A Confession

After the auction, the last event of the night was taking place. It was a social event again, but it was known amongst the crowd that the main focus would be dancing. Now that everyone had spoken and observed the people in the room, it was time to choose their pick.

Many individuals began to eye each other, trying to find a worthy dance partner.

Similar to a blind date, through the dance, people would be able to see if the other was worthy of them. To see how well they fit with one another.

Of course, for one who wasn't talented in the art of dancing it would be disadvantageous, however, it was also their fault for not practicing enough. Any flaw was looked down upon.

The orchestra began to play whimsical music with their violins, cellos, and flutes.

To set the mood, a couple began to walk to the floor to dance. Soon enough, many others followed with their partners.