A Whole New World

By the time the driver came to her apartment, Yoona had finished packing and Eunha had already left. The short-haired girl had school early the next morning so unfortunately she had to leave.

Due to Eunha's kind heart, Yoona felt more than ready to stay over at Minhyun's. With someone to double check her items, she was confident that everything important was packed and ready to go.

Of course, some of the items she was reluctant to bring, but due to Eunha's hard work she just decided to go along with the flow.

A middle-aged man in a black suit stood in front of the car. When he saw Yoona walking passed the doors with a large suitcase, he bowed, before quickly running towards her to take care of the luggage.

"It's a pleasure to serve you Miss. Yoona."

She chuckled awkwardly. "You don't need to be too formal."

"I insist," he said while carrying her luggage to the car.

Yoona looked over at the small name tag over his left breast pocket. Every employee working under MH always had their names printed from what she had noticed.

"Alright Mr. Wooyoung, if that is what you are comfortable with."

Wooyoung let out a smile before opening the door to the back seat. He slightly tipped his hat. "Thank you."

Yoona didn't want to be arrogant or anything, but the feeling of being treated like a rich mistress was quite nice. The employees in general from MH were very kind, talking to her with upmost respect. Other than her affiliation with Minhyun, when else would she experience this life? There was a small smile on her face as she placed her bottom against the beige leather seats.

After placing her things into the trunk, Wooyoung quickly made his way to the front seat. Once he buckled his seat-belt, he turned on the engine and drove onto the main road.

"The president told me to inform Miss. Yoona that I will be your personal driver during your stay. Whenever you need to go somewhere, please do not forget to give me a call. In fact, if you gave me a schedule of all the places you need to go, that would be ideal. This is my job and I am more than happy to bring you anywhere you would like. My phone number will be on a paper that the president had left on the counter of his kitchen. Once you get there, he would like you to go over the contents."

Personal driver? Most of the time she would ride the bus or walk to wherever she needed to go so this was a surprise. The only time she had a driver was when Minhyun offered one last time. Having someone personally serve her was very different. Her muscles tensed slightly.

"Thank you. When I get your number, i'll email you my course schedule and my week schedule," Yoona said.


The building was huge and beautiful. Yoona's eyes widened, glistening against the reflection of the lights. She had to stop herself from dropping her jaw. With most of its walls made out of windows and shiny black material, the building was very fancy.

"Right this way Miss," Wooyoung said.

Snapping out her trance, she nodded before following him to the hidden entrance. Since this was a private building, the entrance was quite hidden, blending in with the walls. Beside the door was a window for the security to check whoever was inside. The only way to enter the building was by the security guard or through the card identification scanner.

"Good day sir," Wooyoung said to the security guard at the window.

"Good day to you too, what reasons are you entering for."

He took out a building card out of his pocket. "This card was given to the young miss here by Chae Minhyun. Since we are outside, I would like to discuss this further inside."

The security guard gestured for Wooyoung to press the card against the scanner. "Once the card works, enter the building and I will talk to you then."

Yoona couldn't help but feel awkward on the side of the exchange. They were both very professional. She kept mental notes in her head while listening as she was a business student as well. Although, she had experience networking, it was still her weakest trait.

When they entered the building, Wooyoung introduced her to the security saying that she will be a common face coming in and out so they do not need to be on alert. Since Minhyun had alerted the team beforehand, they all knew of her arrival. Once their introductions were established, another locked door was opened and Wooyoung had to say goodbye. Since he was only a driver, he was not allowed to enter the building without permission.

Yoona sent him a wave. "Thank you so much and I shall see you tomorrow."

"Farewell Miss."

After Wooyoung left, another male led her down the halls with her luggage in his hands. He was a short, skinny man and according to the others, he was the manager of the building.

"Call me Manager Kwon. I will be helping you enter Mr. Chae Minhyun's building today and will explain the Cleraria building further."

Yoona shook his hand. "Thank you."

