The Princess and the CEO

The days passed quickly shortly after their home-warming party. While Yoona was occupied with school, Minhyun was busy with his work. Due to his arrival in Korea, many of the directors were all eager to schedule meetings with him.

Most of his hours were spent talking to people sucking up to his greatness and company meetings while the other half was him focusing on reports and project work. For a man who deemed himself to be unsocial, he met with a lot more people than he liked.

Since the gala was on Sunday, two days before the event, Yoona was scheduled to talk to the famous designer Desire Francis. After hearing the name, Eunha couldn't help but freak out.

Yoona was going to wear a dress made by one of the best designers in the fashion industry? She wanted to faint yet again.

Hearing that Eunha was a fan, Yoona decided to bring her friend along to their meeting.

"I love you so much right now," Eunha cooed while holding her arm. They were in the car, driving to Desire's shop. "You don't know how grateful I am. You're letting me meet a legend."

Yoona scrunched her nose. "A legend?"

"Yup, the person I look up to the most in the fashion industry. Desire Francis."

"Is she that famous?"

Eunha widened her eyes and shook her head vigorously. "She's won so many awards for the past years for her designs and she's created some of the most amazing pieces I've ever seen! If you mention her name in a fashion school, everyone is going to rave about her. A legend is what we all call her."

Yoona didn't know they were meeting such a great person.

"Oh wow," she said. "That's pretty cool that i'm getting a dress from her then."

"Yup. She never takes personal requests so you are a really lucky person right now. So jealous."

Minhyun's contacts were really something huh? Yoona shouldn't have expected for the designer to be no ordinary person if they personally knew Minhyun to some extent.

Their destination was a downtown beauty shop residing in the middle of a classy district. With sleek white walls and black-tiled floors, the shop was gorgeous to look at. The workers had talent in all types of beauty from makeup to clothes so there was no doubt that the interior would be perfect as well.

Upon entering the building, in the corner of Eunha's eyes, she could see famous people of all ranks. A gasp escaped her lips when she noticed one of her favorite celebrities.

She excitedly tapped Yoona's shoulder. "Isn't that Sana from Twice?"


Yoona peered over her shoulder, trying to decipher who Eunha was talking about. However, she had no clue to who she could be pointing out.

Eunha sent her a 'do-you-live-under-a-rock' look. "You have no life."

She raised her eyebrow pointing at herself. "I'm the one that doesn't have a life. Me? Says the one who spends her time fawning over celebrities."

"Rude. So rude," Eunha replied with a pout.

A giggle escaped her lips. "Just kidding. You can admire them as much as you want. I don't care."

When they reached the front desk, Yoona took out Minhyun's business card, telling the worker that she was scheduled with Desire. At first when looking upon their attire, the lady did not look ecstatic to tend for them. In fact she was slightly rude. However, upon seeing Minhyun's card and hearing her name the lady widened her eyes before standing up. She quickly grabbed her things and straightened her skirt.

"Right this way Miss's!"

Eunha leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Serves her right. She's scared of us huh?"

"That's what Minhyun's power does to people," she replied. "He's a god in the high-class world."

"A god that is trying to make you his goddess," the short-haired girl teased.

Yoona's cheeks burned as she hit her friend in the arm. "Stop it!

During their car ride, she had told Eunha about the discovery of her feelings and the potential of them becoming more than just friends. As their number one shipper and best friend, Eunha was absolutely ecstatic to hear the news. Her screeches still pierced Yoona's eardrum to this hour.

She regretted telling her. Slightly. Just slightly.

Her poor eardrums.

When they reached the top, the elevators opened to a room full of clothes. Different mannequins wearing exquisite clothing and rackets full of different pieces.

To Eunha this was her heaven. The place she wanted to stay in forever.

"Ah you girls must be from Minhyun's appointment?"

Yoona looked up to a middle-aged lady in front of them with crossed arms. Her hair was a sleek brown, curling up when reaching her shoulders. On her nose perched a pair of sharp glasses that brought up her intimidation a notch. She was wearing a simple black blouse and a red skirt alongside a pair of high heels.

Yoona could feel her friend stiffen beside of her.

"Yes, we are," she answered. She took a step forward and brought out her hand. "My name is Yoona nice to meet you."

Desire shook her hand. "Desire Francis. A pleasure."

Then the lady used her index to bring her glasses higher up her nose, narrowing her eyes at Eunha. "I wasn't told that another one would come."

