A Tease

"Wait!" Mr. Seo said, trying to unravel himself from the security guards clutches. He proceeded to hit a guard in the head. "I can't be kicked out! Do you know who I am? I shouldn't have these peasants touching me so carelessly!"

His screaming and wailing caught the attention of many and everyone couldn't help but freeze in fear. This was his punishment for angering Chae Minhyun. Although some of his close subordinates were watching, none of them stood up for the old man. Instead, they ignored his words, labeling him as rude and uneducated. For an old man, to display such acts of anger in a luxury event was not acceptable.

To Yoona, it was quite funny to see the old man thrashing around.

"Wasn't that a bit too harsh?" She said with a giggle.

Minhyun shrugged. "He deserved it."

Nobody was allowed to talk to Yoona in such a degrading manner. Especially since she was his date to the gala. As a business professional, Mr. Seo should've known better.

Unfortunately, it was a common theme for older rich men to look down on young pretty women. After all, the world of gold-diggers, trophy wives, and extreme sugar-babying existed in this world. It wasn't hard to find a women who would spend a night with one of these men for a few thousand dollars. They were only viewed as toys who could fulfill their needs.

However, no matter what you've experienced with these type of people, Mr. Seo shouldn't have expected for Yoona to be the same. This was a lesson to not only Mr. Seo but the rest of the horny men who eyed her.

Don't mess with his women. A new law was placed.

"Totally," Yoona said. Her mind flashed back memories from last time. "When I was with Jaemin, he tried to set him up with his granddaughter in front of me. Can't you believe it?"

He chuckled and gestured for her to look at the far right corner. "You mean her?"

There was a beautiful, young girl watching Mr. Seo plead with an embarrassed expression. Her hand was hiding half her face and she let out a huff. From their similar eyes, it was clear that this young girl was the one they were talking about.

"Good eye," Yoona commented. She cocked her head as she analyzed the girl. Unlike the other females in the room, she didn't give too cocky of a vibe. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that her grandfather was being hauled away. Nonetheless, she was very pretty and classy, standing out among the other girls. "I got to give it to her though. She is really pretty. I understand why Mr. Seo was so proud of her."

The corner of Minhyun's lip curled upwards. "You're prettier."

"Don't say that," she hissed. Embarrassment was evident on her cheeks. "It makes me feel weird."

He took a step closer. As the proximity between the two shortened, Minhyun could feel Jaemin's eyes burned through his head. The left corner of his lip curled up into a smirk. Since that fucker was watching, why not go a step further? He slid his hand down her arm slowly, in a sensual manner. "In what way?"

A shiver ran down Yoona's spine.

"Just-" she began. Suddenly her eyes widened and realization came to play. She was so distracted by his subtly touch that she didn't see Minhyun's face closing in, their noses almost touching. As she tried to back up, she accidentally tripped due to unbalance in her heels. She began to flail around.

Oh god, she was going to make a fool out of herself.

When she was about to fall backwards, Minhyun quickly grabbed onto her waist using his fast reflexes. Luckily, she didn't fall into the floor, embarrassing herself in front of many.

However the scene that appeared was something similar to a scene from a romance drama. His hand was on her waist and their faces were close together, similar to the length that scared her before.

Yoona gulped, unable to take in everything that was happening. Either Minhyun was very good at orchestrating these situations or the gods wanted them to be together. The end result was always the same. She always found herself in these types of situations. Not that she was complaining.

"W-wait," she began with a shaky voice. Due to her racing mind, it was hard for her to speak. The words got caught in her throat.

Wait a minute... What was she supposed to say again?

"You were about to say something?" Minhyun mumbled. His attention were on her lips.

Yoona could feel her heart through her chest and she was scared that Minhyun could hear its loud beating as well. She gulped. Was it happening? A kiss? She wasn't sure what to think of the whole situation. All she knew was that there was something brewing between them at this very moment.

He leaned in.

It was happening. Yoona braced herself.

Should she close her eyes? What about the people around them? Did her breath smell okay!?!

Just when he was only a few centimeters away from her lips, he smoothly moved away, whispering inside of her ear.

His hot breath added fire to her already tickling skin. "Stand up. It's almost time for the auction."

There was a mischievous smile on his lips. It was clear that he played with her.

Oh god.

That asshole.

Yoona puffed her cheeks, trying to hid the embarrassment. She quickly stood up and flattened the sides of her dress. Some people in the room noticed their interaction, while others were leaving for the auction room to take part. He was right. It was time for the auction, but, he didn't need to interrupt with that excuse?!?

When he leaned in, she was actually looking forward to the kiss. It confirmed everything in her heart once more. Yet, he had the audacity to back away?

She was going to get him back for this. He knew that she was expecting a kiss, she could see it in his eyes.

Just you wait Chae Minhyun. Yoona vowed to hit him back when he least expected it.