White Mask

Minhyun sat on his bed.

His body was cold.

All he could think about was how Ji-ho was gone.

Never to be in this house again.

Minhyun's sleeve was wet from wiping the tears that fell down his face. He looked at it, his eyes stirring with disbelief before letting out a chuckle. Even that one time he cried over not getting sweets, he didn't cry this much. Did he really just cry all by himself in his room? It was silly to think about.

In fact, despite the fact that nobody was looking, he felt embarrassed. There was something out of place about him reacting this way. To be this emotional.

Chae Minhyun did not cry.

He didn't deserve to cry over someone's death.

Especially after what he's done.

Alas, the demons that were ingrained in his mind were struck down by Ji-ho's words. Everything he knew was being shattered by a new truth. A revelation that he believed in and wanted so bad to be true..

He was not a monster and he deserved to be loved.