Smart Girl

Yoona furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me what?"

The smile on his face stayed perfect, but in his eyes, something flashed. "Don't be distant. Let's talk. I think you deserve an explanation for my terrible behavior."

She crossed her arms. What was there to explain? He participated in a bet with his sister with the intention to humiliate and misuse her trust. There really wasn't any way to justify his actions. None.

Besides, what was with the whole 'don't be distant' argument? Was he trying to guilt trip her? He was the one that broke up with her in front of her whole class, announcing it the world of social media. Why should she not be distant? In fact, as if right now, to slap him in the face and run away.

Since they were in a public area, she held down the urge of violence. People were casually walking back and forth underneath the sunny sky. There was no need to cause a huge commotion.

"Distant my ass. Go away. I don't want an explanation. You don't deserve the time of day. Go away."

Jaemin's breathe hitched at the back of his throat, his eyes widening as she spoke. "What happened to the sweet, angelic Yoona? Why are you swearing? You never swear."

Out of all things to say, that was what he picked up on?

She glared at him. "Dead."


"The sweet angelic Yoona is dead. You killed her the day you betrayed her. So long fucker."

Jaemin's smile faltered like a glitching television screen. The nice boy persona slowly disappearing. He was going to go crazy. How could his beautiful Yoona become so corrupted? She was supposed to be the goddess of perfection; an angel to the core. A sweet girl who brought innocence to all, yet such vile words were tainting her mouth.

This was not the plan.

Nothing was going the way he expected for it to go. Everything was going into shambles. By bringing Yoona to the depths of hell, she was supposed to go into despair. The only person to cling on should've been him. A broken angel.

Why was she so different?

Minhyun. The answer was Minhyun. That fucker. His fists clenched, turning a ghastly white. The reason to why she wasn't going to him was because Minhyun was by her side. She had him to rely on.

Just like his position in the Moon group, there was always someone trying to take what was originally his.

He released the tension out of his muscles, trying to calm down. There was no need to show such behavior in front of her.

"Yoona," he drawled. The corners of his eyes lowering slightly to give off a puppy look, trying to gain her sympathy. He tugged onto her shirt. "Please. I know my words won't justify what I've done but hear me out. I need a moment with you. Just the two of us."


"Was our one year together nothing to you?"

Excuse me?!? She looked at him with disbelief. Never has she been so offended in her life. The person asking that question should be her not him. He was the one that made their one year anniversary into nothing only lies. How hypocritical was he?

Her beautiful memories with him completely shattered. What did she even see in him? How did she not notice all these red flags.

One thing about Yoona was that she never got pissed. She always justified the actions of the other person, trying to understand their side. Even Jaeun, with all her - i will kill you - bogus, she still tried to hear the girl out.

Now, her compassion was all gone.

She scoffed. "I should be the one asking you that. Don't try to blame me for your actions."

Jaemin was not used to this type of Yoona. The girl he knew would give him a chance. The manipulation he used on her was suddenly washed away.

He grabbed her wrist. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to. I was emotional."

"Don't touch me," she said while swinging her wrist away. His fingers unleashed from her white skin.

"Sorry it was by impulse," he said sheepishly. Then Jaemin closed his eyes.

Begging her to take him more would only tarnish his image. By now, people were watching for everyone knew about their breakup. On the campus, he was a celebrity, always in the center of attention. This could not linger any further. "I am not asking for forgiveness. Nor am I asking for your care again. I just want to explain myself. I know Jaeun hasn't been acting the best, I apologize in her stead, but you must be curious to why we acted this way. If I tell you about my past, everything will make more sense."

Everything else was irrelevant, the only word that made Yoona's ears perked up was 'past'. That was something she did not expect to hear?

Didn't Minhyun say that they didn't have enough evidence to prove who was the murderer between the Moon twins? There was a chance that his past could serve as hints to the possibility of him being the murderer. Although the change of getting Jaemin to utter a word about his dead sister was low, if she could somehow force some evidence out of him wouldn't that be great? The likelihood wasn't zero.