Upon reaching the elevator, the manager bowed slightly and gestured for her to walk inside. "Ladies first."

Once they both entered, he pressed the top floor button to lead them to the penthouse. "The president lives on the top floor. Additionally to the building security, there are other locks established to enter the estate. This is very important for you to understand to enter the building."

Yoona gulped. Minhyun was not kidding when he said his apartment was safe. She didn't expect for this much security to exist just for a few tenants. In fact, the whole building brought her to awe. Even a brick in this building would cost more than her rent. It was crazy. What a different world.

"To explain the Cleraria building further. There is a restaurant on the third floor specifically catering to the tenants. If you want to dine there, you must make arrangements one week advance. All ingredients used are top-quality, therefore we must prepare early. If you need a last minute meal, we have separate chefs for those meals as well. Other utilities such as a swimming pool, movie theater, spa, gym, are all present as well. Mr. Chae Minhyun haa given you access to all of these special perks."

Yoona couldn't open her mouth. By now, she was completely numb. Everything about this building was dream-like, she couldn't believe her reality.

Minhyun... Sometimes she forgot that he was a rich CEO since she knew him as a friend. To think he bathed in this type of luxury, she got a slap in the face again! Now she felt embarrassed for bringing him to her dingy apartment. Compared to Cleraria, her place was total trash.

"Wow... Really nice," she whispered. Those were the only words she could say.

"While living in this building, you may see some famous individuals. They are people with their own lives so to iterate, it is very important that their personal information is all kept within the building. Please do not tell anyone about their time here."

Famous people? As in celebrities? Since Yoona was not interested in that field, she didn't care too much about that aspect. Plus, she also believed that celebrities had a life of their own and deserved to have their privacy. She was glad such a rule was put into place.

She placed her hand on her chest. "I understand one hundred percent. Do not worried."

Manager Kwon shook his head. "As Minhyun's guest, I believe that he has great taste in people. I am not worried at all."

When they finally reached the top of the building, Yoona stepped outside into a small hallway. Since Minhyun's apartment took up most of the space, there was only a little walking area in front of his door. The other rooms in the building belonged to Minhyun's maid who cleaned everyday. She had a small room in the corner.

The black doors to enter Minhyun's apartment was large, two times taller than Yoona. The handles were white with gold detailing on the edges.

"If you look closely to the handle, there is a fingerprint sensor located where your thumb would be when you clutch on. According to Mr. Chae Minhyun the system already has your identification inputted so you will be able to open the door."

Minhyun told her that he had a fingerprint system and so she did press her thumb against a machine, but she never expected for it to be this fancy. Crazy. This whole situation was similar to a scifi movie. Everything was advanced and she couldn't keep up.

Manager Kwon passed the luggage to her. "I am only allowed to come this far. It was a pleasure to meet you and I shall see you later on during your stay."

"Thank you!" Yoona squeaked before placing her attention back on the intimidating door. Would it really open like he said it would?

When she held onto the handle to open the door, indeed something clicked and the door was easily opened. A small laughed escaped her lips. This was so intense, she couldn't believe it. To think that by her mere fingerprint, the door would automatically open.

The smell of fresh laundry and cleanliness entered her nose. The lights in the room immediately turned on as she walked inside.

"Welcome Miss. Yoona," a robotic female voice greeted. Yoona almost leaped out of her skin. Now who the hell was that?

"I am Gloria, a digital-assistant for Mr. Chae Minhyun's home. Please come inside and close the door. My job is to assist my user when it comes to their needs to make their lives easier. I can check the weather, play songs, turn on the lights, play the television, and fulfill other requests. If you need my further assistance please state my name and say your order. Thank you."

Freaking hell. Now this was crazier. She'd seen advertisements for the google home and other smart-home devices, but Gloria was way better. How could a computer be so smart and efficient? This was insane.

All the worry she had when it came to living with Minhyun disappeared and excitement rumbled inside her chest. Now this was the life.