond-haired male.

Either way he was going to agree and see where the conversation would lead to. He wasn't close with Yoona yet, but it was best to stay calm and observed everyone first.