Besides, from what she could tell, Jaemin was very emotional right now. He couldn't keep up his pretty boy mask for long.

Should she or should she not? Not was the question.

"Fine." While she spoke, she nonchalantly turned on her phone and pressed the voice record button. "Then speak."

He looked around while biting his lip. "Not here."

"Then where." Yoona narrowed her eyes, suspicious of his words.

Sensing her distrust, Jaemin raised his hands up in defense. "Anywhere private. My apartment is near here. We can go there."

"The private study rooms or nothing," Yoona firmly said. "No way in hell am I going to your apartment. I don't even want to be seen near that place."

He let out a sigh of defeat. The study rooms had thin walls and loud noises could be heard from outside, making it not the most ideal place for him to speak. However, there was no point in arguing, she had the upper hand. "Okay. Anything for you."

Originally, he wasn't this desperate to talk to her. In fact, he expected for her to come to him. However, when he saw Yoona go into Minhyun's car on Monday, he couldn't contain his emotions. For days he tried to bottle it in but failed. If there was an unknown variable in the mix, at least he should try to turn things to his favor.

While they walked to the study building, Yoona made sure to text Eunha that she was going to talk to her ex. Since Eunha had her location there was nothing to worry about. Besides, there were security cameras in the halls, recording everything happening. It wasn't like he could kill her and get away with it. That would be plain obvious. Jaemin was not a dumb man. Also, if she were to let out a scream, everyone would be able to hear and come to her rescue.

Picking the study rooms was no random choice. She had thought through it all.

To further secure herself, she texted Wooyoung saying that she was talking to a friend in the study building and for him to wait outside of it.

Finally, she texted Minhyun. The man deserved to know.


Minhyun heard his phone buzz against the table. While typing on his computer, through the cloud software, the text appeared in a small tab on his screen.

Yoona: I am going to speak to Jaemin right now. He says he wants to explain for his actions and I thought that maybe I could get some more information out of him as well. You did say you lacked testimonial evidence right? I got my phone handy to record everything.

Yoona: By the way, don't worry. We are also going to talk in the study room which is in a public building. I am going to specifically pick room 183, the one with the large windows for EVERYONE to see what's going on inside. Just wanted to let you know :)

Minhyun had already known that she talked to Jaemin. Xen texted him earlier saying that the two were talking. Disguised as a college student, Xen was casually blending into the crowd while watching everything go down.

At first, he was angry and wanted for Yoona to run away. There was no need for her to spare a word with this filth of a human being. However, as he began to think logically, the more he began to lean towards her talking to him. Yoona was no dumb girl. She was smart. There could be some use if she were to talk to him.

Although he wanted to rip her out of his clutches, in the end, the goal was to get rid of Jaemin once and for all. He should swallow his feelings for now. Everything would be over smoothly. He was going to win no matter what.

With a satisfied grin, he began to type on the keyboard.

Minhyun: Okay. Be careful. Shall I send you a bodyguard.

She already had one but he wasn't going to tell her that. Yet.

Yoona: No thanks! I got everything under control. Plus, I actually have some pepper spray in my bag. Last time, I thought someone was following me in the dark so I bought it in my spare time.

Smart girl.

However, even though she was responsible about the situation, he still made sure to tell Xen to put another recording device against their door and to stand in the hallways, prepared for anything to happen. With Xen by her side and in such a public area, there was no worry about safety, but Minhyun was still cautious. The person in the room was Yoona out of all people, she needed to be safe at all costs.

Of course, Jaemin wouldn't attack her all so suddenly. Sure, his morals were fucked up, warped to absolute darkness. However, behind that kind smile, he was someone who knew how to play his cards well. He was a manipulator. Although his emotions did get the best of him, he wasn't dumb enough to murder someone in pure daylight.

If he were to kill someone, it would be at a place where nobody could see, so that he could manipulate the evidence.