No thanks!

Since it was getting dark and Minhyun had company matters to deal with, after dropping the question, they had to separate. Their time together was short, but knowing how busy Minhyun was, Yoona did not mind. In fact, she was grateful enough for the fact that he came over.

In the end, he was just worried for her safety.

"How long do you need to pack up?" He asked.

Yoona pursed her lips while looking around the room. Since she did live in a stingy apartment and was a broke student, there wasn't much materials to pack. But considering that this may be a long term stay, there might be more items to bring than she thought. Yet again, her apartment was still going to be under her name t'ill the lease ended so she could leave things here as well.

Hm. This was quite tough. Plus she had to ask Eunha to stay over as well.

"Around two to three hours? I'm not too sure yet," Yoona answered honestly.

Minhyun nodded. "Okay. I'll send a driver to come pick you up then and help you carry everything. If you need any other assistance don't forget to call me. I'll be always ready to answer okay?"

"Okay," Yoona answers with a smile.

Then he let out a sigh while placing his hands in his pockets. "I guess its goodbye for now. If I come home early tonight, i'll see you later. If not, then we can see each other in the morning."

From his tone, it sounded like they most likely wouldn't be seeing each other.

"Don't worry about that. I'm more than thankful that you're letting me stay at your apartment."

"No problem. It'll be... Like old times."

Back when they were little kids, Yoona indeed stayed at his abode. It was interesting to see the situation reoccur in the future. Talk about fate.

Before she could reply, Minhyun's phone began to buzz. Secretary Kim was calling him.

With a stiff expression, he brought the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

While talking, he put on his shoes and got ready to go outside.

Before exiting the door, he turned around one last time to face her. He let out a small smile and put the phone down against his leg. "Goodbye for now."

She waved her hand. "Bye, see you later!"


Once Minhyun left, Yoona knelt down, doing a little squat. Finally. Since he wasn't in the proximity, she know had time to really think. When she was alone, she digested information differently.

When she reviewed everything that happened today she realized how much was going on. All the information in her head was too much to handle.

Oh. My. God. She was going to live in Minhyun's house?!? What in the world?!? All the emotions she kept pent up inside herself was let loose. She was going to live with a boy. This was something completely out of her comfort zone.

While she was dating Jaemin, she was on the conservative side. The only time they stayed with each other overnight was when they went on a trip with Jaeun and their friends. The couple would stay in the same room, cuddling, but would never go further. She was always uncomfortable with those types of situations.

Her mother had given birth to her when she was young. The wedding between her parents was shotgun, they only married because of pregnancy. Since they hadn't established a deep enough relationship yet to discover if they were right for each other, the marriage quickly turned sour.

One of the reasons she was so reluctant to be with a man was due to her mother's teachings and from seeing how hard life was as a single mother. Plus, she'd seen her parents fight when she was young. It was frightening to watch. Naturally as the child, Yoona was brought up to to be careful with herself, unless she truly trusted the man with all her heart.

Of course, her situation with Minhyun was different. They were not in a romantic relationship, therefore, it wasn't like they would do anything... But it was more of the fact that he was a man. A very handsome man to add. The most beautiful male she had ever seen.

She slapped her cheeks with her palms. The area beginning to redden. What was she thinking. He was her very platonic male friend. No matter how good looking he was, Minhyun was Mini, and therefore nothing was going to happen around them.

Which was why she shouldn't even worry about this matter. She shouldn't ponder on this any further.

"Oh right," Yoona whispered. She had almost forgot.

Immediately, she reached out for her phone to call Eunha. They had some talking to do.

When Eunha picked up, Yoona immediately began to talk about her situations from the beginning. When she met up with Minhyun at school to the Moon siblings and their dark past. There was not a single event missed.

Yoona never had a friend close enough to disclose all her life events so it felt really good letting all her words out.

Once she finished talking about the Moon siblings and the potential of one of them being a murderer, Eunha couldn't help but freak out.

"What psychopaths. Oh my god this is crazy!" Eunha cried. "I knew they were fucked in the head, but not this much!"

"I know right? Now that I think about it, there were so many red flags in our relationship. I don't know where to begin..."

Of course, apparently to Minhyun there was no solid proof, but the fact that the doctor's notes were messed up showed their mental states clearly. Either way, terrible.

Eunha gulped. "Isn't that dangerous for you then? You live alone in such a terrible apartment."

Those two thought alike. Eunha was right. It was dangerous.

Yoona let out an awkward chuckle. Ready to drop the bomb. "Yeah, that's why Minhyun offered to let me stay over at his house..."

She could hear screaming from the other side of the speakers and a lot of 'oh my gods' everywhere. Yoona knew that her friend wanted her to end up with Minhyun, but she didn't know it was this serious.

"So what did you say!" Eunha squealed, jumping up and down.

"Well, at first I said no," Yoona began. "Since there was just so much factors to consider. You know me right? I need to think about this stuff. But then he offered me to live there only for a week and even offered to allow you to stay over as well. That was when I knew he was really looking out for my safety so I couldn't say no."

"Wait- what? Why am I included in this conversation?"

Yoona awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah. So I also wanted to ask if you wanted to stay over."

There was a moment of silence. Eunha was absolutely speechless. "Are you joking?"

Yoona cocked her head. "What do you mean?"

Eunha jumped on her bed while holding the phone against her ear. She had never met someone so dense. "Why in the world would I squeeze between you guys? No way! I'm not going to third-wheel and cock-block at the same time!"

A beautiful boy and girl, who were childhood friends, under the same roof? After seeing the magical first meeting between them, there was something bound to happen. There was no way Eunha was going to interfere! Besides, being with the two would only make her single life more miserable!

Yoona's cheeks reddened after hearing her friend's words. "Oh my god Eunha. Minhyun and I aren't in that type of relationship."

"You never know what will happen," Eunha exclaimed. "Besides, I ship you guys with all my heart. No way. You can never make me go. Ever."

There was a pause. "I mean, I would love to stay over at a CEO's house one day, but only after you guys get married."


A bunch of giggles entered Yoona's ear. Eunha was having the time of her life wasn't she?

"But in all seriousness, you should go by yourself. I doubt Minhyun would do anything bad from what I can see, but after the Moon siblings situation, I learned too that you can't trust anybody one hundred percent until you really know them. That's why if you ever feel uncomfortable, call me no matter what okay? Also, allow me to have your location on at all times. My house is always open to you as well, though I'm not sure how safe it'll be."

It was rare to see Eunha so serious, so it touched Yoona's heart a lot more than normal.

She smiled. "Okay will do."