A Mole in the System

After the delightful dinner, the trio thanked Minhyun one more time for the amazing opportunity.

"Thank you, and see you later," Yoona said before engulfing him in a hug.

Ever since they started talking more during the dinner, she began to warm up to him. It was nice to see the stuttering slowly disappear. Although there was some awkward tension in their conversations, they were better than most. Of course, not all her walls had been unveiled yet, she still held some of her words back. But it was fine. He knew that she was a trustworthy and kind person. That was all that mattered.

Plus, unlike most people, she didn't suck up to him due to his status. Instead, she was talking to him because they were childhood friends not because he was a CEO. He was glad that her genuine personality stayed intact.

He was eternally grateful for that. It made him know that hope was still in the world.

"Bye," he said while embracing her in his arms. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to stay in this moment for as long as he could.

However to his dismay, Yoona had to send her last goodbyes before the driver drove them back home. She had a long day.

Minhyun's heart suddenly wavered. Now that Yoona was truly gone, he realized that he really didn't want Yoona to leave. As soon as her presence disappeared, it felt like everything was a dream. And once he would wake up, he'd be back to his bleak life in New York.

But he had to control himself.

He walked to another black care to be picked up by his personal driver. He had to go back to his company to tackle a few reports.

When he entered, he noticed Secretary Kim at the back seat, organizing some files on his tablet. From the serious look on his face, Minhyun knew that there was a lot to talk about. Secretary Kim rarely sat at the back, out of respect for the CEO, unless there was an urgent matter to discuss.

Minhyun sat on the beige seat and crossed his legs. The happy smile on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by his normal icy frown. As if he had a duo personality; all traces of the past Minhyun was gone. Back to the man everyone knew him as. "What is the problem."

"I believe you should see this," Secretary Kim said. He passed the tablet into Minhyun's hands.

Before, Secretary Kim had asked Intel to make a report explaining why they had a data delay in regards to the Moon group. The company had quickly responded back outlining the suspicious activities and reasons for their mistakes. Pages and pages of graphs and words filled the white space.

While reading through the contents, Minhyun's eyes suddenly stopped in the middle. His fingers clenched, almost causing the screen to crack.

He let a dry laugh. "Bullshit."

Minhyun's good mood quickly turned sour. The day he thought was so perfect spiralled down. The situation upon hand was much worse than he thought. Originally, he wanted to ruin one enemy, the Moon group, but now there was two to handle. Someone was preventing him from getting revenge and the question was why?

Secretary Kim gulped. "Yes, as you can see, a lot of the contents in the report don't align and seem to be bogus. Clearly, someone either tampered with the reports or a higher-up on the team is hiding something."

"Is there anyone in intel we can trust?"

There was a pause. "Nobody is one hundred percent innocent but I do have two candidates. Currently, I had someone plant a few bugs inside the room in case of suspicious conversations. I will other use other measures to figure this situation out."

Minhyun's anger didn't subside. It was crazy how he was the president of this company but there was little people to trust. Everyone had their own motives and selfishness. Although they did their work well, then the time comes, they wouldn't be afraid to stab him in the back. The atmosphere became heavy; gaze sharp as knives. "Okay. Get me everything by Sunday."

"Yes, sir."

Minhyun placed his palm against his head, trying to mend the growing headache. The mole was the last thing he wanted to deal with.

There were so many things to take care of; the mole, the company itself, the restaurant, and the Moon group. This list excluded all events in his personal life. He had such limited time to handle so many cases. Of course, he did put the extra work on himself, he didn't need to be this busy. However, each case involved aspects he must attned - he could not take out even one.

Secretary Kim watched his superior with a sorrowfully. Minhyun was a perfectionist and strove to take the burden onto himself. From the calendar, Secretary Kim could already tell most hours were full of work. There was not even time to sleep.

"Sir, why don't you let the restaurant project be monitored by someone else? I am sure another higher-up would be happy to take your place," Secretary Kim suggested.

Minhyun shook his head. "I will not give this project to someone else, nor do I trust anyone else to handle this well."

Although he wanted to protest, Secretary Kim knew what his boss was feeling. Though he didn't explicitly say it, he wanted to stay close to Yoona, despite his busy schedule. Out of everyone in this world, the only person who could calm his heart was that university girl. Taking her away would only make his mood worse.

Unfortunately, putting aside the restaurant, the other projects could not be handed to someone else since they were large scale. Plus, after the mole appeared, it was clear that the system was infiltrated and enemies lurking behind the scenes. They had to be careful. Important events had to be left to the president.

There was a lot of work to be done.

In his heart, Secretary Kim made a promise to lesson Minhyun's work by offering the best help he could. This is why the next proposal was important.

Secretary Kim cleared throat. "I do have a suggestion however."

Minhyun raised an eyebrow.

Secretary Kim took the tablet and began to swipe to another document. This time containing information about the hackers that they called today. There was also other information that Minhyun did not recognize.

"I did come in contact with the hackers today. However I came to the question of, why can't we make a separate secret team? One that can handle the mole and the Moon siblings all at once? This would lesson your work load and allow us to handle more cases. Also, this can be an asset for future problems," Security Kim explained.

While looking through the hackers and trying to figure out a solution to the mole, he came across this idea. He wanted to gather a group that Minhyun could trust. Of course, the company was all his, but it was obvious someone was pulling strings. Their biggest guess was Chae Seung-bum, Minhyun's father. But this was only a gut feeling, they didn't know for sure if he was the perpetrator. After all, why would he interfere with Minhyun's quest to bring down the Moon group? There was no motive.

Chae Seung-bum was a smart man. He would not take action that easily.

Minhyun tapped his fingers against the window, thinking about the suggestion Secretary Kim had put out.

A team of trusted intellectuals would be nice to have. He would be able to leave work to them while focusing on other important things. Although it would be hard to gather people who would be capable enough to accomplish the tasks, it was not impossible. In an ideal scene this was a perfect solution.

However, there was a large fault with Secretary Kim's idea.

It was a known fact that Minhyun did not trust anyone in the business world. He believed that everyone, except for Yoona, had underlying motives. Even when it came to Secretary Kim, it took a long time and plenty of trials before Minhyun was able to leave his life in his secretary's hands.

Plus, if this team were to be created and one of the members were to betray them, how dangerous would that be? All information could be in the hands of an enemy and ultimately lead to destruction.

"I will think about it," Minhyun said. His eyes staring straight at Secretary Kim. The bug-eyed man gulped, intimidated by his superior's gaze. "In the meantime prepare a presentation for me to further expand on your idea."

"Yes sir," Secretary Kim said. He was happy Minhyun was giving him a chance.

He was not going to let his boss down.