Eunha quickly bowed. Her body was stiff. "N-nice to meet you! I am Yoona's friend and I came over because I admire your work. I am just going to be looking so please just treat me as if I'm invisible!"

Desire was slightly taken back by the overwhelmingly enthusiastic young girl, but nonetheless, decided to let the situation pass. "Very well. You dress okay so I'll give you a pass. Shall we go now? We don't have time."

The two nodded before following the highly-esteemed designer.

While they were walking through the halls, Eunha excitedly whispered in her ear. "She complimented my clothes! I'm so happy?"

Was that a compliment? Since Yoona didn't want to ruin Eunha's happy moment, she decided to nod along.

Desire led them to a fitting room and when she opened the blinds, Yoona couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.

In front of her eyes was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen.

A beautiful dark blue hue which resembled the reflections of stars against the ocean, the dress was everything she'd ever want in a piece of clothing. The bodice was a heart-shape strapless which tightened at her waist before flowing outwards over her legs. Sparkles imprinted on the top half, spreading as the dress went down.

"Wow," Eunha said. Her eyes glistened. "Amazing. I am in awe."

"Isn't it a beauty?" Desire said with her hands on her hips. "One of my greatest pieces of art yet."

Yoona bit her lip slightly. It was absolutely beautiful. Too perfect for her to wear. "Do you think it will fit. I don't think you have my measurements."

Everything was going too smoothly. Her heart beat nervously.

"Minhyun sent us your measurements so you will be fine. Now, we just need for you to try on the dress to make sure everything fits well. We can make adjustments too if you lost or gained weight."

Wait a minute… What? Yoona tilted her head back in confusion. How did Minhyun have her measurements. She hadn't told him anything.

"Ah okay then," she said suspiciously. She glanced over at Eunha before facing Desire again. "I'll change then."

Weird. Very weird.

Eunha giggled. "Measurements huh? I guess he knows your bust size as well."

Yoona was going to kill her. She really was.

Luckily, Eunha's voice was quiet enough for only the two of them to hear or else she would've died of embarrassment.

Well, she already was, knowing that Minhyun knew a lot more than he led on.

Since the dress was a one of a kind, the staff helped her put it on. Although she was a bit embarrassed being half-naked in front of a group of people, she obeyed their words.

Once she put it on, Yoona felt like a princess. She never would've imagined to have worn anything like this. The smile on her face couldn't leave.

Eunha squealed and ran towards her. Then she swiftly grabbed her hands in excitement. "You look SO stunning. I am so shook."

Yoona blushed slightly. "Thanks girl. The dress is really doing wonders."

"The model is also bringing the colors out as well," Eunha said with a wink. "Don't underestimate yourself."

After their little conversation, Desire asked for her to turn around so that the staff could see the entirety of the dress. Since the gala was going to be the first time for the piece to be revealed, they wanted everything to be perfect.

"Does everything feel right," Desire asked.

Yoona nodded. "Yup. Feels snug as ever."

Whatever measurements Minhyun had were right on the dot.

"Patricia," Desire called.

A staff member took a step up. "Yes Miss. Francis?"

"After she removes the dress, put it in the VIP room so she can pick it up on Sunday when the gala happens."

"Okay, I shall."

After the dress was removed, Yoona walked towards Desire with a smile on her face. To think that she would be the one to wear this unique piece of art was an honor.

Eunha had even told her that Desire never took orders like this. Minhyun must've pulled some special strings for this too happen.

"Thank you so much!" She said. "I really love the dress."

Desire's lips stayed grim and she curtly nodded. "I owe Minhyun a favor anyways. So it's fine."

"What kind of favor if I may ask?"

The designer let out a chuckle and for once, Yoona saw a smile on her face. "It's personal, but let's just say that he saved me once."

Minhyun really had multiple sides, didn't he?

"Oh really?" Yoona said. "That's really great to hear. Minhyun sure is great huh?"

Desire pursed her red lips. "I'd say that statement would differ person to person, but I am glad to see that you think so. I don't know him too much on a personal level, but I do know that he doesn't let many people close to him. For him to use me as a card for a single gala means that you are an important person. I was curious to see who you were but no doubt, Minhyun had picked quite the model for my dress."

Yoona cocked her head. There was so many pieces of information for her to take in from Desire's statement. Nonetheless, she decided to go with the flow and to keep everything positive.

