The Question

Since night was taking over and the cold breeze started to blow, the trio decided to get changed and get ready for the next event. Yoona took a shower, trying to get all the sand off her body, before getting changed. Since the weather would be chilly at night she opted for an over-sized purple sweater and her sweats.

When she walked outside, Minhyun and Ji-ho had already set a fire. In Minhyun's house he already had an installed fireplace set in the middle of his patio. With the switch of a button, the flames soared high in the sky. There was no need for wood or lighters.

Since they hadn't eaten dinner yet, today's meal was going to be cooked food near the fire. Ingredients such as sausages, sweet potatoes, different skewers, and corn were laid on the table. Ji-ho had suggested that instead of going to a restaurant, they should just cook it themselves. It was a fun and easy method.

Minhyun was reluctant at first. He wasn't sure how the food was going to taste.