Confessions of a Workaholic

"So what are your plans for the next few days?"

Minhyun picked up some kimchi before placing it in his mouth. He chewed as he waited for Yoona to say her answer.

She placed her index finger on her chin. "Well. Since I don't have work anymore, i'm planning on studying for the most part."

Knowing that her brain wasn't the greatest for memorizing, the only way for her to keep her grades up was by studying hard.

"Ah that must be tiring," Minhyun replied.

"It is tiring, but I wouldn't be surviving if I didn't work hard. Besides, it can't be worst than your job," she joked.

He cracked a small smile. "That's true. My position is quite a struggle, but I think I force myself to struggle when I don't need to."

"What do you mean?"

Since it was Yoona's last year as a university student, she was curious about his job. After all, she would be entering the workforce soon.

Plus, she'd also be working at MH in concerns to Lucas's restaurant this year. Gaining insight from the CEO would be a blessing.

"I involve myself too much in my work when I don't need to pry in," Minhyun answered. He paused to think for another moment. "I'm a bit controlling when it comes to company matters."

Yoona nodded. "Well that makes sense because you want the company to succeed."

Minhyun looked out the window, admiring he view. The sight of cars and buildings entered his vision. "Yeah. I want to bring MH to become the top business of the world."

Big goals and he wasn't too far from succeeding either. MH was already top in Korea and one of the top fifty in the world. It was very inspiring to hear.

"Wow, that sounds great! That makes sense since the business must be important to you because your family worked really hard to build it up."

Minhyun stayed silent. Most people assumed that his greed for the company success was due to his family. To continue the legacy. However, his reasons were completely different. And they included Yoona.

"That is not the reason."

Family? Please. His father was dead in his eyes and the other members could rot in hell for all he cared.

Yoona furrowed her eyebrows."Then what is the reason?"

He took a sip from his water. He spoke after placing the glass cup down. "For power."

She widened her eyes. Power?

Of course there were people who worked to strive for power, it was one of the greatest assets of being at the top. But when she looked at Minhyun, she never expected him to work for that reason. After all, working for power was quite materialistic in a sense.

"Oh. That is quite unexpected," she said. "Why power?"

Minhyun wiped over his mouth with a tissue before speaking. His eyes darkened and his lips turned grim.

"When I was younger, I didn't have enough power. Therefore, I couldn't protect what was important to me. The reason to why I strive for something so materialistic is so that I can protect myself and my loved ones."

Yoona's whole body freezes up. Something about his answer radiated sadness to her.

When she looked in his eyes, she couldn't help but feel as if there was more to his words.

When he said loved ones, he was referring to her. She was positive. There was no way this feeling of hers could be lying.

It was due to her leaving the estate wasn't it? Had it affected him that much?

But from what she remembered, her mother didn't mention anything about power. She thought that mother left voluntarily. Now thinking back, could there have been more to the situation?

Ah. So confusing.

She gulped, regaining her ability to speak. "I didn't realize working for power can have such an honourable reason. That makes sense."

The tense atmosphere suddenly disappeared as Minhyun smiled. "Thank you."

He continued: "Don't worry about power when you work though. You can have mine."

The lighthearted tone in his voice made her relax again. "Well, I'm already borrowing your power quite a lot these days. You don't need to tell me twice," she teased.

Everything was back to normal. Yoona was relieved. When he stared at her with those type of eyes, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Not in a bad way, but....

She wasn't sure herself. It was just uneasy. Too intense.

To keep up the atmosphere, Minhyun remembered something that he was supposed to tell her.

"On the topic of working," he said with a lazed smile. "The official proposal for Lucas's restaurant and the signing will happen in about a week. I already spoke to him about it beforehand a few days ago. He said because it is going to be his restaurant, he wants to strictly be in charge of whats proposed."

She had almost forgotten asking about the jobs that Minhyun had offered when they first met. It had been a while and she forgot to stay updated.

Since Yoona hadn't spoken to Lucas, she had no idea that this was happening. She nodded slightly. "Oh, I see."

"The reason to why both of us kept this from you is because he didn't want to bother you during a stressful time," Minhyun added. "He wants to add you to the project once everything settles down. Don't worry though, a project like this, especially as MH's first restaurant project is going to take at least six months to launch. You'd be able to work then."

She shook her head with a smile on her face. These boys. They care too much.

Honestly, even gaining the experience working at MH was enough for her. With all that said, the plan was fine with her.

He didn't need to give her a job. She could be under qualified for all she knew.

"Mm I see. Okay," she said while snapping her fingers. "I should talk to him soon then. It's been a while."

Without working at Bianchi, it was hard meeting the two, especially since all three of them had different hobbies and went to different places. Last time she heard, Lucas was busy making dishes, trying to creating his own recipes. It's been about a week but she still missed him, especially since she used to see him almost everyday.

Minhyun nodded in response.

Although he wasn't planning on speaking to Lucas other than the project, the man was quite decent. He couldn't lie that there was a part of him that burned seeing how close the Yoona and him were, especially since him and Yoona was still building their relationship. However, Lucas wasn't a threat to him. From what he could see from their conversations, the man had given up the day they had met.

He knew his place in Yoona's heart as only a friend and decided to not cause her more harm.

Minhyun approved.

Yoona cocked her head. "Yeah and since I don't need to pay for rent and food anymore, I don't think I need to work for a while..."

He could see the discomfort on her face. But unlike before, when she used to protest against him, she accepted the fact that she was getting spoiled.

"So its all good!" She finished.

Knowing that the two men were being considerate to her, she couldn't whine about being cared for.

Yoona couldn't help but smile when these thoughts entered her brain. She could feel her opinions and thoughts change slowly.

Although everything had been stressful, it was changing her into a bigger person. And for that, she was thankful.