"Ah thank you," she said with a nervous smile. "He's like a hero to me."

"I'm sure he is." Desire proceeded to place her hand on Yoona's shoulder. "And to him, you must be a savior as well."

A savior? Her? Compared to what Minhyun has done, she returned absolutely nothing. For someone who didn't know the entirety of their relationship, how was Desire able to conclude this?

"What do you mean?"

Desire clicked her tongue. "When he talks, his tone is rough and he goes straight to the point. He's a rock to talk to, uninterested in anything but his business. However, when he called me for this favor, for once his tone was softer and he cared deeply about what you would wear."

She looked straight into Yoona's eyes. "For the first time in my life, Chae Minhyun did not sound empty. He was human."


When Yoona arrived home she was famished. To heal her hungry stomach, she quickly went to the convenient store with Minhyun's VIP card and bought some triangular kimbap. There was no need to eat expensively considering the amount of money that stinking dress costed.

A stinking five hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars! For something she would only wear once in her life! To Minhyun, it was as if he was spending only twenty dollars but to her, it was a lifetime amount of money. Talk about feeling full.

This didn't even include the hair, makeup, shoes, and the jewelry. She wanted to cry.

In her frustrated state, the words Desire had voiced echoed in her mind.

'For the first time in my life, Chae Minhyun did not sound empty. He was human.'

A smile entered her lips. To her, Minhyun was always a kind person with so much depth, but to hear someone say this type of statement made her realize how much more important she was to him.

And it arose warmth in her chest.

After filling her stomach, she happily skipped to her room. Since there was a nice desk placed in the corner, she used this time to study. Tomorrow was going to be booked for her so it was better to get the work done now.

Time passed by quickly while she sat at the desk. She didn't realize that the sun had disappeared, letting the moon take its stage in the sky.

Suddenly, when she was about to get ready for bed, she could hear Gloria's voice.

Minhyun was here.

As he made his way to his room, Yoona quickly cleaned up her supplies and textbooks, making everything neat before going out to see him.

Since she was too curious about the question of 'how the hell he had her measurements!', she quickly opened the door to his room without knocking.

However, she was faced with a sight that she never dreamed of seeing.

Holy guacamole.

For someone who was busy with work, his body was a lot better than what she expected.

He was in the middle of taking off his white shirt. His hands quickly unbuttoned the front, before removing the fabric off his shoulders to reveal his toned arms and his upper body.

The dim, yellow light shines against the highs of his skin, the darkness seeping in to the cracks accentuating his muscles.

Yoona's eyes trailed down, shocked to see the [author's note: wonderful] sight in front of her.

She wasn't the materialistic type to look at men's bodies, but he was very fine. When she went out with other male colleagues to the beach, they didn't interest her one bit. Jaemin did get a response out of her, but she never felt quite as attracted. Minhyun was another story.

Once she realized how creepy she was for the last few seconds, she immediately squealed and covered her eyes.

"I'm so sorry!"

Minhyun chuckled as he completely removed the shirt, acting as if nothing happened. He was surprised when she came in suddenly, but showing her such a view, wasn't a problem. Perhaps arrogant, but he was quite confident in himself. For the sake of his health, he tried to maintain a work out schedule everyday when he had time.

From her expression, it didn't seem like she minded either.

Yoona's mind went blank.

"It's fine," he said. His hands went over his belt as he began to unbuckle.

His eyes trailed to her. A smirk playing on his lips. "I need to change. Unless you want to watch, I suggest you leave. Your choice."

Oh shit yes. I mean no!

Yoona laughed nervously and quickly ran behind to the hallways. Her face red as a tomato. "Sorry about that!"

Minhyun let out a chuckle. He had never seen her this taken aback and nervous around him before so it was quite a treat. The progress was going well.

Perhaps he should take off his shirt more often.

While her back was against the door, Yoona calmed herself down. Trying to get the image of his body out of her mind, she decided to ask her question. "Hey Minhyun."


"Uh Desire said that you sent her my measurements. How did you find those?" She asked.

There was a pause. "Oh your measurements? Eunha told me. I messaged her about it since I assumed that she would know better as someone who styled you before."

Ah. Eunha told him? She cursed under her breathe. That sneaky bitch. She knew all along but played dumb didn't she?

"T-thank you then!" Yoona said before scurrying to her room.

How will she be able to face him again?