A True Reunion

Cold sweat began to accumulate on her skin.

When he said those last words, she could feel his mask slowly coming off. The glowing happiness in his eyes when she first met him was no more. By the end of his sentence, the true Minhyun was revealed. Someone much more dark and sinister than she realized.

The aura around him changed quickly, making her almost jump in shock. Although there was a light smile on his lips, his eyes were almost dead. Only hints of emotions filled the cracks, some farther than others. There was yet for the full Minhyun to be uncovered, but this was enough for her to get a feeling of who he was.

Although the restaurant's atmosphere was cheerful, when locking gaze with him, everything stopped. She felt tingles on her skin, arising goosebumps to the top.

So this was the real Minhyun.

If it was anyone else, she would've run away. After all, with the power he held, he could potentially ruin her life, suffering more than she had in the hands of the Moon siblings. Could she fully trust him to not betray her? That was her biggest fear. Especially since the man in front of her was cold and merciless.

Yet, no matter what, she couldn't help but feel herself drawl in.

Yes. He was sort of scaring her out with the whole 'would you be able to handle me' spiel. Yes. He was indeed the CEO of a gigantic company and could probably kill her without getting caught. Yes. He knew about her father's death and parts of her past.

But god forbid, the compassionate side of her wasn't able to leave his side. Minhyun, trusting her words, had removed the mask he had on. He had revealed to Yoona a more vulnerable side of him. The darker, traumatized piece that he'd been trying to hide for so long. The loneliness that he'd been trying to heal for ages.

He was trusting her to stay by his side after unveiling his mask. To accept who he was. There was nobody in the world, not even Secretary Kim or his father, who'd seen the true Minhyun.

And due to his courage, she wouldn't dare leave him. That would be inhumane to do. Minhyun was already broken, he didn't need another jab to break his heart.

After seeing the reveal, Yoona could feel happiness uplift from her heart. For once, she was actually seeing the true man Minhyun had grown into. Now this was her childhood friend, not the forcefully nice man before. She'd rather embrace his truths than his lies. This was the man she could trust.

"Well, I don't know you quite yet. This side of you is new to me, but I'm willing to learn and I believe I can handle it," she replied. Then she shook her head with determination. "No I will."

Minhyun searched her eyes to see if she was lying. However, there was only genuineness within her. He expected for her to at least be a little scared or repulsed by him. After all, technically, he'd been lying to her the whole time, creating this illusion that he was a friendly, brotherly figure. Yet, she looked at him with more care than when they first met.

"What if I am not the nice guy you think I am?"

Yoona thought for a moment before nodding. She was fully determined to be able to accept Minhyun for whoever he was because in the bottom of her heart, she knew he was a genuine guy. "I'll still accept you."

He laid his chin on his palm as he balanced his elbow on the table. "I've ruined peoples lives and perhaps, have done worst things to others than the Moon siblings have to you. Are you okay with that?"

She gulped. Worse things than the Moon siblings what could that mean? She didn't know what Minhyun was talking about; especially since he hadn't specified anything. But unlike the Moon siblings, there was one thing her heart was whispering to her. He wouldn't do anything without a reason. No matter how terrible it was.

"It doesn't matter."

There was a pause as Minhyun made sense of the whole situation. He hadn't ever met someone who was so determined to accept who he was without knowing what they were in for. However, after looking at her determination he agreed.

"Very well," he said calmly before clasping his fingers together. "I won't hide anything then."

There was still lots of things Yoona didn't know yet. The hidden feelings in his heart that even he hadn't explored. But if she were to accept him for who he was, no matter what, then he was going to let it all out.

Although the constant fear of rejection crept in his heart, fueled by his past with his father and other persons, he decided to let his guard down. And to trust in Yoona.

She was his last hope.

Yoona nodded. "I won't either. From now on, i'm just going to say whatever I want to."

"In what way?" Minhyun asked. He couldn't imagine what type of comments Yoona would say now that she decided to become more comfortable around him.

"For example..." She began. She leaned her cheek against the palm of her hands. "I think I like this side of you a lot better than the fake one before. Really. This aura gives of the scary CEO you read about in those web-novels."

Minhyun blinked, taken aback by how carefree and eased Yoona was.

He, himself, was even scared of who he had become. Yet, this strange girl was accepting him with open arms. And despite the fear she should be feeling, was breaking out a joke in hopes to lighten up the mood.

How did he deserve to meet her?

Although not complete, due to her actions most of the fear in his heart dissipated, and he could feel himself open up even more.

With that, he couldn't help but mirror her teasing manner. A mischievous smile crept up on his lips. "Oh? And what kind of character is this 'scary CEO'?"

Yoona playfully shrugged. "You know... The usual dark, very demeaning, aloof handsome guy that goes around terrorizing everyone who goes against them."

He wanted to protest, but there was no faults in her answer. From what he could see, he did fall under the stereotype pretty accurately. "I can't even argue."

"But there is one difference," she commented. A hint of warmth filled her eyes. "Those fictional characters can't compare to you."


"Because you're real," she answered. "You're breathing. Living. And moving right in front of me. That is why you're so different from them."

There was a pause. Yoona placed an index finger on her chin. "Well, there are other reasons as well, but i'm not going to get into that. Too lazy."

Laughter escaped his mouth. Raw genuine happiness that he hadn't felt in so long. Although he felt happy when he was with Yoona before, this was truly a different feeling.

"You're absolutely crazy," he said. "But in a good way."

Yoona stuck out her tongue. "I know. It's a talent of mine. What can I say?"