A Test

From now on Yoona was going to be on full-alert to have that stinking question in her brain answered.

Not going to lie, she was nervous for the gala. Not just because the Moon siblings were going to be there [though that terrified her too], but because of her relationship with Minhyun. She had to plan the gala night very carefully.

So this was her strategy. First, find out if Minhyun truly liked her. Then after finding this fact out, determine if her feelings for him were reciprocated or not. Depending on what her heart's answer was, she would either ask him the question during the gala or make up a completely different one.

The reason to why she was so elaborate was because this was the first time Yoona had ever experienced something like this. After all, her dating experiences were very limited. Sure, she had admirers and was hit on by many different men, but they did not hold the same significance as Minhyun did. Also, Jaemin made it outright obvious that he was interested in her and at that time, she was not interested in him. Therefore, she did not have to ponder about this topic.

Yoona nodded her head. Good plan.

Minhyun, who had been watching Yoona beside of her, leaned forward. His head was slightly cocked, trying to analyze the girl.

Suddenly, he leaned in closed to her ear, his hot breath fanning against her skin. "What are you thinking about?"

"Holy shit!" Yoona jumped up, before scrambling to regain herself. With her back against the sofa, she quickly turned her head to face him. "You scared me!"

Her skin tingled from the closeness.

He let out a chuckle while shaking his head. "If you are this easy to scare, then how are you going to fare against the Moon siblings? When you are thinking, you don't pay attention to your surroundings at all. You are too vulnerable."

Dear lord, at that time, he was too close. No wonder she was so suspicious of him.

Was this a sign? Did the proximity mean something or was he just fooling around with her? If she was correct, if a guy liked you, he would initiate contact like this right?

She stuck out her tongue. "I'm different at school okay." Her hands wrapped around her stomach. "Besides, i'm too hungry right now to speak. That is why I was so blanked out. When are we eating?"

What she was saying wasn't completely false. Her stomach had been rumbling quite a bit. If more time passed by, she knew that the sounds wouldn't be so tamed anymore.

Minhyun shook his head. This girl. She was so weird.

"The food is coming at six. Be patient."

For dinner, instead of going out, Minhyun planned on ordering food from the chef downstairs. Although they rarely did last minute dishes, since Minhyun had the authority, he was allowed to get a high-class full course meal without notice.

From past intel, he was able to garner information about what Yoona's favorite foods were. He was very surprised to see she had a diverse palette for delicacies all over the world. After obtaining this knowledge, he negotiated with the chefs to find the best course for her.

Yoona glanced over at the clock. There was still thirty minutes left.

She sent him a pout. "Then don't complain about my growling stomach okay?"


Yoona let out a sigh of relief, happy that her lie passed through. She really didn't need him to know about the battle going on in her mind about him.


Just like when they were younger, her stomach was the same, roaring like a lion.

There was a tint of red on Yoona's face.

In all honesty, she had forgotten to eat lunch due to the Jaemin incident so her stomach couldn't help but react this way. Nonetheless, she was still hungry and that was all that mattered to that noisy organ of hers.

Believe it or not. The growling of Yoona's stomach brought back happy memories to Minhyun.

Was it silly to say that he liked the sound?

When he was younger, alone in that quiet mansion with nobody to talk to, he remembered walking along the halls with Yoona when she was super hungry. Thinking back to those memories, he couldn't help but let out a smile.

Back then, when he was with her, those were the only positive memories of his childhood. And to think that same girl was beside of him right now. Sometimes, he thought that everything was dream, waiting to disappear from his grasps.

The sound of groaning entered his ears. Minhyun snapped out of his trance to look over at Yoona who looked as if she was in pain. Of course, it was quite obvious that she was exaggerating her actions.

"The time is ticking by so slowly..." She sounded as if she hadn't eaten for days. The tone of her voice raspy.

"There's only fifteen minutes left."

"More like fifteen hours."

Minhyun let out a sigh of annoyance. "You're too silly. I'm not sure how to deal with you sometimes."

She narrowed her eyes. Now, at times like this, it was clear that he was done with her. Someone who liked her wouldn't dare show annoyance. Confusing.

Testing the waters slightly, Yoona retorted back. "Then don't deal with me. Kick me out."

Minhyun smirked as if he knew what she had planned. "No thanks. I'm not letting you go."


"Because," he said. He fixed his necktie by loosening it up with his right hand. "Can you survive without me?"

Checkmate. He beat her in her game. There was no doubt when it came to word fights, Minhyun had the upper hand. He was just good with his words. At first when they met, she thought that he wouldn't be very good at speaking, but once they became close, it was clear that he was a master with making things go his way.

And he wasn't wrong. At the moment, she was very dependent on him, whether that be for the better or the worse.

Mission failed.

She crossed her arms. "Fine. You win. I shall stay in your humbled presence."

Minhyun nodded. "Of course you will."

"Arrogant bastard."

Minhyun clicked his tongue unhappily. "Sore loser."