
Yoona closed her eyes, trying to think of a plan.

Although she didn't know how close Minhyun was at finding her location, she had to try her best to lesson any wrongs that could happen in this situation. Usually most people would try to escape, however, there was no way out other than the door. With Jaemin in the vicinity it was impossible to escape and she had no idea what was on the outside anyways. There could be more danger.

The only thing she could do was wait for him while trying her best to stall for time.

Currently, their conversation was at the at the point where Jaemin had described Minhyun as the devil. A hypocritical title considering what Jaemin has done throughout his life plus the potential of him being a murderer.

She knew exactly what he was planning to do. He wanted to ruin the image of her boyfriend in her mind. This moment was crucial. Now she had a chance to stall time using this topic.