The Aftermath

By the time the gala finished, the news had spread all over, even reaching international grounds.

For a country with high bullying rates, many people were enraged by Jaeun's actions. The fact that a golden spoon was using their powers to silence their victims was inhumane. Nobody wanted to stand and watch another rich person get away with their actions.

Included in the viral post was Jaeun ordering students to physically abuse victims, forcing young girls into washroom stalls and tormenting them with her groupies, group chats including the victims made for the purpose of cyber bullying them, and recordings of conversations of her slut-shaming young girls for falling for her brother.

Seeing this injustice made petitions rampage among the readers to kick her out of university. Even the council couldn't shield the Moon group. The amount of pressure from the internet outweighed the amount of money they obtained from donations.